Tuesday, March 7th 2023

NVIDIA to Clear Out GA104 Inventory by Carving GeForce RTX 3060 Out of Them
NVIDIA is preparing yet another variant of the GeForce RTX 3060 "Ampere" graphics card, by carving it out of the much larger "GA104" silicon. This SKU will feature 12 GB of faster 19 Gbps GDDR6X memory. Across a 192-bit memory bus, this yields an impressive 456 GB/s of memory bandwidth that's higher than the bandwidth of the original RTX 3070 with 14 Gbps GDDR6 memory across a 256-bit memory bus (448 GB/s). From what we can tell, the core-configuration of the card remains the same, with 3,584 CUDA cores, 112 Tensor cores, 28 RT cores, 112 TMUs, and 48 ROPs. This SKU is carved out of the GA104 silicon by enabling 28 out of 48 SM (that's 58% of the available number-crunching machinery); and slashing down the memory interface by 25%.
34 Comments on NVIDIA to Clear Out GA104 Inventory by Carving GeForce RTX 3060 Out of Them
I'd laugh, but rarely has 'market compensation/correction' (in regards to supply-glut+demand-slump) even been of benefit to consumers: The '(r)e-tail apocalypse' seems to be leaving nvidia in a similar position to NAND and NAND-device manufacturers.
InB4 the fires, floods, outages and other 'supply chain problems'. :mad:
That extra bandwidth will probably help in some cases. The question is if coming out with a faster RTX 3060 is an indication that RTX 4060 will be considerably more expensive than $329. And I think we all know that answer for a long time now.
Rather than move the market forward, having already crushed AMD's market share to sub-10% Nvidia are simply trying to extort the market to its limits while they have a near-monopoly. This is Nvidia, it's how they've operated in most non-consumer markets for years.
I'll keep recommending that people dip into the used market and avoid paying Nvidia a dime because there's no shortage of Ampere cards on the usual used markets and when you can buy them with the option to return them if faulty and with buyer protection from some of these used marketplaces, it really is dumb to buy a new Ampere card right now for the prices Nvidia want for them; Most of them are at least 2 years old so Nvidia selling them at or above MSRP is ridiculous.
Old tat that should have been sold years ago but that would have dropped the market price of 3##£ well I am not buying this tatt.
Do yourself a favor if you're looking for a mid-ranged GPU that can handle 1440p well, get a 6700XT/6750XT instead. They're pricing at $380-440 (Micro Center). You'd have anywhere from 20-30% performance gain over a 3060 at 1440p, same amount of VRAM (12GB) and have the same or slightly better performance with ray tracing, if that's your thing.
We get over 10 „diffrent“ gpus from Nvidia each series anyways