Monday, October 29th 2007

AMD Phenom X4 Compared to Intel Core 2 Duo in Crysis

There has been a lot of hype surrounding both the AMD Phenom X4 and the AMD RD790. Testers combined both, violated a couple NDAs, and pitted them against current offerings from Intel in one of the most stressing games of all time: Crysis. The chart, if true, speaks for itself...
Source: Nordic Hardware
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145 Comments on AMD Phenom X4 Compared to Intel Core 2 Duo in Crysis

Jess Stingray
Stupid AMD. This is why I'm going Intel on my next rig. AMD are just failing to produce something that can beat Intel :(
Posted on Reply
Damn that made my heart sink. That kinda stinks that an UN-released product can't beat a product thats been out for 1/2 a generation. At least it's competitive...

That really does suck, more 'mediocre' news from AMD/ATI...:wtf:

Maybe it's drivers or the game is 'optimized for NVidia'? :laugh:
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ok where how and when did they get thier hands on these chips? i think its got to be some intel fans crushing AMD before they get a chance
Posted on Reply
ARTTok where how and when did they get thier hands on these chips? i think its got to be some intel fans crushing AMD before they get a chance
Check the 'source' link in the original post...

Not sure 'Nordic Hardware' is biased EITHER way...

It's bad news I know....but the first step of grieving is acceptance :roll:

Whats the line on how much AMD/ATI looses next quarter? Above or below a quarter BILLION in the red (FOR 3 MONTHS!!)?? How long can they stay around this way :cry:
Posted on Reply
ChaoticBlanknessI'll believe it when I see official reviews.
Looks like an official review to me.

Only one application was reviewed (crysis), but I don't know what would make it 'un-official' as compared to say a TPU! review...

Looks pretty 'official' to me....

Maybe you mean with official drivers and released boards? The wait is only a few weeks at this point...

Same deal when the 2900 came out....

WTF it doesn't beat the GTX??
Its the drivers, don't worry it will....

I'm still waiting for that :D
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wowzers ... and they had all the time to get it right ...
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MediocreLooks like an official review to me.

Only one application was reviewed (crysis), but I don't know what would make it 'un-official' as compared to say a TPU! review...

Looks pretty 'official' to me....

Maybe you mean with official drivers and released boards? The wait is only a few weeks at this point...

Same deal when the 2900 came out....

WTF it doesn't beat the GTX??
Its the drivers, don't worry it will....

I'm still waiting for that :D
Reviews will be official when the NDA is up and X4s are on the street. Nordic didn't do the acctual review, . When TPU, Anandtech, and theTechReport have more comprehensive reviews comparing with various apps. I'll be satisfied.
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I think theres gonna be a lot of crys of "oh its not an official review".If these benches are true then thats the way it is.

The original is review asian,i think.
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ChaoticBlanknessReviews will be official when the NDA is up and X4s are on the street. Nordic didn't do the acctual review, . When TPU, Anandtech, and theTechReport have more comprehensive reviews comparing with various apps. I'll be satisfied.
I have the strange feeling it will be the same deal (unfortunately) :mad:

That's what I figured, wait until the 'official' hardware release...not sure how much better they can make it in 2 weeks though...
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For some reason I see promise. If thats the results for the "old" technology then thats pretty good. Waiting for benchies with updated drivers and X3000 series GPU's and the newer chipsets/motherboards. Buss of 1600 vs 1333, I doubt those results are from a production phenom.(200 X 15 - seems strange also).

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My stars went supernova
Well it's not far from it, if it is true.....I wonder how they OC>

This is only one test, so it will be nice to see other ones.
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I noticed that the amd chip was using 1.5+vcore for the 3ghz,wereas the intels were using 1.35+vcore,volts makes heat.Also what vcore will the phenom need for 4ghz? if its even capable of been pushed that high.

I hope this is down to early board revisions or drivers,i really do.
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Is that chart stating results in frames per second or time to complete demo?
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Super Dainty Moderator
well i look at it this way im an amd fanboi..however i want a penryn...but i think i will go phenom why? because a mad cheap processor that preforms worse by a whole 5fps is way better than spending the extra 300$$ as for amd and their futire i hope thay make it theirs no doubt that this is a really dark time for hopes is they pull an intel and instead of slapping more cores on or just spending as little money as possible to keep in the game with ht 3.0 and pci-e 2.0 they throw some mad money into R&D and as i said pull an intel and come out with an arch change ever gen. instead of using old arch to compete with new chips by adding more cores...if you think about it AM2 was the last arch change and theirs were no suggnificant changes other than the mem controller. that means that current amd chips are using the arch they made to stomp P4's in the ghz race...but were past that. they need something new. i mean look at penryn thats next gen coming out soon and want to know something intel claims thairs a bunch of changes more eficents and powerfull than the original conro's we all love....that my friends is improvement amd ought to take a page revamp their little nano wiore network and finally deliver kick ass product.

my 2cents.
Posted on Reply
MrWIs that chart stating results in frames per second or time to complete demo?
Crysis demo gives FPS in a little paragraph at the end of the benchmark run. More than likely its frames per second
Solaris17well i look at it this way im an amd fanboi..however i want a penryn...but i think i will go phenom why? because a mad cheap processor that preforms worse by a whole 5fps is way better than spending the extra 300$$ as for amd and their futire i hope thay make it theirs no doubt that this is a really dark time for hopes is they pull an intel and instead of slapping more cores on or just spending as little money as possible to keep in the game with ht 3.0 and pci-e 2.0 they throw some mad money into R&D and as i said pull an intel and come out with an arch change ever gen. instead of using old arch to compete with new chips by adding more cores...if you think about it AM2 was the last arch change and theirs were no suggnificant changes other than the mem controller. that means that current amd chips are using the arch they made to stomp P4's in the ghz race...but were past that. they need something new. i mean look at penryn thats next gen coming out soon and want to know something intel claims thairs a bunch of changes more eficents and powerfull than the original conro's we all love....that my friends is improvement amd ought to take a page revamp their little nano wiore network and finally deliver kick ass product.

my 2cents.
I absolutely agree. The problem is that Intel is so much bigger than AMD...The nostalgia around the p4 'ghz races' maybe the last 'hurrah' for AMD. With the deficite they run every quarter, how could they even think about spending MORE $$ (they don't have) to pull ahead? They are spending more than they make just to 'catch up'....

completely agree with the bang for the buck part though. I've built 2 systems in the last 3 months. One does 50fps (intel), the other 40fps (amd)...price difference is $800 for 10 fps!!?
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Why is the bus speed at 200mhz? I thought the Phenom x4s will be at 400mhz.
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Deleted member 3
ARTTok where how and when did they get thier hands on these chips? i think its got to be some intel fans crushing AMD before they get a chance
NDA violation says the text, must mean they got samples. It's quite normal for reviewers to have samples before launch.

Also, this won't do 4GHz, it is already overclocked. Considering Barcelona had scaling problems Phenom will have them too.
Posted on Reply
Yeah, I'll just wait to see when things get released, however with little to no information actually coming from AMD it doesn't look good. This sucks, I deffinitely prefer using AMD over Intel, but if Intel is faster and most importantly, inexpensive, I will have to go Intel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
BTW, I would really love to see the other settings on the test systems mobo's. The AMD chip seems unlocked, and they are only running it @ 200 fsb?! This test is bullshit. I could personally get that Phenom to beat out those Intel chips. I'm sure Nordic Hardware could too, but I'm not sure why they didn't. If you are breaking the NDA anyways, show us everything.
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MediocreWhats the line on how much AMD/ATI looses next quarter? Above or below a quarter BILLION in the red (FOR 3 MONTHS!!)?? How long can they stay around this way :cry:
Well, considering how long the A64 was king... ;).
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Considering the Phenom apparently scores within about 85-90% of the Intel chips, it would definitely be worth it if the price is right, and knowing AMD, it probably should be. I don't see what everyone's so bummed about.
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even if this is true, how can you compare low L2 and L3 AMD cache to high Intel cache

lets take slow intel cpu and oc it to 3ghz, then compare and you will see the difference
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a111087even if this is true, how can you compare low L2 and L3 AMD cache to high Intel cache

lets take slow intel cpu and oc it to 3ghz, then compare and you will see the difference
Thats not a great case either.

Then you're taking AMD's BEST chip and putting it up against intel's AVERAGE chip

I think they were going for a BEST v. BEST...and unfortunately thats the best AMD can do :cry:

But bang for the buck will always sell hardware...
Posted on Reply
Whats the stock fsb/multi on the phenom? in one of the pics,you can see its a amd es chip.I guess it means they're running it at a differant setting to get the 3ghz.The mem on the phenom was at 375mhz cpu/8 ratio.

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