Saturday, September 1st 2007

Yet Another AMD Vice President Resigns

HEXUS can confirm that Rick Hegberg, AMD Senior Vice President of World Wide Sales, has resigned from AMD. This is the third time an AMD senior has left in less than two months. Hopefully, more suitable replacements can be found.
Source: Hexus
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37 Comments on Yet Another AMD Vice President Resigns

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amd stocks were just starting to rise again, too
AMD are in trouble, maybe they know the next wave of processor/graphics lined up will still lag behind Intel/nVidia offerings.

In a relatively short period of time (<12 months) they have lost well in excess of $1B USD and still bleeding large amounts of cash per quarter.
Foot print reductions are pretty much a standard now days...Also I hope they get some young blood in their upper managment...then they might have chance again;)
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I wanna be vice president of AMD :o
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DRDNAFoot print reductions are pretty much a standard now days...Also I hope they get some young blood in their upper managment...then they might have chance again;)
Young blood is needed for the grunt work. Experience is needed for upper managements.
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Talent alone is never enough, you need people with the know how, just ask Steve Jobs! :D
EastCoasthandleYoung blood is needed for the grunt work. Experience is needed for upper managements.
Everybody has an opinion;)
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That means very little against the might of Intel who not only has so much reserves to absorb several years of losses (if it ever happens comes to that) but all the major OEM's in their pockets. ;)

AMD needs someone at the top who can make them serious money, having a better product alone doesn't get you to the top as is the case here for AMD pre-C2D.
insiderThat means very little against the might of Intel who not only has so much reserves to absorb several years of losses (if it ever happens comes to that) but all the major OEM's in their pockets. ;)

AMD needs someone at the top who can make them serious money, having a better product alone doesn't get you to the top as is the case where for AMD pre-C2D.
True ...but AMD I thought targeted the enthusiast?Aclosed market has room to make millions!?!
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insiderIntel makes billions that's the problem ;)
Intel is smart. Unlike AMD.
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wow, alot of uneducated responses here.

marketing and worldwide sales have been a weak point for amd for quite some time. I'm glad the two in charge of those are gone, leaves room for better people to come in and with these cases, ANYONE would be better. lol

and as for intel being smarter than amd??? wtf kind of a post is that? there's no proof of that. Intel is older and larger, thats for sure, but smarter? the pentium 4 was smart? they ran that so hard into the ground that the earth shook!

typically the "smarter" companies are the smaller ones 3dfx was a big example of that. the larger the business, the more complicated it is inside the business (office polotics, red tape, etc) the harder it is to get the "smart" ideas across. whhereas smaller businesses have less of those problems and when it came to 3dfx they were some fo the smartest developers to ever hit the computer world (which is why nvidia was soo keen on having them once 3dfx went under).
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Bird of Prey
thank you yogurt. Although, it is odd to see so many leave, its probably because they dont know how to run a company.
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Looks like AMD is falling apart:D

Shit, that means Intel will boost up the prices. AMD please stay. We need you for good deals on Intel cpu's
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WarEagleAUthank you yogurt. Although, it is odd to see so many leave, its probably because they dont know how to run a company.
yup that tends to go with the territory, not everyone can be a genius in multiple areas. (walt disney being an exception) but most of the time singular genius takes place, thus weaknesses appear.

so like in 3dfx's case the developers were literal geniuses, whereas the marketing and sales teams sucked bad, the result? 3dfx went under. of course the story didn't end there, nvidia bought it up and now with nvidias marketing team and 3dfx's developers is prospering quite well.

such is the problem with the merger with amd/ati, neither of them had great marketing teams, while both have great developers. sooooo... I think it's about time to do some marketing 101 to boost revenue and allow developers the assest to bring on better and better products.

so basically, amd needs to steal nvidias marketing team. bveing that they don't have the funds right now I'd recomend kidnapping with slave drivers to force them to work.;)
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Zero Cool
WeerIntel is smart. Unlike AMD.
quit the fanboy bitching, makes you sound like an idiot

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i smell a new company formation coming soon!!!
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F@H&WCG addict
I think they need to get some younger people in there that are gamers(also know what they are doing) because they would know how to market there CPUs to attract the gamers also they would know what is needed for some high detailed games. I am not saying that they don't have that now i just think they need to have some more younger gamers with new ideas. :toast:
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this doesn't look good for AMD no matter how you spin it.
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Heedless Psychic
I'm going to have to play my AMD buying ATi was the worst move ever card again.
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KetxxxI'm going to have to play my AMD buying ATi was the worst move ever card again.
I feel ya, hopefullly they can bring it back around again.. it seemed like it slowed them down releasing shit.. though it shouldnt have.. 2900 is getting worked out now with new drivers.. but than g92 is just aroound the corner.. ohwell atleast they will take the midrange spot with the 2900pro hopefully.
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AMD bet the farm buying ATi, simple as that.. however I'm not willing to say this move won't serve them well just yet. If the Phenom is a success and HD 2k drivers continue to mature, 2008 could be a very strong year for AMD.
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why do their vice presidents keep retiring?, is their president like Darth Vader or something?
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