Friday, June 1st 2007

EA Shifts Gears with Need for Speed ProStreet
Electronic Arts is shifting to another series of Need for Speed called ProStreet. The game is being developed by EA Black Box in Vancouver, B.C., and is slated to ship this fall. Need for Speed ProStreet boasts impeccable precision and impressively detailed photo-realistic graphics, effectively transporting you to the center of street racing again. It pushes the "Autosculpt" technology to a new level, allowing full car damage, custom performance improvements as well as personalizing the car's appearance. The game also features improved AI system and new online mode. Need for Speed ProStreet will be available for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system, and Wii as well as the PlayStation2, Nintendo DS, PSP (PlayStation Portable), PC and mobile. More information can be found here.
EA Games
42 Comments on EA Shifts Gears with Need for Speed ProStreet
back on topic, the damage modelling looks pretty cool, but it could turn out to be a right bunch of arse if 1 bad crash = game over, im not one for anally learning tracks
1. Wide screen support
2. Not another car + a shitty gameplay = new NFS
3. Better online gameplay
4. No more emo music
1. TOO ub3r reflection making it so OVER realistic
2. Crashes
Like some drag cars use different types of tyres. Eg soft rear wheels and hard front ones.
Soft gives better grip for the rear wheels to drive while the harder front tyres have longer life. Something like that... WMV version MOV version
And yes it finally looks something that will save the series (damage! handling!)
Anyway... Underground was the first NFS I played, I liked that, Underground 2 was even better because it gave GTA style freedom, Most Wanted was ok, Carbon was good but would have been better if you could mod the car as much as in Underground 2. The Wii version of Carbon is surprisingly fun with the right controls (not default) so I'll probably go for ProStreet on that.
trailer looks too good, i just hope it will look like dat
is it DX10 ?
I like the new graphics and modeling they are showing. Seems like they are taking great advantage of the next gen consoles.
Im hoping for now, more hip music. Meaning Rock and Pop and Hip/Hop. Their music selection for games has been horrible.
Another thing is the damage. NFS has long suffered with no damage, and I always hated that. Smash into a wall at high speed and all you did is slow down. I want paint scratches, broken windows, damaged bodywork, and the ultimate kewlness: punctured tyres!! But let's not expect too much from EA.
The trailer does look sweet but it doesn't really show much racing, although I've only seen that one. I hear there are more?
Well EA, I hope you get this one right, and for once make a game without stupid bugs.
Referring to a post up above, when the hell was the music ever emo lol?? I loved the soundtrack on all NFS's, despite a few songs. I can't wait for this game!! ^^ And they best make the online good this time :banghead:
P.S. @ OnBoard, your links are broken! :D
I want to be able to drive on with sparks flying everywhere :D
have fun.
Its basically Hot pursuit mixed with Underground and a nice engine.
Now, carbon... well.. I just like to pretend that pile of crap doesn't even exist....
As realistic as they could make it. Grab a good racing engine from an already great racing game, say... GTR2 (one of the best, and I keep playing it, so let's use that as an example).
Allow modifications with real-world parts, and have autosculpt too... not the best thing ever, but at least you can mod parts, which is nice, make things unique-ish.
Have everything from aerodynamics, to turbo lag come into play, really make it real.
Have professional tuning, such as allowing you to set gear ratios and tyre pressures down to the last 1/100th or something.
Do that, and add a great soundtrack (or at least one you can add and edit easily by adding files, or shortcuts to files, like GTAVC and SA on PC).
Make the police AI more realistic (I hated how they were always able to speed up and slow down almost instantly, and how, if you crashed into a structure that then falls, even if a police car isn't around, you still damage one... i mean... WTF?!)
Do proper drift racing ffs... NFSU and NFSU2 drifting were quite possibly the best.
Add cars that people actually want (why did they ever allow a Lexus 4-door into the game?) and stop making two different games with different cars for different territories (Hondas for the US, Peugeots for Europe... doesn't seem fair to me comparing a 200BHP Civic Type-R to a 138BHP 206 GTI)
That along with some lesser things, would make NFS great imo... especially because, like Benpi said, he's out of the F&F phase, and I think most people are too, so I think something hardcore would really do the NFS series some good, possibly attracting a newer audience.
NFS is getting tired. They should do a 2008 update of NFS: Porsche. That would be very nice.