Monday, July 1st 2024

Microsoft Closer to Removing Local Accounts from Windows 11, Removes Help Page on How to Switch to One

Microsoft really wants you to use Windows 11 with an online Microsoft Account. This lets the operating system integrate the single login for Microsoft Store, all the apps on it, Office or 365, Teams, OneDrive, Outlook, and more importantly, put a face to your name (making you and your machine identifiable to it). Some users, particularly power-users, tend to avoid this, by preferring local accounts—an account that's authenticated and maintained locally by the machine. Microsoft is viewed as making it increasingly difficult for users to create local accounts, particularly on the client versions of Windows, such as Windows 11 Home and Windows 11 Pro.

The Windows Setup by default flows you into creating a Microsoft Account, or logging in from one. Over the past several versions of Windows, Microsoft has made it harder, if not impossible, to create a local account during Setup. In what could be a step closer by the company to wean the market off local accounts, Microsoft removed the online Help page that guides users on how to switch from a Microsoft Account to a local one, as Tweaktown found out. The publication dug the page out using the Wayback Machine. Will Microsoft completely remove the ability to create local accounts? We don't know. All versions of Windows 11 and Windows 10 sit on the Windows NT architecture, which requires some form of local accounts. The Microsoft Account itself is layered on top of a local account. So, the ability to create a local account shouldn't go away for those who really want one, but it will be close to impossible for the vast majority of users trained by Google and Apple to have online accounts on their phones.
Source: Tweaktown
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137 Comments on Microsoft Closer to Removing Local Accounts from Windows 11, Removes Help Page on How to Switch to One

Onasibut I feel it’s more of a case of average person having comparatively insignificant computer needs and the convenience of having those be accessible anywhere at any time without hassle.
There is some of that, certainly.
OnasiSure, but we’re a minority. Always have been and it’s not like MS (or many other IT companies, for that matter) giving the power user and enthusiast the finger and essentially going “sort it out yourself” is a new thing, really. We’re battered housewives, at this point.
And yet "we" are decision makers, influencers and opinion makers...
OnasiBut I feel we are sorta just bantering about minutiae now, we probably agree overall and the conclusion we’re reaching is ultimately the same.
Agreed. :toast:
stimpy88OK, What about situations where a computer/server is never connected to a network?
Right? That kind of situation is not exactly rare. The morons at microsoft don't get this. I have 5 PCs that I use regularly. 2 of them have ZERO network access. And it will stay that way.
Posted on Reply
DeathtoGnomesthe thing that makes me cringe it that m$ already collects telemetry data, not having a local account to sign into confirms who that data belongs to. The next step after this was brought up elsewhere, m$ intends to stream Ads directly to your PC, this new data gives them the ability to target those ads. I'm such m$ had a long talk with their lawyers about how to circumvent anti-trust laws, which i think them taking away local accounts would fall into with their other data mining.
Of course this is the entire and only real reason why we keep getting new iterations of Windows, too. You will sign a new EULA.
stimpy88OK, What about situations where a computer/server is never connected to a network?
Don't you guys have phones?
Posted on Reply
I’d actually have to consider linux if there were no way to create a local account. Software vendors need to be reigned it, they’re so very disconnected from reality.
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A Computer Guy
DeathtoGnomesthe thing that makes me cringe it that m$ already collects telemetry data, not having a local account to sign into confirms who that data belongs to. The next step after this was brought up elsewhere, m$ intends to stream Ads directly to your PC, this new data gives them the ability to target those ads.
What great innovation from Microsoft. Now I won't have to hunt around for those Viagra ad's to get the discount code to give to my neighbor. /s
Posted on Reply
I've been using a MS account on 11 for a long time but it nearly screwed me over last month when I upgraded my desktop from X570 to X670E. Upgrade went fine and Windows booted to the password screen but here is where it almost screwed me over.

Because this was a large change I couldn't sign in with a pin or fingerprint which is understandable but here is the really stupid part, I couldn't even sign in using my password as there was no option to!. Windows wanted to verify my account online only, normally this wouldn't be a problem but being all new hardware it didnt have the driver for the ethernet and of course I can't login to fix that.

Just glad Windows had a driver for the WiFi because if it didn't I would have been locked out until I found a way to get the internet working. What stupid decision was this at MS that I need to verify my account online. I had a proper password to login so this ridiculous issue should never have occurred.
Posted on Reply
Microsoft is really becoming complete idiots. Maybe for home users that are not connected to domains or business enviroments. But in the business world this will not fly by any long shot. I mean how many class action lawsuits do they really want. Microsoft really wants to have a MS account so they can track you, spy on you and steal your info to sell it of to advertisers. I just love how MS talks security then has no security at all. Privacy seems to be something they know nothing about. Also you know who invented Ransomware guess who Microsoft!!!. I found something interesting the other day. FAT32 cannot be infected with ransomware. Because 9x did not have Bitlocker engines. Also another interesting FACT, NTFS never needed USN journal before 9/11. After 9/11 it came out first with MSN messager, then was intergrated in all OS releases afterwards. It's basicly a complete journal of your hard drive information sent to who, Who Knows. CIA, FBI. I run a batch file that deletes the USN journal every boot up of my computer.

I work in IT, I have worked as a systems administrator, Domain Administrator, Firewall Administrator, Network Admin, Now I conform to business practices in the business world and do most things by the book. But on my personal machines I know better. I trust no company period!. Adobe, MS, Apple, even some linux. Everyone is out there trying to steal or take your info and use it. Your best antivirus is your human head. I have not run antivirus for years. I have hardware based firewalls upon firewalls. I do not give my phone # or email address to any company or store that asks for it. The social engineering and phinshing is insane these days.

PS. A side note to add on this. When the Internet came out to the public in the 90's there was in place a Privacy act and Internet Protection laws. Federal laws in the USA to protect consumers from companies stealing info and selling it to others. This was put in law by the Clinton adminstration. Now when Bush got in office that law was torn down. His government said he hurts businesses. Ya hurt them protected us. So he decides we are not to be protected and let businesses do what ever they want.

Pretty sad the state of affairs now for Protections.
Posted on Reply
DaemonForceMS actin a little parasocial fr.
Who's terminally online now?
With all the spyware , many governments are advocating against terminally online approaches even
Posted on Reply
I don't mind being forced to have a MS account, but let me specify the user directory name as I wish.
Posted on Reply
Raiden85I've been using a MS account on 11 for a long time but it nearly screwed me over last month when I upgraded my desktop from X570 to X670E. Upgrade went fine and Windows booted to the password screen but here is where it almost screwed me over.

Because this was a large change I couldn't sign in with a pin or fingerprint which is understandable but here is the really stupid part, I couldn't even sign in using my password as there was no option to!. Windows wanted to verify my account online only, normally this wouldn't be a problem but being all new hardware it didnt have the driver for the ethernet and of course I can't login to fix that.

Just glad Windows had a driver for the WiFi because if it didn't I would have been locked out until I found a way to get the internet working. What stupid decision was this at MS that I need to verify my account online. I had a proper password to login so this ridiculous issue should never have occurred.
Online = you depend on something else now, either get that or go fck yourself.

Online is therefore a direct and unconditional loss of control over your stuff. And given the 'agility' MS has these days with their updates, you can rest assured next time there's a different but equally game breaking issue going on. Its anyone's guess really. This is why I'm forever going to be on auto deny mode for these moves. Just simply GTFO with that shit, or pay me to use it instead. Every time the experience with all these services really is that you're screwed out of more money or otherwise decisions you'd never make on your own.

Its fine if we depend on something once and then go our merry way, like it is with most DIY'ing, right? You go to the store, you get your nuts and bolts, you go home and you fix your shit. But now there is MS acting like that annoying rodent that keeps chewing your cables forcing you to get new ones. This has already escalated way too far imho.
Posted on Reply
Darmok N Jalad
As it is now, you have to resort to some trickery to do a local account in W11. You either need to start OBEE disconnected from the internet, or if you screw up and forget to disconnect first, you have to run a cmd to back out. I did a local account for my wife when I bought her last PC (she has no need for all the "benefits" of a MSA), and it was a pain. MS really wants you to store your stuff in OneDrive too. Even when you tell it not to. Must be part of the reason MS doesn't want you going local.

For what it's worth, you can do local accounts on MacOS, iPadOS, and iOS, though you give up a lot when doing so on the latter two since all software is through the Appstore. On MacOS, you just can't download from the Apple Store or use iCloud features.
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Thankfully TPU hosts advertisers that sell Windows keys for cheap, so at least paying retail isn't necessary :toast:
Posted on Reply
This is wrong and intrusive.

I mean come on, EVEN APPLE/Mac OS isn't forcing this.

Wake up MS
Posted on Reply
What annoys me is my issue could have been avoided while still having a MS account. I had to do MS account 2FA online to login to Windows only once because of the platform change but 2FA should be able work offline. What if MS servers go down temporarily or even permanently, then say goodbye to your Windows install, absolutely insane.

My current Windows install is about 3yrs old now and has had a MS account the entire time and that was the first I had to do an online 2FA to access my own private bloody desktop.
Posted on Reply
A Computer Guy
It seems eventually private computing will be phased out of existence.
Posted on Reply
There isn't a nice way to say this. MS simply doesn't give a damn if they make things more complicated for customers or if a customer wants to reject something that they are pushing. It doesn't matter, use it anyway is MS business philosophy because.......what choice do you really have anyway? I'm not addressing that to members on a tech enthusiast site. Just the hundreds of millions of people out there who aren't in the least bit tech savvy. Do they really have a choice of Linux or not? Almost certainly where they work they use Windows and MS Office if a PC is required. That's all they know.

I always like seeing governments standing up to MS but not enough do imo.
Posted on Reply
JAKraHDR for games in linux is STILL non-existent in 2024
Not nonexistant. I was able to make it work technically, at the cost of great mental strain.

More like "woefully inadequate."
JeagerKDE now manage HDR so it might be better
Better as in "possible," not better as in good.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
darakianIt's not bad at all. Valve has really put in the work such that basically any linux distro can install steam, turn on proton and go to town. Nvidia drivers are still annoying, but if you've got amd or intel hardware it's mac levels of easy.
My gaming on nvidia on linux.

If you have anything even remotely recent (like RTX 2xxx+) and dont have some wack manual kernel build distro you found the disk of on a public bus nvidia drivers are fine on atleast all the mainstream distros.

You start running into problems when you download them straight from nvidia and start playing with the kernel module signing. I encourage most linux users on nvidia to use your distros repo. Its the same unmodified nvidia driver with all the automagic your distro provides so it isnt a nightmare to install.
Posted on Reply
Darmok N Jalad
Linux gaming with Steam and Proton really isn't all that bad. Is it as good or simple as Windows? No, but it's way better than I ever thought "Gaming on Linux" would ever be, especially considering just how little the game studios participate in the process. The biggest challenge is when the studio's anti-cheat freaks out because you aren't in Windows, so you gotta watch those games that might ban you because they think you're cheating. Valve offers to work with them, but some just have their noses stuck up so high at Linux that they can't see the extended hand of support.
Posted on Reply
Solaris17My gaming on nvidia on linux.

If you have anything even remotely recent (like RTX 2xxx+) and dont have some wack manual kernel build distro you found the disk of on a public bus nvidia drivers are fine on atleast all the mainstream distros.

You start running into problems when you download them straight from nvidia and start playing with the kernel module signing. I encourage most linux users on nvidia to use your distros repo. Its the same unmodified nvidia driver with all the automagic your distro provides so it isnt a nightmare to install.
And this is something to consider!
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Broken Processor
lexluthermiesterThat is total moose muffins. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I think you maybe got confused.
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A Computer GuyWhat great innovation from Microsoft. Now I won't have to hunt around for those Viagra ad's to get the discount code to give to my neighbor. /s
Who needs a discount code when its free ... with Ads
Posted on Reply
Broken ProcessorI think you maybe got confused.
Oh? Please, do explain.
DeathtoGnomesWho needs a discount code when its free ... with Ads
No ads thank you. I'll happily pay for my copies of Windows.
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeWhat about old non-steam games from between 1998-2004-ish?

Can they be installed and run without any hassle?
Probably not without hassle. I haven't tried so, not really sure. I did used to run a bunch of half life 1 mods on linux via wine back in the day and it was totally playable back then even. Granted half life 1 was opengl.
Posted on Reply
GoldenXIf you have NVIDIA or AMD, great. If you have Intel, worse than on Windows.

Glad I moved to Enterprise IoT LTSC to avoid all the new bloat and get local accounts support directly from the installer.
If only it was that easy for everyone.....................
Posted on Reply
No thanks M$.

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