Thursday, December 13th 2007

Nintendo Sells a DS Every Five Seconds
This fun piece of trivia does more than make you the life of the party when playing "trivial pursuit". It indicates just how popular the Nintendo DS really is. Nintendo claims that they have sold over six million Nintendo DS units in America this year, citing internal estimates. There also seems to be no slowdown of sales in sight. The Nintendo DS is extremely popular to both the casual and hardcore gamer, and Nintendo fully intends to propel that momentum into 2008.
To further increase your trivial pursuit scores, these recent sales figures indicate that the sale of a Nintendo DS happens more than...
To further increase your trivial pursuit scores, these recent sales figures indicate that the sale of a Nintendo DS happens more than...
- A bad car accident (those happen once every 14 seconds)
- A man making a sexual advance on a woman (that happens once every seven seconds)
- Two or more script kiddies having a "flame war" on internet message boards over the previously mentioned console (which happens once every six seconds).
32 Comments on Nintendo Sells a DS Every Five Seconds
I'd like to know how often a PSP is sold. If it's 12 seconds, that's just as good.
Your math logic = epic fail.
1up is run by the same people who do EGM, Filefront, GFW (Formely computer gaming world). No nintendo-bias there.
fortunatly GAME managed to get some limited stock in and i managed to get 2 but i had to take someone with me as they were restricted to 1 per customer :O
That's wrong it's ever sec......
OK, so it's not going to win any Most Powerful Hardware of 2007 awards, but then it's selling so fast who cares.
And no, I am not a fanboy, I personally don't like them as a small console, but evidently a lot of people do.
DS is trash imo
I believe you learn that in the 3rd grade, no? ;)
DS= $130, PSP = $170
Try 1/3 more.
...just saying, it should be noted. :D
J/k :D
I still love Advance Wars even to this day. Its the only reason I even bought a DS 2 years ago.
just got my GF one with the memory card thing and it rocks .
pretty good for some good ole fun gaming . no crysis or anything.
and for people bashing it either havent owned one , or expecting way too much from a hand held.
Oh, and just because you went to some crazy-ass genius school, does not give you the right to be rude.
Twice the revenue, at the very least. The profit margains would only be higher due to game sells, and you'd be right that Nintendo would benefit from more consoles sold, having so many 1st party games out (not that I can reccomend more than 5 good ones). Aside from that, Sony selling the PSP for ,allegedly, 170$ means that they very well could exceed this 5 second benchmark. You'd have to be a complete fool to buy a DS for 130$ when the PSP costs 170$.