Wednesday, October 15th 2008
SilverStone Launches SST Clear CMOS Button for Everyone
Coming out of nowhere I just found that SilverStone, a company that specializes in building high-end enclosures, has just launched a neat product that will certainly please all overclockers and computer enthusiasts. SilverStone SST-CLEARCMOS, as it is called, is an universal clear CMOS button on a backplate which works with every motherboard that has 3-pin clear CMOS pinouts. That allows you to quickly clear the CMOS for recovering from failed overclocking attempts, updating BIOS, or resetting BIOS without the need to open your PC. It's pretty cool, all you need to do is take away the CMOS jumper from your motherboard, connect the three SST-CLEARCMOS wires, and fix the backplate to a free PCI slot in your case.
Hardware Secrets
69 Comments on SilverStone Launches SST Clear CMOS Button for Everyone
If it is pretty cool design, like a missile button on a fighter jet :D
I wonder why they chose to make the sides vented?? Some closable vents would have really finished it off.
I second the notion for a front panel variant, but I want it with two keyholes and a big red button...
If so I may get some of these along with it:
Or if you push get a setting wrong in the BIOS, or the auto-recovery doesnt work, its really handy to have an easily accessible clear cmos button.
Cant wait for these to become avaialbe, hope it wont be long! :D
EDIT: Cant believe I'm actually gettign excited over a button! :shadedshu
Why didnt someone think of it sooner! :rolleyes:
didnt reset any settings that way, only a safe fsb setting was selected.