Friday, December 12th 2008

Nintendo Sets New Game Console Shipment Record

Nintendo has had a happy hunting season in the month of November, with record-breaking sales of the Wii game console in the US. According to data compiled by NPD and sourced from TG Daily, Nintendo shattered its own record it set in November 2007, of 981,000 units sold, with a phenomenal 2 million units sold in November '08.

Given the state the economy is in, game console shipment estimates for November 2008 by NPD, come as a big surprise. Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony shipped 3,254,000 static consoles last month, which compares to only 2,217,000 units in November and translates to a 47% increase in shipped units year over year and 139% sequentially. Sales of console by Sony saw a sharp drop at the expense of Nintendo and Microsoft. The month saw equally good sales of game titles (covered here), again with those for the Xbox 360 and Wii holding the top spots.
Source: TG Daily
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32 Comments on Nintendo Sets New Game Console Shipment Record

Ahhh, the nation certainly does love their crapware with a good boost of shovelware.

I won a Wii back when it was first released, my family played Bowling for about ten minutes then it went in to the closet.
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tkpenaltyYou do realise how much cheaper consoles are in contrast to PCs? A $500 console will be able to play a whole lot more games that are more graphically intensive than a $500 PC (tower only). A console only has one PCB, and that has all the stuff on it, so therefore it effectively reduces manufacturing costs.

If you want to play games only a console is better for you, if you want to do anything else for the same price, of a console then a PC, but you'd sacrifice gaming to some extent with the PC at the same price as the console.

In a nutshell you're comparing apples with oranges.
My point is what makes a Console like the Xbox 360 different than the PC Hardware wise. They both have a Hard Drive, CPU, GPU, MB. Its just the way its manufactured and built that makes it cheap. Its still a PC to me, just given a limited OS and put into a different case is all.
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Like i said before nintendo are marketing towards the whole family with there games non hardcore were predominetly pc is aimed toward teeenagers and older with hardcore games wich wont appeal to everyone. Even the ps3 new spokesman game is the cutesy Little Boy Planet because it can appeal to a much bigger audience then any Lara or fps or any other type of game is sad but its true. =/
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The Doctor is in the house
WeerI think you are slightly confused.

The Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 are Current generation consoles.

The Wii is not.
I thought you said in a previous post that the ps3 and xbox were next gen, now they are current gen. Anyway is it because the wii does not have the same graphics as the xbox or ps3 because these sales figures show that graphics are NOT important, they are not what makes it next gen, or last gen or current gen.
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thee neonlightning
I smell a thread dedicated to consols..sounds like fun , might i had that Weer contradicted himself? Dr pepper is valid on his point!
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I only own a Wii (unfortunately). What a sad library. I don't know what I was expecting from it, but it sure has disappointed in almost every way. I think the best game on it is probably Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, but I already beat that one on Cube.

For my "big screen gaming", I decided to rig up an extra game PC to my 'ol 36" SDTV. It's a big tube there. I put most of my most powerful PC gaming hardware in it, including a 8800GTX, 4 GB RAM, 3.2 GHz Core 2, Audigy 2 on 5.1 output, 500GB HDD of games and a 360 controller lol. Since almost all console games I care about are ported to PC, I can play them on there and they run so much better and can be visually tweaked with antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. Get to use a KB/mouse or the 360 pad, whichever works best for the game. Load times almost disappear. I also noticed with the few I've played on 360 itself and was forced into a letterbox that the PC ports will run fullscreen 4:3. And the noisy 360 DVD-ROM is not part of the experience (I borrowed a friend's 360 for a year).
tiggerThe ps3 uses a 7900gtx,and the xbox360 uses a custom ati gpu with unified shaders.
RSX is more like a 7900GT. It only has a 128-bit RAM bus that's clocked relatively low. Fortunately it only has to deal with 1280x720 and games are tailored for it specifically.

360 is unified and personally I think it's a lot more interesting than RSX, but it's still probably similar to something like half of a Radeon 3850/4670 from a performance perspective. And its shader core is much different than the ATI unified shader PC GPUs.

Neither PS3 or 360 has GPU performance anywhere near even a $100 PC GPU at this time. But because the games are designed for the machines and the hardware will probably never run games choppy because of this, who cares really. Visually they aren't really going to go anywhere technologically new though.

I think the biggest limitation is RAM, honestly. All the 360 games I've played stream off the disk like mad (so noisy) and can hardly keep up (textures popping in). You can tell they are stretching RAM to the limit. Means that texture resolution isn't going to go anywhere, among other things. You can see this in the ports to PC that have textures designed for ~256 MB RAM or so. Next consoles should have a few gigs of RAM and that'll make a big difference in visuals all by itself. RAM is so cheap right now that having 8 GB of DDR2-800 is only about $100 for a PC.
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Ofcourse the wii is going to outsell all other game platforms why because there not to aiming for a specific gamer ala hardcore gamer and are aiming for everyone not just the kids and old kids yeah i said it before but it makes sense unfortuently.
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