Sunday, April 6th 2008

Modder Unlocks Vista Driver Features on Creative Sound Cards
Creative has received much criticism for charging owners of Audigy sound cards for its ALchemy software, which offers improved audio support for certain games under Windows Vista. However, a modder by the name of Daniel Kawakami has managed to build hybrid drivers using a combination of XP and Vista files as well bypassing certain driver checks to enable several features including:
Custom PC
- Dolby/DTS decoding
- CMSS, CMSS2 and Stereo Surround (originally only CMSS was available, but this setting also affects ALchemy/OpenAL and Kawakami notes that it's thus particularly useful)
- Advanced EQ and Special FX presets
- DVD Audio
- Hardware MIDI synthesizer (Kawakami says he wrote a small utility that automatically detects and changes the default Vista MIDI Synth during driver install or can change it later using its GUI. Some media players let you choose the MIDI synthesizer)
- Equalizer
- WaveRT
103 Comments on Modder Unlocks Vista Driver Features on Creative Sound Cards
Edit: go thank him, not me - he's posted further down the thread ;)
Most of those features don't even come with the latest beta drivers. CMSS2 !
Im downloading right now!... Thanks Solaris!
My next card will prob be an Auzentech X-Fi at this point. Best of both worlds; Creative hardware implimented by a company that makes an effort to listen and care about its customer base.
Oh well . . . hopefully Creative will learn something from this situation.
SB24_VTDRV_LB_1_04_0077B.exe you want this one
SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio= XFXA_PCDRV_LB_1_04_0078A.exe
SB Live! series= SBL_VTDRV_LB_2_10_0001A.exe
Creative SB Audigy Series(with EQ)= SBAX_PCDVT_LB_2_15_0004EQ.exe
SB Audigy Value/SE/LS & Live! 24-bit= SB24_VTDRV_LB_1_04_0077B.exe
Gameport support pack fot Windows Vista 32-bit= Gameport_Vista.exe (for game incompatability only for 32 bit vista)
Sound Blaster Audigy series= SBAXVSD_PCDRV_LB_2_10_0001.exe (old file) use for trouble shooting. if you have probs with the new one.
hope that helps :)
i know iot fixes things for the x fi but it doesnt mention anything about thx in anything i saw..unless one of the underlying open al or other improvements would affect it theirs a possability nothing haveing anything to do with thx was affected...but it may have been sry i coulodnt be of mroe help.
This setup program will install the following items:
- P17 series driver
- APO Interface Module 2.05.00
- Audio Console 2.50.10
- Host OpenAL 1.00.14
- Fixes the "full range speakers enabled on reboot" issue. Now Bass Management should work always.
and if you read the thread it fixes alot more to...their seem to be alot of problems creative has purposely implemented in its drivers...even if some of the specific fixes dont apply to you the recompile this guy made is supposed to improve all sorts of problems the creative drivers had
If a modder can do this creative sure as hell should have. My music sounds 2x-3x better now.
This with my new viewsonic 21.6" monitor is pure fun on Vista x64!