Monday, October 29th 2007

AMD Phenom X4 Compared to Intel Core 2 Duo in Crysis
There has been a lot of hype surrounding both the AMD Phenom X4 and the AMD RD790. Testers combined both, violated a couple NDAs, and pitted them against current offerings from Intel in one of the most stressing games of all time: Crysis. The chart, if true, speaks for itself...
Nordic Hardware
145 Comments on AMD Phenom X4 Compared to Intel Core 2 Duo in Crysis
That really does suck, more 'mediocre' news from AMD/ATI...:wtf:
Maybe it's drivers or the game is 'optimized for NVidia'? :laugh:
I just read up on the link and that was on an amd 790 chipset for the amd and p35 for the intel.
EDIT-some better pics
Not sure 'Nordic Hardware' is biased EITHER way...
It's bad news I know....but the first step of grieving is acceptance :roll:
Whats the line on how much AMD/ATI looses next quarter? Above or below a quarter BILLION in the red (FOR 3 MONTHS!!)?? How long can they stay around this way :cry:
Only one application was reviewed (crysis), but I don't know what would make it 'un-official' as compared to say a TPU! review...
Looks pretty 'official' to me....
Maybe you mean with official drivers and released boards? The wait is only a few weeks at this point...
Same deal when the 2900 came out....
WTF it doesn't beat the GTX??
Its the drivers, don't worry it will....
I'm still waiting for that :D
The original is review asian,i think.
That's what I figured, wait until the 'official' hardware release...not sure how much better they can make it in 2 weeks though...
This is only one test, so it will be nice to see other ones.
I hope this is down to early board revisions or drivers,i really do.
my 2cents.
completely agree with the bang for the buck part though. I've built 2 systems in the last 3 months. One does 50fps (intel), the other 40fps (amd)...price difference is $800 for 10 fps!!?
Also, this won't do 4GHz, it is already overclocked. Considering Barcelona had scaling problems Phenom will have them too.
BTW, I would really love to see the other settings on the test systems mobo's. The AMD chip seems unlocked, and they are only running it @ 200 fsb?! This test is bullshit. I could personally get that Phenom to beat out those Intel chips. I'm sure Nordic Hardware could too, but I'm not sure why they didn't. If you are breaking the NDA anyways, show us everything.
lets take slow intel cpu and oc it to 3ghz, then compare and you will see the difference
Then you're taking AMD's BEST chip and putting it up against intel's AVERAGE chip
I think they were going for a BEST v. BEST...and unfortunately thats the best AMD can do :cry:
But bang for the buck will always sell hardware...