Tuesday, May 20th 2008

Intel Desktop Processor Price Cuts Coming Later This Year
Today's report from DigiTimes, comes to inform us that Intel is planning to cut the prices of its desktop processors in the third quarter of this year.
The performance-level Core 2 Quad Q9650 with a core frequency of 3GHz will launch priced at US$530 in thousand-unit tray quantities, while the Core 2 Quad Q9550 will drop around 40% from its original price of US$530 to US$316. The Core 2 Quad 9450, currently priced at US$316, will be phased out of the market to be replaced by the Core 2 Quad 9400 at 2.66GHz and a price of US$266. The Core 2 Quad Q9300 and Q6700 will both be phased out at the same time too, leaving the Q6600 as the only 65nm quad-core CPU left in Intel's lineup, and which will drop from US$224 to US$203. For dual-core CPUs, Intel will launch the Core 2 Duo E8600 at 3.33GHz and US$266, and will phase out the Core 2 Duo E8300. The company will also drop pricing for the Core 2 Duo E8500 and E8400 from US$266 and US$183 to US$183 and US$163, respectively. Intel will also add the Core 2 Duo E7300 at 2.66GHz and US$133 to its entry-level line and to drop the price of its Core 2 Duo E7200 from US$133 to US$113.
20 Comments on Intel Desktop Processor Price Cuts Coming Later This Year
i hope to see the q9550's have the same popularity as the q9300's after this drop :toast:
But I suppose Intel has the right to beast how to can sell 'top end' kit at a cheaper price despite the tech being slightly dated....
Intel is spoon-feeding us with the Q9300. Watch how Q9450 stocks are low/out all over though officially the product is released and also that Q6600/Q6700 are selling for a lower price than Q9300 in some places. Why? Because they want to completely drain Q6xxx stocks and not keep healthy stocks of Q9x50 in the market till that happens. Every smart buyer knows that buying a Q9300 instead of a Q6700 (that sells cheaper, higher multiplier, 4 + 4 MB L2) is a no-brainer, and that for ~$280 the Q9300 is a bad deal, and so naturally buyers wanting an affordable Intel quad would pick a Q6x00. This way they would drain the stock, reap the most profit, and then pump Q9x50 stocks into the market. For me as a buyer "45nm, SSE4.1, ZOMG Yorkfield!1!" dont convince enough to pick a Q9300 over a Q6x00.
I think that's a damn decent chip :)
When did TechPowerUp become FreeRepublic.com?
Sorry Dangle, no offense.
Back to the topic.
The occasional off-topic reference to politics is okay (espeically if it somehow involves technology) -- however, his sig just has "needless troll" written all over it.
Anywho, Intel price cuts, big deal. How about taking some of those piles of money you have and give us some integrated video that doesn't blow chunks. :p
my next CPU has to be 12mb cache so it looks like it has to be the Q9550 for me at $316 is not bad i am sure it will be retailed her in Denmark at about $400 bucks which is still not bad.
**WARNING** As noted by posters below, there are a couple of bugs in the chart. Sorry, it was a 3 minute slap-job. But you get the idea...
- Christine