Saturday, June 17th 2023

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Launches October 20, Exclusively on PlayStation 5

Everyone at Insomniac Games is thrilled to announce that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will launch on Friday, October 20th, 2023, only on PlayStation 5. After the amazing fan reception for Marvel's Spider-Man in 2018 and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales in 2020, the team has worked tirelessly over the past few years to make this third installment in the franchise the sequel you have been waiting for. Built from the ground up for PlayStation 5 console, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will unlock the power of the console with better visuals, faster web swinging (and web wings!), 3D Audio, and near-instant character switching. We speak for all our collaborators and friends at PlayStation and Marvel Games, when we say that we cannot wait for you to get your hands on this incredible single-player open-world experience.

In Marvel's Spider-Man 2, players will get to experience Marvel's New York as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales. As you saw in the PlayStation Showcase last month - the main storyline of the game will have you take control of both Spider-Men at different points of the campaign. In the open world, you will be able to switch nearly instantly between them as you explore Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. Both Spider-Men have stories and missions in the world exclusive to each of them.
As you can see from our box art, Peter and Miles are both key protagonists in our story. The iconic red background returns, but darkness surrounds as fan-favorite villains like Venom, Lizard, and Kraven threaten them and Marvel's New York. You will also notice that each character's arm represents their new abilities: Peter with the symbiote, Miles with his evolved bioelectric Venom powers.

In addition to our launch date, we are excited to walk you through your options for experiencing Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Pre-orders will opened yesterday (June 16th, 2023) at all participating retailers, PlayStation Store, and Pre-Orders will go live at 10:00 AM local time on June 16, 2023 (10am EDT/ 7am PDT in U.S.). Fans who pre-order any version of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will receive an early unlock Arachknight Suit for Peter with 3 additional color variants, an early unlock Shadow Spider Suit for Miles with 3 additional color variants, an early unlock Web Grabber gadget, and 3 skill points to get you started!

You will see the beautiful box art adorning the standard edition of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for $69.99 / £69.99/ €79.99/ ¥8,980 MSRP. But that is not all! There will be a Digital Deluxe and Collector's Edition of the game!
The Digital Deluxe edition of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 ($79.99 / £79.99/ €89.99/ ¥9,980 MSRP) will include the game, all the pre-order incentives, as well as 10 unique suits (5 for Peter, 5 for Miles), additional Photo Mode frames and stickers, and 2 additional skill points.

Additionally, we are excited to announce that these 10 suits were designed by guest artists across comics, films, and PlayStation Studios! The featured artists are Kris Anka, Julia Blattman, Sweeney Boo, Anthony Francisco, Raf Grassetti, Jerad Marantz, Joel Mandish, Darren Quach, and Victoria Ying! Pre-orders are live for Digital Deluxe edition now.
For our hardcore Spider-Man fans out there who want an incredible Spider-Man collectible alongside Marvel's Spider-Man 2, we have just the edition for you while supplies last. The Collector's Edition ($229.99 / £219.99/ €249.99/ ¥31,980 MSRP) includes a voucher for the Digital Deluxe Edition, as well as a Steelbook case, and an extraordinary, high-quality 19-inch statue featuring our Spider-Men battling fan-favorite Venom. Fans can order the Collector's Edition on in those select markets (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal) started at 10AM local time on June 16, 2023.

For those countries that do not have, be on the lookout for more information on how you can secure a Collector's Edition in your region.
We cannot wait for you to get your hands on the game on October 20th, 2023, only on PlayStation 5. In the meantime, prepare to get your pre-orders in for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 at PlayStation Store,, or a friendly retailer online or near you on June 16th, 2023. And for all the latest from Insomniac Games, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Source: PlayStation Blog
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39 Comments on Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Launches October 20, Exclusively on PlayStation 5

kapone32Then there would be no reason to buy a PS5. Xbox is so compatible with PC because Microsoft owns both and saw the number of PC Gamers mushroom during Covid. Since 1999, just like Nintendo before it Sony has created it's own Eco system. I am not happy about it but I do understand and it is not anti consumer. HZD was great and I would love to play the new one but there are plenty of PC Games available that are not on PS5.
I have already said that there are reasons to own a console but exclusives shouldn't be one of them.

There shouldn't be PC exclusives either. Any game can be made to run on PC and the latest PS and Xbox consoles.
Posted on Reply
64KI have already said that there are reasons to own a console but exclusives shouldn't be one of them.

There shouldn't be PC exclusives either. Any game can be made to run on PC and the latest PS and Xbox consoles.
I am of the position that Exclusives are a part of it and I understand that everything has X86 at it's foundation more today than ever before but the only difference between the PS5 and Xbox1 are exclusives. That is why PS5 outsells Xbox and I still cannot play Gran Turismo anything on PC. There is though that IRacing is a PC only Game. Just be glad that we can get them at some point.
Posted on Reply
I am pro-consumer and pro-choice. Anything that runs against those two tenets is bad for gaming imo. I have been a PC gamer for decades because the freedom of choice runs in my blood. PC gaming hardware isn't for every gamer though. A lot of gamers like the idea of having a console instead of keeping up with hardware and the price of a console is alluring. Also a lot of gamers don't want to be bothered with tweaking settings for optimal play on whatever their PC hardware might be or could be. A lot of gamers just want to push the "on" button and go. For them a console is the best choice over a PC.
Posted on Reply
64KI am pro-consumer and pro-choice.
That's exactly what I said. Your perspective is one-sided. I get where you're coming from, but I still don't agree and I don't see exclusives as a bad thing either, for reasons mentioned, the main and key one being that its a driver for innovation and creativity - and this is a FACT, supported by history, written by Sony itself, as opposed to the lackluster Xbox library in terms of unique content. We would not have had Okami, or Shadow of the Colossus, or a myriad of other unique concepts if it wasn't for Sony's approach to funding and content.

Its also not true that Sony is making less money off their console. You would do well to look at the numbers before those bold statements.

The reason MS is doing what its doing is because they cant be arsed to invest as much as Sony in new IP. They're happier buying up studios and publishers left and right, and then pushing that shit over their cloud services. Nothing in their strategy points at producing great new games, that's just something that also happens alongside a bigger business model.

That difference in approach again is an example of what I pointed out earlier: companies need unique selling points.
64Kpush the "on" button and go. For them a console is the best choice over a PC.
This unique selling point doesn't exist anymore, and it hasn't since PS4. Games run crossplatform and are pretty much identical in the entire experience, the only difference being that on a console you don't use a launcher, but you click an icon just the same and then the game might have to update prior to being able to play.

Also, controller support, especially for ports, is perfect. You can couch game on a PC np. This reality actually supports the existence of exclusive content, again, for reasons mentioned.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86That's exactly what I said. Your perspective is one-sided. I get where you're coming from, but I still don't agree and I don't see exclusives as a bad thing either, for reasons mentioned, the main and key one being that its a driver for innovation and creativity - and this is a FACT, supported by history, written by Sony itself, as opposed to the lackluster Xbox library in terms of unique content.

Its also not true that Sony is making less money off their console. You would do well to look at the numbers before those bold statements.

The reason MS is doing what its doing is because they cant be arsed to invest as much as Sony in new IP. They're happier buying up studios and publishers left and right, and then pushing that shit over their cloud services. Nothing in their strategy points at producing great new games, that's just something that also happens alongside a bigger business model.
My statement was that Sony could be making more money if this Spiderman 2 game was releasing on PC and Xbox at the same time. That's not a bold statement. That is common knowledge. Why do you think MS began the trend of dual release on what used to be console exclusives.

If you think that pro-consumer and pro-choice is one sided then we are too far apart on points of view to ever be able to agree.
Posted on Reply
64KExclusives are bad. They are anti-consumer. It's off topic but EGS has already been judged for their anti-consumer practices by gamers and are an abysmal failure. 4.5 years later with their timed exclusives and barrage of free games they are still not considered anything even approaching a worthy opponent of Steam and EGS is barely profitable. What Sweeney is doing is using profits from selling Fortnite microtransactions to prop up his failed store. That is a warped business model. It's Sweeney's personal grudge against Steam that keeps this farce going. At first it made sense from a new business venture perspective to lose money to try to promote EGS but now it's just sad.

The bottom line is that Sony would make far more money by releasing on both platforms and PC at the same time. Just ask MS. They figured it out. There are tens of billions of dollars to be made by releasing on PC.
But Microsoft still doesn't release their exclusive for PlayStation :D. Even on the PC Microsoft is trying to make buy their games from the Xbox store with the gamepass, the common saves between Xbox and PC, and even losing money with "play anywhere" where you only have to buy the game long as you use their store. The PC is part of the Xbox family as far as Microsoft is concerned, the social aspect is even merged.

The simple fact that Sony is releasing their exclusivity with a few years of delay on the PC when they have no ties to it whatsoever is already big, and them buying Nixxes who's only job is to do PC port prove that there's a level of commitment to it...But I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Sony is also doing it to get you "hooked" to their universe. Sony will still make PlayStation owners feel special for choosing to join their platform.

But ultimately...It's a just a piece of entertainment, and we don't really have a legal ground to demand that they release their contents everywhere. Not that long ago some games were even locked to a geographical region, there are a lot of games that only Japanese and NA people could enjoy. And to this day there's still other form of entertainment that are locked to a region. That's just how that business works. Japan is also barely getting out of their Galápagos syndrome,(where the west was pretty much an after though) even in the current situation, they have never been as open as they are now.

PlayStation releasing stuff on PC also checks out with them moving their HQ in California, and being run by a westerner. Nintendo is still fully Japanese, so I don't expect them to follow PlayStation strategy.
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseThat press release.... All i can think of is when Sony were against the Microsoft/Activision buy out because of platform exclusivity when it came to CoD. Meanwhile Sony: "Come play Spider man 2, exclusively on PS5.:)"
Sony, the most double standard, overpriced hypocritic company in the world.
The Digital Deluxe edition of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 ($79.99 / £79.99/ €89.99/ ¥9,980 MSRP)
What 'a shit?! Why is US is 80$, while in EU is 90€ ???

Why is always so ridiculously overpriced in EU ??
Posted on Reply
@dyonoctis do you remember those years in the 2000s and early 2010s when it was common to hear gamers making the claim that PC gaming was either dead or was dying? The console exclusive thinking is a holdover from those years. This is a different gaming world today and PC is dominant for very good reasons.

What I see in the near future is Sony slowly crawling out of the morass of that archaic thinking and joining the present reality by doing releases on PC at the same time as their previous PS exclusives release. Probably not in all cases but it will become more common.

The reason is simple business. Money talks and CEOs, Board of Directors and Investors like money.
Posted on Reply
64KMy statement was that Sony could be making more money if this Spiderman 2 game was releasing on PC and Xbox at the same time. That's not a bold statement. That is common knowledge. Why do you think MS began the trend of dual release on what used to be console exclusives.

If you think that pro-consumer and pro-choice is one sided then we are too far apart on points of view to ever be able to agree.
That might have worked for Spiderman, but it doesnt work if applied to all content.

Example. on demand video. If Netflix, HBO and Disney all offered the same content and content delivery, how can they compete?

PC titles also dont all get console ports.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86That might have worked for Spiderman, but it doesnt work if applied to all content.

Example. on demand video. If Netflix, HBO and Disney all offered the same content and content delivery, how can they compete?

PC titles also dont all get console ports.
That's not a good example because consoles offer far more than just the same content as I have pointed out in a post above. There will be a place for consoles and a place for PC and an ever expanding place for mobile games. It should be obvious by now which Platform will be dominant, excluding Mobile, and why Sony will be moving towards increasing what were previously PS exclusive releases at the same time on PC in the future.
Posted on Reply
64KThat's not a good example because consoles offer far more than just the same content as I have pointed out in a post above. There will be a place for consoles and a place for PC and an ever expanding place for mobile games. It should be obvious by now which Platform will be dominant, excluding Mobile, and why Sony will be moving towards increasing what were previously PS exclusive releases at the same time on PC in the future.
I think part of the reason the PC remains strong is because its experience has actually been moving closer to the console experience. But I recognize the points you made up there nonetheless.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
Prima.VeraWhy is always so ridiculously overpriced in EU ??
Im guessing because there are more or higher taxes involved.... which is rather ironic as a lot of governments keeps giving them tax breaks, rebates and other things that revolve around the passing around of money to have a HQ with people employed in their respective countries.
Posted on Reply
Massive red flag saying exclusives are bad.

Exclusivity encourages competition and innovation. Things these tech giants are massively under-performing on compared to over a decade ago. They all struggle to launch their own original ideas. Instead relying on M&A without fixing themselves up.

People need to step outside the bubble of these big tech companies. They are aggressively anti competition/capitalism and anti democracy. Don't accept their words at face value.
Posted on Reply
EasoDamn exclusives... Oh well, will come out on PC anyway.

Pretty sure Morales is straight.
People said the same about Aloy from HFW
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