Wednesday, June 19th 2024

NVIDIA Beats Microsoft to Become World's Most Valuable Company, at $3.34 Trillion

With a market capitalization of USD $3.34 trillion, NVIDIA has beaten Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company. The company's valuation doubled year-over-year, thanks to its meteoric rise as the preeminent manufacturer of AI accelerator chips that's in a dominant position to support the productization and mainstreaming of generative AI, and the company only expects further growth of the AI acceleration industry. Chris Penrose, global head of business development for telecom at NVIDIA, speaking at an event in Copenhagen, said "The generative AI journey is really transforming businesses and telcos around the world," he said. "We're just at the beginning." BBC notes that eight years ago, NVIDIA was worth less than 1% of its current valuation.

In the most recent quarterly result, Q1 fiscal 2025, NVIDIA posted a revenue of $26 billion, with the Data Center business handling the company's AI GPUs making up the lion's share of it, at $22.6 billion. The Gaming and AI PC segment, which handles the GeForce GPU product line that used to be NVIDIA's main breadwinner until a few years ago, made just $2.6 billion, in stark contrast. This highlights that NVIDIA is now mainly a data center acceleration hardware company that happens to sell visual compute products on the side, along with a constellation of smaller product lines such as robotics and automobile self-driving hardware. With NVIDIA at the number-1 spot, the top-5 most valuable companies in the world are all American tech giants—NVIDIA, Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (Google), and Amazon. The other companies in the top-10 list include Meta and Broadcom.
Source: BBC
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61 Comments on NVIDIA Beats Microsoft to Become World's Most Valuable Company, at $3.34 Trillion

If you think that line is trolling then you must be new to the real world ~ stocks, money markets, banks, treasuries, crypto, businesses heck the entire world works on trust & in its most basic form the assumption that the money you're dealing in is worth the paper it's written/printed on! That essentially is power ~ if enough trillion dollar companies didn't invest in "AI" there would be no takers for this & hence no bubble.

Maybe try understanding what was written instead of going on a tangential rant :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Thank god i bought 2k worth on nvidia stock back in 2017, now i got my down payment for my house
Posted on Reply
So it happens what i was exspecting. Nvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.

For those might not have seen it. Ngreedia just released new logo and slogan to selebrate this event.

Also just announced. Next gen gpu for the stupid rich people and a gpu for the poor people sub 200 USD card. Hint: notice the slogan on the last picture below.

Posted on Reply
TomgangSo it happens what i was exspecting. Nvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.

For those might not have seen it. Ngreedia just released new logo and slogan to selebrate this event.

Also just announced. Next gen gpu for the stupid rich people and a gpu for the poor people sub 200 USD card. Hint: notice the slogan on the last picture below.

Well done helping them out. Maybe next time buy an AMD card then.
Posted on Reply
Event Horizon
Nvidia leads the way forward while everyone else plays catchup and fights over scraps. We need more competition in the GPU space or we the consumers are screwed.
Posted on Reply
It could be that Nvidia are actually better at what they produce, so people want to buy their stuff/services. It's the others that need to do better not nvidia that need to do worse. No friends in business is there.

No one forces us all to buy Nvidia cards, but some do and whine about their greed. Protest by not buying or suck it up.

Personally i don't care, and i don't follow all this Ngreedia stuff. Unless there is proof and not just forum trash talk there is no proof any of it is anything but that.
Posted on Reply
TomgangSo it happens what i was exspecting. Nvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.

For those might not have seen it. Ngreedia just released new logo and slogan to selebrate this event.

Also just announced. Next gen gpu for the stupid rich people and a gpu for the poor people sub 200 USD card. Hint: notice the slogan on the last picture below.

The hate is real in this one.

You sleep well at night?

Or does AMD being 10 years behind keep you awake?
Posted on Reply
TomgangSo it happens what i was exspecting. Nvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.

For those might not have seen it. Ngreedia just released new logo and slogan to selebrate this event.
Keep it up and you will get 8GB of video ram on your next RTX 5XXX series card!
Posted on Reply
FoulOnWhiteWell done helping them out. Maybe next time buy an AMD card then.
Meh. Just because i got ngreedia cards, dosent mean i cant put my mind on ngreedia price scheme.

I mainly stay from amd cards do to my doubt on driver stability.
TheDeeGeeThe hate is real in this one.

You sleep well at night?

Or does AMD being 10 years behind keep you awake?
I sleep just fine. Only ngreedias price scheme holds up at night if anything.
dirtyferretKeep it up and you will get 8GB of video ram on your next RTX 5XXX series card!
Are you sure jensen would be that generous?

I think more in the range of 2 gb to maybe 4 gb at Best:p
Posted on Reply
bonehead123Well maybe now, Jacket Man will splurge on some NEW jackets, different style, color, cut etc...instead of more of the same ole same same ones that he already has like 10K of, heeheehee :)

As long as my dividend checks keep coming, in ever-increasing amounts, I'd be ok with this......

But seriously, this is typical for tech companies, catch the wave early, ride it hard, and enjoy the spoils.... but I hate to think what will happen when the machine take over everything & eliminates Jacket Man & 99.99% of their staff... bubble buster anyone ?
That dividend check of .03%. Its enough for a few spins at the casino machines.
Posted on Reply
wolfSame, feels too close now to the bubble bursting, but I should have bough shares in Nv and AMD years ago. 20/20 hindsight naturally.
Ditto, AMD was like $2 bucks a share but Ryzen etc was out and I knew they were destined to skyrocket, and I cried when I saw I was right, but never put my hat in the ring.
Posted on Reply
Minus Infinity
This makes me sick on so many levels. The AI bubble will burst though. Give it another 3-5 years and the market will be super-saturated with hardware that fills the needs of the AI companies, and they cannot just keep updating as none of them are making much return at all for their massive outlays. Microsoft is losing billions chasing it's own AI venture.

This will be much worse than the crypto bubble.
Posted on Reply
TomgangSo it happens what i was exspecting. Nvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.

For those might not have seen it. Ngreedia just released new logo and slogan to selebrate this event.

Also just announced. Next gen gpu for the stupid rich people and a gpu for the poor people sub 200 USD card. Hint: notice the slogan on the last picture below.

i love all about galactic empire, especially the darth vader, with his green armor suit of plot armor....

anyway, congrats to nvidia, i hope, someday, the will released all rtx 5080-5090 series with less average prices than rtx 4080-4090 series.
Posted on Reply
Performance Enthusiast
TomgangNvidia takes the crown on being the most greedy. Congrats Ngreedia.
Posted on Reply
Now there's a cartoon that just works! :toast:

Its like the whining rises along with the share price isn't it. Man.

I mean sure, Nvidia is screwing with us. So vote with wallet. Its really that simple. But here we are, upgrading every (other) gen to 'keep current' with the latest tech. Its like dog owners complaining about dog hair everywhere.
Posted on Reply
Performance Enthusiast
Vayra86Now there's a cartoon that just works! :toast:

Its like the whining rises along with the share price isn't it. Man.

I mean sure, Nvidia is screwing with us. So vote with wallet. Its really that simple. But here we are, upgrading every (other) gen to 'keep current' with the latest tech. Its like dog owners complaining about dog hair everywhere.
It sure sucks, I get screwed by every company wanting to make a buck off me, and try to vote with my wallet for the products that suit me, when they suit me.

They can all stand to be made fun of tbh, As much as possible. Like they care though, they'd wipe the tears with hundred dollar bills.
Posted on Reply
DavenApparently, it's all luck according to Patty Cakes.

Intel CEO says Nvidia’s AI dominance is pure luck — Nvidia VP fires back, says Intel lacked vision and execution | Tom's Hardware (

I guess Jensen put all his SPECIAL perk points into Luck.
Nvidia's valuation is thanks to the sheer incompetence of Jerome Powell forcing 20% of the worlds liquid money in to 8 stocks or something

That nvidia is at to top of the industry is because they made some technical and strategic moves that had them doing General purpose computing on their gpu's before the rest of the industry and probably the largest reason they are where they are is because intel had stupid management that avoided every opportunity to deliver what the market wanted and needed over the past 25 years
Posted on Reply
The near future of Ai is scamming people on the phone, penetrating ads even more into every aspect of life, and polarizarion of opinions taken to the extreme through social media.
Posted on Reply
Event HorizonNvidia leads the way forward while everyone else plays catchup and fights over scraps. We need more competition in the GPU space or we the consumers are screwed.
Is hard to beat the monopoly. It all started with the CUDA cores, which are proprietary tech. Currently there is absolutely ZERO competition on GPU+AI space from any other major corporations. ZERO. AMD has nothing, Intel has some jokes, while Google, Amazon or Meta are working on something, but will be years before they can compete with NVidia.
Posted on Reply
wolfSame, feels too close now to the bubble bursting, but I should have bough shares in Nv and AMD years ago. 20/20 hindsight naturally.
Probably still worth buying now . They just had a stock split
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraIs hard to beat the monopoly. It all started with the CUDA cores, which are proprietary tech. Currently there is absolutely ZERO competition on GPU+AI space from any other major corporations. ZERO. AMD has nothing, Intel has some jokes, while Google, Amazon or Meta are working on something, but will be years before they can compete with NVidia.
Google had custom silicon for AI before Nvidia, but it was used for internal AI research. Even now, it isn't available outside Google Cloud which will obviously limit its adoption. One key factor in Nvidia's AI supremacy is the wide availability of their hardware.
Posted on Reply
DimitrimanThe near future of Ai is scamming people on the phone, penetrating ads even more into every aspect of life, and polarizarion of opinions taken to the extreme through social media.
But we already had all of that without AI :D
Another aspect where it really just doesn't change much...
Posted on Reply
The Way the Market was Meant to be Played.
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