Friday, April 2nd 2010


April's Fool!

Guess we really got you guys this time. I will not be leaving the site, nor will there by any of the announced changes. It was all an elaborate April's Fools Joke that we played on you.

Read on for the details...

As most of you remember, NVIDIA's Fermi launch was at midnight my local time, so I posted the review after countless hours of work, watched how our traffic spiked quickly and went to bed smiling and reliefed that everything went well. After I woke up I grabbed my notebook to check if the site might be crashed or something - no everything was fine, I started reading the comments and was shocked to see all the drama about Catalyst 9.12 being used. While I was aware that 9.12 weren't the latest drivers, I was pretty sure that the performance gains were not significant enough to retest all ATI cards and instead not have something like the Metro & Heaven tests (time is limited). After sifting through hundreds of posts all stating the same I did feel quite some anger towards the userbase in general: I was pissed. But as countless people stated in the comments for the "I am going away thread" the comments are just a tiny subset of what people think; happy people don't post comments.
Still with some anger I made my first posts in the comment thread: I think I'm done, I'm quitting and a couple more ... after a while I went away from the PC and started thinking a bit about it. "Let's just prove those idiots wrong". So I started benchmarking the 5870 on 10.3 and posted the results several hours later. As expected the difference was only 2%.
As we moved closer to April 1st I thought "hey, why not use those posts to create an epic April's Fools Joke", talked to my good buddy btarunr about it and he also thought it might be worthwile doing. Bta was the only person to know, not even the TPU staff knew. So the post was made and the story unfolded...

While I had originally planned to come clean some time next week, I realized it would be cruel to let you guys suffer that long.

Thank you all for your amazing comments. I had no idea how appreciated my work is. I am also sorry if you were hurt by it - I didn't mean it. Thanks again guys! and again, don't worry, nothing big will change here. Feel free to express your anger toward me in the comments, the mods are instructed to give you even more leeway as usually.
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407 Comments on Gotcha!

Super Dainty Moderator
caubyban me if you will but...


Almost thought this site was least now we know you're not affected by drama!
Posted on Reply
from fb:

hallo every body (i'm wahdangun @TPU), so anyone know where wizz Facebook is?

i want to kick him(and bta too), after what his done to me
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78You son of a bitch!

Anyway I got an infraction for calling a certain mod a dick head during this April fools joke. It was only worth 10.
I just counted all of your infractions. You are well in the lead.
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Big Member
erockerI just counted all of your infractions. You are well in the lead.
Whats my total?
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mtosevfrom fb:

hallo every body (i'm wahdangun @TPU), so anyone know where wizz Facebook is?

i want to kick him(and bta too), after what his done to me
i dont use facebook, myspace, linkedin, xing or any other of these sites. but i have tpu
Posted on Reply
FU W1zzard of Shite!

Glad TPU stays the same tho
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78You son of a bitch!

Anyway I got an infraction for calling a certain mod a dick head during this April fools joke. It was only worth 10.
erockerI just counted all of your infractions. You are well in the lead.
atta boy mailman!! keep up the good work ;)
Posted on Reply

Successful april fools though.
Posted on Reply
id never have the balls to say this but, w1zz, ur an arse you no that man :nutkick::laugh:
Posted on Reply
Very well played fooled a lot of us here including me. W1zz, making us wait was perfect. You can't give your self away on April Fools Day.
Posted on Reply
Shame on you. Making us suffer like that!

Well... I hope you got your kicks. :p
Posted on Reply
lol, W1zzard used Catalyst 4.1 in that thread.

That may have been the most epic troll I have seen in my life, W1z
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Black Panther
option350zVery well played fooled a lot of us here including me. W1zz, making us wait was perfect. You can't give your self away on April Fools Day.
Perfect timing - starting on the 31st March and ending on 2nd April!

Had you done it on 1st April everyone would've thought it was a joke, no matter how serious matters seemed. But this way you pwnd not only TPU but each and every tech forum! :laugh:
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Jokes off ... really ... i think you deserve a break W1zz ... :laugh: ... what da ya say .. ?? :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Obvious prank was obvious.
Posted on Reply
Wow, that was quite the sigh of relief. Thanks for all your hard work and for grinding my mind into the dirt with a very well executed April Fool's joke! :twitch: :toast:
Posted on Reply
Well played good sir. Next year won't be so easy!
Posted on Reply
Thanks god ... :respect: I must say that was quite believable:nutkick:
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