Thursday, March 25th 2010

NVIDIA GeForce 197.13 WHQL Drivers Released
NVIDIA today released version 197.13 of its GeForce system software. The suite includes drivers for all NVIDIA GeForce GPUs and IGPs since GeForce 6 series, NVIDIA ION platform, as well as system software for NVIDIA PhysX, NVIDIA 3D Vision technology, and drivers for the on-chip HDMI audio which the latest GeForce GPUs are shipping with. The WHQL-signed driver includes PhysX 9.10.0129 system software, updated HDMI audio driver to version, application-specific performance increments for several games, notably the following:
- Ambient Occlusion support for Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Need for Speed: Shift, Resident Evil 5, RUSE, and Street Fighter IV. Anti Aliasing can now be overridden for Mass Effect 2. As always, a number of new and existing bugs were fixed. For more information, refer to the Release Notes documents for Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP.
- Up to 13% performance increase in Crysis: Warhead with a single GPU, up to 30% performance increase in Crysis: Warhead with SLI technology
- Up to 13% performance increase in H.A.W.X with single GPU, up to 15% performance increase in H.A.W.X with SLI technology
- Up to 30% performance increase in Left 4 Dead with single GPU, up to 28% performance increase in Left 4 Dead with SLI technology
- Ambient Occlusion support for Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Need for Speed: Shift, Resident Evil 5, RUSE, and Street Fighter IV. Anti Aliasing can now be overridden for Mass Effect 2. As always, a number of new and existing bugs were fixed. For more information, refer to the Release Notes documents for Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP.
27 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce 197.13 WHQL Drivers Released
I'm slightly envious of the green teams drivers. (apart from that wee hiccup they had)
I used to be green, but now just green with envy...
ATI drivers are mince in comparison - though when they get it right - image quality does seem smoother somehow - wierd.
But to summarise my non flamish post - NV drivers 99% Good.
Anyone has any clue whether this driver will work with the CUDA/OpenCL SDK 3.0 Beta for GPGPU purposes ?
given the time Warhead was released and the number of whqls released, the performance increase in Warhead should be 1000% (yes, a thousand percent increase), which is not thrue, of course, Warhead actually still perform worse then the original Crysis.
what else do they lie to us about?
Using my GT240 = 191.07
I am sticking to my word and only use the drivers that shipped with the cards, they seem to be the best, i always have issues with any other drivers i use. As for ATI, this isn't the problem, but with Nvidia it is.
Edit: lower folding temps too!
and it doesn't recognize it. I have to restore.
Cheapy card I'm not surprised.
30% wow.
can someone confirm that lol
Running forced X16 AA in Mass Effect 2. Purrrty.
For those that care, OpenCL works with this driver, as well.
I remember you were having problems with the last drivers in sli, did you get that resolved with this driver?