Wednesday, May 15th 2024

Majority of 4K Gamers Have 16GB or Higher Video Memory: TechPowerUp Poll

A majority of TechPowerUp readers that play at the 4K Ultra HD resolution (3840 x 2160) say that they have graphics cards with 16 GB or higher video memory. In March, we ran a front-page poll asking our readers who play at the top 16:9 resolution how much video memory the graphics hardware in their machines had. Options included 6 GB or less, 8 GB, 12 GB, 16 GB, or more than 16 GB. There was also a control option just to gauge what percentage of the respondents do not play at 4K, which got 39.4% of the vote, and a technical majority, although not a part of our analysis. 32,296 responded to the poll.

What's interesting here, is that "More than 16 GB" and 16 GB take the #2 and #3 spots, respectively. So, 35.1% of our survey respondents say they have hardware with 16 GB or greater than 16 GB of video memory. 11% responded that their graphics card has 12 GB of memory; closely followed by 8 GB at 10.1%, and just 4.4% say their graphics cards have 6 GB or less amount of video memory. The biggest takeaway from this poll is the confirmation that 16 GB or more indeed is the video memory size today's gamers think they need to play the latest games at 4K.
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34 Comments on Majority of 4K Gamers Have 16GB or Higher Video Memory: TechPowerUp Poll

I think the news should have started "A large number of incels..."
Posted on Reply
More like a majority of reader have clicked on their VRAM without properly reading the poll because I don't think that 61% of people coming here have a 4K monitor behind their computer.
Posted on Reply
Well I am one of those people that Game at 4K.
Posted on Reply
I've been playing Half-life 1 in 4K too, that counts, right? Starcraft 2 too. I mean, the poll never asked for details... only if we play games in 4K and how much VRAM we got. 8GB@4K ftw!
KyanMore like a majority of reader have clicked on their VRAM without properly reading the poll because I don't think that 61% of people coming here have a 4K monitor behind their computer.
I have a 4K TV since 2015 and in fact, i still use it now. I reply to you from it in. It's great, colorful and sharp. 4K is great! I've been gaming in 4K for the last 9 years, close to 10. Not the newest games, of course(well duh lol) but still. It counts, i daily play games in that resolution. Idk why its soo shocking. Every TV after 2017-8 is 4K. It ain't hard to connect a TV to a PC either. Takes as long as a monitor.
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
As much as I genuinely love and cherish this site, the polls can be absolutely useless.

There is zero onus or burden of proof to back up anything you vote for or say, for all we know 99% of respondents don't own or game on a 4k monitor, or own cards with the VRAM amount they voted for. This seems more like a 4k VRAM wishlist than anything. Remember the DLSS poll, specifically asking RTX series card owners their preference, and how many members that don't even own RTX cards voted and had a say, let alone all of the transient traffic and readers that could vote and likely didn't even read the full 1st post queation... Somehow I don't think the result is worth anything beyond at best an interesting discussion.

I'll agree on what the biggest takeaway is though, it's what gamers think they need.
Posted on Reply
starfalsI've been playing Half-life 1 in 4K too, that counts, right? Starcraft 2 too. I mean, the poll never asked for details... only if we play games in 4K and how much VRAM we got. 8GB@4K ftw!

I have a 4K TV since 2015 and in fact, i still use it now. I reply to you from it in. It's great, colorful and sharp. 4K is great! I've been gaming in 4K for the last 9 years, close to 10. Not the newest games, of course(well duh lol) but still. It counts, i daily play games in that resolution. Idk why its soo shocking. Every TV after 2017-8 is 4K. It ain't hard to connect a TV to a PC either. Takes as long as a monitor.
He didn't say that he didn't believe that YOU have a 4k monitor, but that he doesn't believe that 61% of tpu users does... and neither do i. And most people don't use their tv as their monitor.
Posted on Reply
Dragam1337He didn't say that he didn't believe that YOU have a 4k monitor, but that he doesn't believe that 61% of tpu users does... and neither do i. And most people don't use their tv as their monitor.
It's hard to understand that 20 000 people aren't yourself you know ;)
Posted on Reply
Dragam1337Lol what...
Twin 1080Ti's in Nvlink SLI HB bridge. Been 4k gaming since. I have a 3070ti and from some old miners someone gave me. I tested it on my Gaming box with same settings I use with my Sli build with some games ya I did not like the 45 FPS vs the 120 FPS i get with twin in SLi. Now only card that can outperform my Sli is a 4090 but I do not want to spend 5 grand on a video card. I have a life and can do much more things with 5 grand.
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
LycanwolfenTwin 1080Ti's in Nvlink SLI HB bridge. Been 4k gaming since. I have a 3070ti and from some old miners someone gave me. I tested it on my Gaming box with same settings I use with my Sli build with some games ya I did not like the 45 FPS vs the 120 FPS i get with twin in SLi. Now only card that can outperform my Sli is a 4090 but I do not want to spend 5 grand on a video card. I have a life and can do much more things with 5 grand.
I'd say it depends greatly what you're playing, virtually no games for years now launch with SLI support. I'd wager if you're savvy enough that you might be able to force it on in games, but your 45fps 3070Ti vs 120fps 1080Ti SLI example seems odd to me, unless it's a situation where the card was totally out of VRAM you should be getting considerably more than half of what 1080Ti SLI gets.
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