Saturday, October 26th 2024

Afraid of Spiders? Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's Accessibility Features Have You Covered

Making Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 more accessible makes it easier for more players to jump into the game, which is why innovating and introducing accessibility options across Call of Duty has always been a priority. The accessibility settings menu is accessed by nearly half of all players, and with the launch of Black Ops 6, we're excited to share even more accessibility updates and new features which will allow players to further customize their experience.

In Black Ops 6, we're launching asymmetrical hearing compensation, an improved high contrast mode, updating the accessibility settings menu, and more. All the familiar accessibility features that were available in Modern Warfare III will also be available in Black Ops 6, like graphical adjustment options to reduce motion blur and joystick setting options. Read on for more info on new accessibility updates and features coming to Black Ops 6.
Introducing Asymmetrical Hearing Compensation Settings
Black Ops 6 is proud to be the first Call of Duty game to launch asymmetrical hearing compensation settings, which allows players with asymmetrical hearing loss to create a custom audio profile and adjust audio settings for each ear. Created with veterans and players with hearing loss in mind, asymmetrical hearing compensation audio settings will now be individually customizable for each ear. In addition to the new asymmetrical hearing compensation settings, Black Ops 6 will continue to support the option for players to "Reduce Tinnitus Sound," which replaces sounds made from Concussion and Flash Grenades with a duller sound.

Customizable High Contrast Settings
High Contrast Mode was first introduced in Modern Warfare III in Campaign only, giving players the option to highlight allies and enemies during gameplay. In Black Ops 6, High Contrast Mode has been expanded and advanced and is now available in both Campaign and Zombies. Players will now be able to customize the color outline of allies and enemies, allowing players with vision impairment and color blindness to tailor their player experience even more. Players will also be able to enable a "Dark Background" setting in High Contrast Mode, which further adds contrast from the background elements to assist with low vision.

Intelligent Movement
Newly introduced in Black Ops 6, Intelligent Movement allows players to customize four elements for how Operators move through the landscape. The suite of customizable movement includes Sprint Assist, Mantle Assist, Crouch Assist, and Corner Slice, which may help players with mobility issues reduce inputs by allowing options to minimize and customize button and stick processes. Read more about Movement in Black Ops 6 here.

HUD Presets
Another newly introduced feature in Black Ops 6 is the ability to adjust your gameplay HUD with a variety of Layout presets, as well as color adjustment options for your minimap. Layouts give players options to customize the HUD for optimal playing. For players who wish to reduce visual clutter or find that checking the minimap takes their eyes away from enemies, try the Target Tracker or Central Command presets. Play around and experiment with whichever preset works best for your play.
Arachnophobia Settings
For the first time in Black Ops 6 Zombies, a new arachnophobia toggle feature will be available. This setting will allow players to change the appearance of spider-like enemies in Zombies without affecting their game play.
Pause and Save in Zombies
Also newly arriving to Black Ops 6 Zombies is the ability in Solo matches to pause, save, and load into games (while in full health). With the return of Round-Based Zombies, gameplay is guaranteed to be fast-paced and intense, so providing the ability to pause or save a Solo game and return later can make all the difference in gameplay for some players.

Both the Xbox Adaptive Controller and Sony Access Controller will work out of the box with Black Ops 6.

Jump into the game on October 25th and explore all the accessibility features and updates.
Source: Blizzard
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79 Comments on Afraid of Spiders? Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's Accessibility Features Have You Covered

I loathe COD (it's great for rage quit videos though), but have to give kudos for implementing even more accessibility options and helping to open the game up to more players with disabilities/impairments :clap:
Posted on Reply
It's like a cheat, i fear arachno so i disable arachno and keep my good reflexes that i'd loose if i see an arachno, a cheat.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
Tsk, i'd be banned for simply existing in modern COD games. No thank you, I can't believe people still play this rubbish
Posted on Reply
Phobias aren't really disabilities, but okay.
Posted on Reply
I've been using the accessibility feature I got from the factory
The option is called not playing COD ever
Posted on Reply
Yeah, COD got old after MW 2. I played Black Ops 1, but MW 3 was the last COD I played just to finish the Infinity Ward MW trilogy. Heck, MW 2 online was a downgrade compared to MW 1 online. I can't imagine playing COD now.
Posted on Reply
Let me get this straigh, you're playing a war game with zombie and horror derived monsters, but you want or need a specific option to disable spiders? :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
Haha I rage quit so many times. Many thousands of hours playing lol :D
trstttebut you want or need a specific option to disable spiders? :kookoo:
COD now comes with a safe space :)

That is progress!
Posted on Reply
KlemcIt's like a cheat, i fear arachno so i disable arachno and keep my good reflexes that i'd loose if i see an arachno, a cheat.
That's not how cheats work.
umeng2002Phobias aren't really disabilities, but okay.
They very much can be. People underestimate the hold the mind can have on you. If one hold goes beyond the sensible, it can very much result in a disability.
Posted on Reply
GGforeverAll the familiar accessibility features that were available in Modern Warfare III will also be available in Black Ops 6, like graphical adjustment options to reduce motion blur
Are they... handicap-shaming us to accept motion blur as a good thing?
GGforeverchange the appearance of spider-like enemies in Zombies without affecting their game play.
*Looks at the screenshot*
Yeeeeaaah. I doubt that. Losing more tha half your model's silhouette will definitely affect gameplay. I'ms surprised the artists went along with this.
Posted on Reply
The one in the screenshot doesn't even have eight legs. Or eight eyes, for that matter. It's a mosquito!
Posted on Reply
Tssss ... I would be any other game everybody would accept it with a smile.

By the way, if I have Zombiphobia, could I disable zombis, or transform them in ... humans ? :)
Posted on Reply
This picture of average tastes in older forums always amuses me: it's like all people who hate competitive shooters or games in general have holed up in the remnants of old internet! Why do you all hate CoD so much, haha. The last man standing of fast-paced shooters that aren't "hero based". Unless Bethesda or Epic come up with new Quake or UT, chances are there won't even be another game to compete. And no, I'm not gonna play Diabotical with 10 uber-skilled people who still play it, I'm not that good!
Posted on Reply
R-T-BThey very much can be. People underestimate the hold the mind can have on you. If one hold goes beyond the sensible, it can very much result in a disability.
I have a certain level of arachnophobia but luckily in my case its not severe enough to affect my gaming in case the game has spiders in it.
At most it makes me feel uncomfortable depending on the design, for example those big black spiders in the Witcher 3 or those crawly little spider things in the Metro games made me hate those dark places/tunnels a lot cause they always crawled around there.:oops:

In real life its worse tho and even those harmless smaller spiders that we have around here in my country/in our house very often can make me feel alarmed and spike up my heart rate if they get too close/can't sleep with them in the same room once I've noticed them and I HAVE to get rid of them one way or another. 'this is why for me living in Australia for example would be like like hell:laugh:'

Worst thing is that I'm very well aware that its dumb but I can't help it.
Posted on Reply
I don't like spiders at all, but I feel this is excessive. What's next? A gun-free option for people who are afraid of guns? C'mon... Even Hogwarts Legacy didn't have an arachnophobia setting in it.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfI don't like spiders at all, but I feel this is excessive. What's next? A gun-free option for people who are afraid of guns? C'mon... Even Hogwarts Legacy didn't have an arachnophobia setting in it.
Humm :
Arachnophobia in HL
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
This generation is SOFT
Posted on Reply
umeng2002Phobias aren't really disabilities, but okay.
The ADA begs to differ. I doubt arachnophobia would fall under such a classification, but a serious enough phobia definitely constitutes a mental impairment and thus a disability. Furthermore, accessibility features in games do not have to exclusively be about overcoming someone's physical and/or mental disabilities. So get over it.
Posted on Reply
Easy RhinoThis generation is SOFT
Totally. Being able to disable things in a GAME, because people are afraid of it is an all-time low.
Solidstate89The ADA begs to differ. I doubt arachnophobia would fall under such a classification, but a serious enough phobia definitely constitutes a mental impairment and thus a disability. Furthermore, accessibility features in games do not have to exclusively be about overcoming someone's physical and/or mental disabilities. So get over it.
Phobias can and should be cured. Disabilities can't.
Posted on Reply
Why don't you also make an option to remove weapons for the people who are afraid of weapons, or an option to change blood into a rainbow or flowers as an accessibility feature? Lol
Posted on Reply
Gmr_ChickI loathe COD (it's great for rage quit videos though), but have to give kudos for implementing even more accessibility options and helping to open the game up to more players with disabilities/impairments :clap:
but my disability is bad aim… no help for me, So aim assist on controller?
Posted on Reply
redeyebut my disability is bad aim… no help for me, So aim assist on controller?
Pretty much a given with how inferior a control scheme the controller is in terms of FPS.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfPhobias can and should be cured. Disabilities can't.
Not sure what the point of your post even is, since the law absolutely states without question a phobia can be a disability, but more to your point, a disability can absolutely be "cured." That would be a difference between a short term and long term disability. Yet both count as disabilities. Why gamers get so upset over accessibility options is equal parts humorous and pathetic.
Posted on Reply
What is humorous and pathetic is that you can remove spiders from a game because you are afraid of them.
Posted on Reply
Solidstate89Not sure what the point of your post even is, since the law absolutely states without question a phobia can be a disability, but more to your point, a disability can absolutely be "cured." That would be a difference between a short term and long term disability. Yet both count as disabilities. Why gamers get so upset over accessibility options is equal parts humorous and pathetic.
UK law states that a disability is a physical or mental impairment affecting your normal daily activities that lasts longer than 12 months. I don't see how being afraid of spiders affects your daily activities, so it's not a disability (says someone who hates spiders from his gut). Not to mention, even the worst phobias can be cured with help, in which case, I don't see why they should last longer than 12 months.

If you don't want to be exposed to spiders, then don't play a game with spiders in it. Simple as.

It's also funny that we're talking about this during Halloween season when everything is decorated with spiders and spider webs.
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