Ben Skeggs, a lead maintainer of the open-source NVIDIA GPU driver for Linux kernel called Nouveau, has joined NVIDIA. Working as an open-source contributor for the Nouveau driver for more than a decade, Ben Skeggs has achieved the remarkable feat of working to support the NVIDIA GPU hardware on open-source drivers. Before joining NVIDIA, Ben Skeggs worked at Red Hat up until September 18th of 2023. At that date, he posted that he
was resigning from Red Hat and stepping back from the Nouveau open-source driver development. However, this news today comes as a bit of an interesting development, as Ben Skeggs is going to NVIDIA, which has been reluctant in the past to support open-source drivers.
Now, he is able to continue working on the driver directly from NVIDIA. He posted a set of 156 patches to the driver, affecting tens of thousands of lines of code. And he signed it all off from the official NVIDIA work address. This signals a potential turn in NVIDIA's approach to open-source software development, where the company might pay more attention to the movement and potentially hire more developers to support these projects. Back in 2012, NVIDIA had a different stance on open-source development, infamously provoking the creator of the Linux kernel, Linus Torvalds, to
issue some snide remarks to the company. Hopefully, better days are ahead for the OSS world of driver development and collaboration with tech giants.
7 Comments on Long-Time Linux Nouveau Driver Chief Ben Skeggs Joins NVIDIA
Tom Petersen, the guy who now works for Intel's Arc division, while working at Nvidia as a response to raising GameWorks criticism once said(and I'm paraphrasing) 'why would Nvidia ever work on software it's competitors can use'. People actually defended that BS back then and many in the cult would likely still defend it now. It's like people don't realize the downsides of proprietary software lock-in. It's also amazing how GN has 2 videos with Tom and all of a sudden he's a good guy. No, the guy will say whatever he's paid to say.
The primary responsibility of all publicly held companies is to increase shareholder value. Never forget that. And it doesn't matter if they're producing fast food, toilet paper, sneakers, or EUV lithography equipment.