Ripple Measurements
In the following table you will find the ripple levels that we measured on the main rails of IRP-GOL900. According to ATX specification the limits are 120 mV (+12V) and 50 mV (5V, 3.3V and 5VSB).
Ripple Measurements In Win IRP-GOL900 |
Test | 12 V | 5 V | 3.3 V | 5VSB | Pass/Fail |
20% Load | 14.7 mV | 10.8 mV | 12.7 mV | 7.4 mV | Pass |
40% Load | 16.8 mV | 12.5 mV | 13.7 mV | 10.0 mV | Pass |
50% Load | 18.1 mV | 14.4 mV | 16.0 mV | 12.2 mV | Pass |
60% Load | 20.4 mV | 13.9 mV | 17.1 mV | 72.9 mV | Fail |
80% Load | 23.3 mV | 14.8 mV | 18.3 mV | 17.0 mV | Pass |
100% Load | 29.5 mV | 17.6 mV | 22.8 mV | 20.3 mV | Pass |
Crossload 1 | 26.9 mV | 14.8 mV | 19.2 mV | 10.6 mV | Pass |
Crossload 2 | 22.0 mV | 16.9 mV | 20.5 mV | 15.4 mV | Pass |
Ripple/noise suppression in general is very good, as we expected from a high-end unit. For some weird reason at 60% of max rated capacity, our logging program caught a ripple spike on the 5VSB up to 72.86 mV. Here we should note that most of the time 5VSB registered arount 13 mV ripple at this load level but every 4-5 sec almost instantly a ripple spike around 70 mV p-p occurred. Unfortunately for the unit this spike was enough for our ripple logging program to mark it as fail at the specific test.
Ripple at Full Load
In the following oscilloscope screenshots you can see the AC ripple and noise that the main rails registered (+12V, 5V, 3.3V and 5VSB). The bigger the fluctuations on the oscilloscope's screen the bigger the ripple/noise. For all measurements we set 0.01 V/Div (each vertical division/box equals to 0.01V) as standard.
Ripple at Crossload 1
Ripple at Crossload 2