Wednesday, September 25th 2024

Ubisoft Delays Assassin's Creed Shadows to February 2025 After Cancelling Tokyo Game Show Appearance and Press Previews

Ubisoft and the Assassin's Creed game franchise have had a bit of a rough time of late, with recent installments to the franchise largely having received a lukewarm or even negative reception. Now, just two months ahead of the official launch of Assassin's Creed Shadows—which is slated to revive much of the allure of some of the older Assassin's Creed games—Ubisoft is reportedly pulling out of the Tokyo Game Show and cancelling early media previews of the game.

Ubisoft Japan broke the news via a post to the company's official X account, although it doesn't reveal why it cancelled the September 26 broadcast, citing only "various circumstances" for the cancelled appearance. Alongside the cancelled Tokyo Game Show showcase, Ubisoft has also reportedly cancelled the subsequent Assassin's Creed press previews, which were scheduled for next week. The cancellation of both of these events has led fans to speculate about potential launch delays for the next Assassin's Creed game.
Dear Community,
Regarding our online participation in "TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024" scheduled for September 26th at 3:00 PM.
Due to various circumstances, we regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel our participation.
The currently ongoing gift campaign commemorating the official broadcast will continue.
We apologize for the short notice.
We sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the broadcast.
Ubisoft Inc.
While this hardly serves as confirmation that the game will be delayed, it's certainly possible, especially given the current shape of the gaming industry. That would explain why both the showcase and the press previews were both cancelled around the same time—especially if there is still a lot of work to do to get the game in a working state. This also isn't the first time that Assassin's Creed Shadows has run into trouble—earlier this year, Ubisoft faced criticism from fans over the historical accuracy of one of the game's protagonists.

Yasuke, an African samurai, caused an uproar in the Assassin's Creed fan base, because there were some suggestions that he never existed in history in the first place. Others, meanwhile, were unhappy that he was being portrayed as a samurai, arguing that he was a weapons carrier instead. While most historians are almost 100% certain he existed, others have their doubts, and those doubts have created a bit of a rift in the gaming community. Regardless, the concerns about the historical accuracy are unlikely to be the cause of any cancelled events or press previews, since Ubisoft has already addressed the origin of the game's protagonist when the community first raised the issue.
The Assassin's Creed Shadows team has a message for our Japanese community.
Update Sep 25th: Ubisoft has confirmed via a post to the Assassin's Creed X account that Assassin's Creed Shadows is delayed until February 14, 2025. In the post, Ubisoft says that the game is "an ambitious addition to the franchise" and that it needs more time to "polish and refine" the experience. Additionally, Ubisoft will be refunding any existing Assassin's Creed Shadows pre-orders and giving those who pre-order access to the game's first expansion for free when it ships.
Sources: Ubisoft Japan, Insider Gaming, Japan Forward, Smithsonian Magazine, Assassin's Creed on X
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51 Comments on Ubisoft Delays Assassin's Creed Shadows to February 2025 After Cancelling Tokyo Game Show Appearance and Press Previews

GigaherzAC1 is in restrospect one of the worst games of the series because it had the clunkiest combat system (that completely changes in the endfight for no reason and without warning, still mad about that years later) and gameplay and environment variety. You have to understand that at the time no game came close the the level of freedom in movement and that was already enough appeal to most gamers. AC2 was where the Series really took of with a more detailed and believeable world, Interesting characters and cineastic scenering instead of the mass off lazy cutscnes we have today. This went on and peaked with Unity. There haven quite some great AC games but there is simply a limit to how much you can do with a franchise that has to have a mass appeal.
^ this

I was slightly late to the party and played all of the AssCreeds back to back for the first time when Black Flag was available. The first one and AC3 stood out like a sore thumb while AC2 (Leonarrrrrrdo) and AC4 were -by far- the best entries in the series imo.

Bro'hood and Revelations were OK-ish but nothing special. Rogue was mostly forgettable after Black Flag. Unity (fully patched on a modern PC) and Syndicate are actually pretty great.

But AC1 was definitely -again, by far- the weakest one for me. AC3's saving grace was the conclusion of the Desmond Miles story arc which had its moments. I also liked the humor brought to the game by Shaun Hastings in AC3. However, AC1 and AC3 are both definitely at the very tail end if I had to come up with a ranking of my fav AssCreed games.

With regard to the topic at hand here: I think it is incredibly stupid to include the Yasuke character in a Japanese feudal setting. Japanese males are certainly not over-represented in western games so why not just go with a historically correct "normal" male Japanese Samurai warrior? They obviously went with Yasuke for maximum over-the-top diversity and that is just exaggerated and dumb.
I hope, if they ever make an African AssCreed, that they will at least be consistent then and add a second "white" (can also be Asian, Hispanic, whatever, ofc) main character in addition to a black female as well.
Posted on Reply
ZeppMan217If you want a Japanese Ass Creed, just play Ghost of Tsushima. They also announced a sequel, Ghost of Yotei, coming 2025.
I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima for the first time and I was wondering how bad Sucker Punch had screwed Ubisoft's plans because I'm sure they were saving "medieval japan" for a rainy day.

Now I know. Kudos to Ubisoft for cancelling the project. EDIT: Sorry. I misread it.
Posted on Reply
I'm all for Ubisoft crashing and burning. They're literally the dog in the burning room meme.
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Darc Requiem
GigaherzIts the opposite now. The games are shallow, made to appeal to everyone and dont exclude anyone.
Something made for everyone is ultimately made for no one. You get a product that utterly mundane. A generic experience that doesn't grab the audience.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfOf course reception is lukewarm at best. It's the same darn game over and over again! Total yawnfest.

This is what happens when game studios look at market analysis to determine their next course of action instead of simply asking themselves the question "what kind of game would I enjoy playing".

As for the message, there's a glaring contradiction right on page 2:

So is it a respectful, factual representation or not? :kookoo:
Exactly do you think BG3 would have been as successful if they had made it a ARPG? The issue with legacy franchises is there is too much variation in the space and people are into more fantastical Action Games/ Monster Hunter Wild is the top selling Game on Steam Global sales.
Posted on Reply
To me, its not so much the claim of historical accuracy that they are backtracking that is so much of a problem. My major issue is that they decided in a game, based in Japan, based on the samurai period, to not use a true Japanese person as the protagonist (Yes I am aware there are two protagonists). Whether or not they want to talk about it, Assassins creed games always use protagonists that fit the period and the location they are representing. I can't think of one other than this that has a character that does not fit the period this bad. It would be one thing if they had done a full fledged Assassins Creed game in Japan before and they are doing this or that this was DLC, but for the first one to disrespect Japan by not using two Japanese protagonists is ridiculous.
Prima.VeraThe best AC ever made I think was the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The naval fights and water simulations were the best ever until then. It was a total refresh over the existing AC games, that's why it was so good.
Would definitely love another one like that, instead of the current woke garbage, which the Japanese do not want anything to do with it.
By far still my favorite to this day. I am still amazed that they could not just take that system an release a standalone pirate game. No I do not count that game they just released as its just a poor mans version of black flag.
Posted on Reply
This launch will make Ubi think about what the f## they are doing....
Posted on Reply
ubisoft is a sinking ship for a while now
Posted on Reply
Of course they cancel previews and will not attend the 2024 Tokyo Game Show, they don't have enough destroyed torii gate toys, those will sell like hotcakes in Tokyo, to say nothing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Just as @nguyen said, i hope they run out of Blackrock money and go back to making good games, with well written characters and stories.
I played AC1 at launch and was in love with the story and the mystery of it all.
Loved AC2, Brotherhood and Unity(didn't like the bugs in Unity at launch).
Liked Rogue and Syndicate.
AC: Origins and Odyssey helped me when i quit CSGO.
Hated AC3 and whatever pirate game black flag was.
Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
Folks - please leave the pseudo-toxic (or just plain toxic) behaviour at home.

It's fine to say you don't think it was great for Ubi to use a protagonist other than a Japanese Samurai in a Samurai era setting. That's a valid perception. But a few of the comments (removed now) have been plain racist shite.

Also - of note - Assassin's Creed games have never really been about historical accuracy - it's a sci-fi game (the animus - remember that concept?).

As for Samurai - here's a Japanese take on it:
Posted on Reply
GhostRyderTo me, its not so much the claim of historical accuracy that they are backtracking that is so much of a problem. My major issue is that they decided in a game, based in Japan, based on the samurai period, to not use a true Japanese person as the protagonist (Yes I am aware there are two protagonists). Whether or not they want to talk about it, Assassins creed games always use protagonists that fit the period and the location they are representing. I can't think of one other than this that has a character that does not fit the period this bad. It would be one thing if they had done a full fledged Assassins Creed game in Japan before and they are doing this or that this was DLC, but for the first one to disrespect Japan by not using two Japanese protagonists is ridiculous.
Don't worry, it'll fail. I don't think the Japanese audience cares much about DEI, especially in a game that's supposed to be in a historical setting.

My main problem is that it's the same darn game for the millionth time over and over again.
GhostRyderBy far still my favorite to this day. I am still amazed that they could not just take that system an release a standalone pirate game. No I do not count that game they just released as its just a poor mans version of black flag.
I thought they did. Isn't it called Skull and Bones or something similar? I can't remember, it was not a widely popular game.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
Run around swinging weapons. Hack and slash from point to point. Cut scene. Cut scene. Run around. Rinse Repeat. Profit!
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64KWell, I guess there is a glimmer of hope for Ubisoft. They are crawling back to Steam. They announced that this game will be released on Steam on Feb 14th. They also said that they will be returning to day one releases on Steam in their future titles.
It won't save this game from failure, imo. There's other things besides the much hated Ubi launcher that put people off from buying.

Edit: The fact that they had to write an apology letter (that they still managed to fuck up) months before release date is a supermassive bad omen on its own.
Posted on Reply
That's a long paragraph to say ' Ah we screwed up please forgive us '
Posted on Reply
CrackongThat's a long paragraph to say ' Ah we screwed up please forgive us '
"... And please buy our game anyway, regardless of how bad it is, or how much it is against your liking."
Posted on Reply
AusWolfIt won't save this game from failure, imo. There's other things besides the much hated Ubi launcher that put people off from buying.
No it won't but at least it's one less stupid thing that they have been doing for years. The pile of stupid is still pretty big though.
Posted on Reply
Ubi is really desperate for this game to sell well, pulling out all the stops.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfOf course reception is lukewarm at best. It's the same darn game over and over again! Total yawnfest.

This is what happens when game studios look at market analysis to determine their next course of action instead of simply asking themselves the question "what kind of game would I enjoy playing".

As for the message, there's a glaring contradiction right on page 2:

So is it a respectful, factual representation or not? :kookoo:
What they wrote here, is mostly contrary to what we see in the game. Factual representation of a samurai that is not a Japanese? Which consultant, historian and researcher told them that this is factual? I think it is more their fantasy or warped ideology that got them to this state. I feel from this point on, this game is probably as good as dead. As someone mentioned above, if you like similar game and settings, the Ghost of Tsushima is a better game that is way more factual, than the made up facts in Assassin Creed Shadows.
TheinsanegamerNUbi is really desperate for this game to sell well, pulling out all the stops.
I feel the damage is done and looking at the recent Starwars Outlaw, I don't have high hopes for this. The game quality have degraded over the years.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfI thought they did. Isn't it called Skull and Bones or something similar? I can't remember, it was not a widely popular game.
I was being sarcastic, its similar but they cut so much stuff it's just a joke. Plus, they took way too long to make it. I literally would have just cut the Assassins Creed junk out, made a character builder, balanced the ship system, and thrown it all online/multiplayer.

Yes I am aware everyone it takes much more than that to make it viable to play.

But my point was they had all the needed sitting on a silver platter in front of them. Waiting 10 years and cutting half the game and making it a glorified ship game with shallow ship building mechanics made noone happy. I know they would have probably had to cut some things but come on.
Posted on Reply
You know what else is funny?
The Japanese at that era were quite small height wise, averaging between 5-5.5ft. This can be seen visiting any museums or castles in Japan that displays authentic armor.
Now what did Ubi do? Brought a 6.5ft African dude, made him look like a giant compared to the locals, and having superpowers more than the Black Panther, by looking at the game videos.
No, really, just look at those videos with fighting combos and stuff!
Ubi just made the first African Samurai superhero! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
SuspectoJust stop buying their games, every AC is a copy paste job, honestly, I played the first AC and could never understand what anyone could find even remotely entertaining about it, it is just worse Far Cry 3, repetitive, 4 types of missions, climb the tower. Repeat. Now also with the agenda.
Actually FC5 ( maybe better than all the rest ) was good how ever FC6 was total bollocks.
Posted on Reply
GhostRyderI was being sarcastic, its similar but they cut so much stuff it's just a joke. Plus, they took way too long to make it. I literally would have just cut the Assassins Creed junk out, made a character builder, balanced the ship system, and thrown it all online/multiplayer.

Yes I am aware everyone it takes much more than that to make it viable to play.

But my point was they had all the needed sitting on a silver platter in front of them. Waiting 10 years and cutting half the game and making it a glorified ship game with shallow ship building mechanics made noone happy. I know they would have probably had to cut some things but come on.
I see, fair enough. :)

I guess we have World of Warships for that purpose, albeit set in a different era.
Posted on Reply
Coming here after further developments.
We are departing from the traditional Season Pass model. All players will be able to enjoy the game at the same time on February 14 and those who preorder the game will be granted the first expansion for free.
I still lack trust in Ubisoft as a publisher to not have its shareholders grip the wheel at all times (businesses get absolutely rotted by this, please understand that 'sustainable' is not a word in these people's lexicon) but this could represent a change in paradigm for Ubi at the very least if the new AC does well compared to SW: Outlaws.

Guillemot still seems insistent on keeping with the live service/season pass scheme, but hopefully, hopefully, the huge dip in revenue when they drop the next slop title will clue them in that they're doing it wrong.
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