After numerous problems with scratched disks, Halo 3 owners now have another problem to contend with. According to the
Bungie Forums, a number of people are finding that their Xbox 360 throws out a message saying
'Cannot Read Disk' when loading maps, with some users even finding certain points of the game impossible to complete because the console freezes, despite the disk being in perfect condition. As well as this, Halo players are also reporting that they are experiencing a problem which results in them receiving an
'unsafe to respawn' error when trying to resume a Campaign after moving a hard drive between two consoles. Fortunately for Halo 3 fans Bungie is working on a fix for the second issue, although at present there doesn't seem to be any certain solution for the disk-read problem, so it may be best to contact them directly if you are affected by it.
11 Comments on More Halo Problems
Is halo 3 any good btw?
you have to remember..look at halo one and 2 they cant really make master chief look any different and the terrain is far more detailed and what not in halo 3 than halo 1 and 2..not including they pushed the HDR to the max and it payed off a lot it has the same LOOK as halo 1 and 2 just vamped up to meet current gen specs...
As a side note I can only imagine that Bungie couldn't find every single glitch by themselves and their testers in the game (after all who can? besides the public obviously)
Aye these are minor glitches and so they don't really matter