Wednesday, May 15th 2024

Majority of 4K Gamers Have 16GB or Higher Video Memory: TechPowerUp Poll
A majority of TechPowerUp readers that play at the 4K Ultra HD resolution (3840 x 2160) say that they have graphics cards with 16 GB or higher video memory. In March, we ran a front-page poll asking our readers who play at the top 16:9 resolution how much video memory the graphics hardware in their machines had. Options included 6 GB or less, 8 GB, 12 GB, 16 GB, or more than 16 GB. There was also a control option just to gauge what percentage of the respondents do not play at 4K, which got 39.4% of the vote, and a technical majority, although not a part of our analysis. 32,296 responded to the poll.
What's interesting here, is that "More than 16 GB" and 16 GB take the #2 and #3 spots, respectively. So, 35.1% of our survey respondents say they have hardware with 16 GB or greater than 16 GB of video memory. 11% responded that their graphics card has 12 GB of memory; closely followed by 8 GB at 10.1%, and just 4.4% say their graphics cards have 6 GB or less amount of video memory. The biggest takeaway from this poll is the confirmation that 16 GB or more indeed is the video memory size today's gamers think they need to play the latest games at 4K.
What's interesting here, is that "More than 16 GB" and 16 GB take the #2 and #3 spots, respectively. So, 35.1% of our survey respondents say they have hardware with 16 GB or greater than 16 GB of video memory. 11% responded that their graphics card has 12 GB of memory; closely followed by 8 GB at 10.1%, and just 4.4% say their graphics cards have 6 GB or less amount of video memory. The biggest takeaway from this poll is the confirmation that 16 GB or more indeed is the video memory size today's gamers think they need to play the latest games at 4K.
34 Comments on Majority of 4K Gamers Have 16GB or Higher Video Memory: TechPowerUp Poll
In terms of one spec on paper I guess.
4070Ti 12 GB/Ti S looks like the sweet spot to me this gen, even without taking RT into account.
You start to notice the 12 GB of the non S when you try to play 4K plus RT though. Too much. At 1440p and 1080p it's faster than the XTX/XT in RT, but slower at 4K.
It'll be nice to upgrade in a year or two to at least 8GB vRAM....
More like the majority of people didn't read the text before voting...
Interesting gathering of data. I don't play at 4k and my GPU has 12GB. 1440p is an awesome spot for gaming for me. Less issues getting games to hit 120fps and I don't need to rely on fancy-schmancy gimmicky software to bolster my fps that can lead to graphically anomalies (such as ghosting, flickering, stuttering).
I'm in a good spot for my gaming needs.
It doesn't say anything about what the general public does.
Got a buddy doing 4K gaming on his 1650S...
The unfortunate sell that is DLSS contains both. Im staying far away
I suppose the TPU results represent a demographic with recent GPUs. I am running a 3080 12GB in the main PC (used mostly for VR).
We can't draw that conclusion since GPUs come with a fixed amount of VRAM which we don't get to choose. I didn't choose my GPU based on the VRAM, I chose it based on the performance it gave in gaming benchmarks, & I'm sure that's what most people do. It's a fun poll but I'm not sure we can draw any conclusions tbh.
My guess is that at least 30% of those people didn't read before voting, and probably more like 50%...