Friday, April 2nd 2010


April's Fool!

Guess we really got you guys this time. I will not be leaving the site, nor will there by any of the announced changes. It was all an elaborate April's Fools Joke that we played on you.

Read on for the details...

As most of you remember, NVIDIA's Fermi launch was at midnight my local time, so I posted the review after countless hours of work, watched how our traffic spiked quickly and went to bed smiling and reliefed that everything went well. After I woke up I grabbed my notebook to check if the site might be crashed or something - no everything was fine, I started reading the comments and was shocked to see all the drama about Catalyst 9.12 being used. While I was aware that 9.12 weren't the latest drivers, I was pretty sure that the performance gains were not significant enough to retest all ATI cards and instead not have something like the Metro & Heaven tests (time is limited). After sifting through hundreds of posts all stating the same I did feel quite some anger towards the userbase in general: I was pissed. But as countless people stated in the comments for the "I am going away thread" the comments are just a tiny subset of what people think; happy people don't post comments.
Still with some anger I made my first posts in the comment thread: I think I'm done, I'm quitting and a couple more ... after a while I went away from the PC and started thinking a bit about it. "Let's just prove those idiots wrong". So I started benchmarking the 5870 on 10.3 and posted the results several hours later. As expected the difference was only 2%.
As we moved closer to April 1st I thought "hey, why not use those posts to create an epic April's Fools Joke", talked to my good buddy btarunr about it and he also thought it might be worthwile doing. Bta was the only person to know, not even the TPU staff knew. So the post was made and the story unfolded...

While I had originally planned to come clean some time next week, I realized it would be cruel to let you guys suffer that long.

Thank you all for your amazing comments. I had no idea how appreciated my work is. I am also sorry if you were hurt by it - I didn't mean it. Thanks again guys! and again, don't worry, nothing big will change here. Feel free to express your anger toward me in the comments, the mods are instructed to give you even more leeway as usually.
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407 Comments on Gotcha!

I am on my way to Germany now.......with a various assortment of torture devices so you can see how we felt yesterday.

While I had my doubts when I saw the time of your post (3/31 @ 11am), I still wasn't too sure. I was looking at the clock thinking that it's still April 1st in Japan when you made the post so I had my hopes sick sick sick bastards! :slap:

Posted on Reply
A moderator should ban WIz from TPU for what he made to us. Or better Ban yourself Wiz :D
Good news. :roll:
Posted on Reply
Big Member
I think this thread is a fraud also. I exposed W1zz killing Dan in the last thread and now I know Bta was some how involved. Maybe they lured Dan into thinking there was a beer in a snake tamers basket.

Posted on Reply
thanks mate, that you will stay here @ amazing TPU!
I appreciate man,

personal I hate 1 april and the jokes around It, but this time I will forgive you XD

Can't wait for more awesome reviews!!
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I love you guys, your so crazy.

I'm going to go drink a few bottles of buckfast, then I'll come back and tell you how I really feel. :laugh: :laugh:
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I think this users are going right now to your house, w1z. Some of them were talking something about crucifying :laugh:
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Dumb ass.
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Nice joke w1z, this little prank has claimed by #2 spot for sheer epic-ness, right behind this prank: from a couple of local radio jockeys.

If nothing else, at least you can now say for sure how appreciated you, your work, and this site are! :toast:
Posted on Reply
ahaha knew it knew it knew it.

Although I completely fell for the PhysX one.
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Glag you're staying! The forum wouldn't be the same without you all!
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This was not funny to me. First time I have posted was some 5 yeas ago. I have registered specifically to ask if my X800GTO was unlockable. And guess what I have receive answer from wizz asking me to post a value from ATI tool specific for my card and he will look in to if my card was unlockable and it was not. But I talked to Wizz the creator of ATI tool wooow. And now he leaving was not amusing to me.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
I knew it! Something just didn't feel right, despite the plausibility.

Now I'm so angry and I hate you so much I want you to go, muhahahaha!!!

Hey, kidding. You even nailed an old skeptical bastard like me. :wtf: Well done. :toast: :roll:

The bar is now raised even higher for next year.

Now, about those dodgy ATI drivers...
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
I know how you feel Q.
I figured total BS at first, but then when he posted comments over at XS I thought, "Crap he wouldn't take this off site if he wasn't serious."

I was wrong lol.

Well all is not lost. Trying to figure out what was happening and using my l33t googling skills, I now know more about W1zz than probably most around here.
I can always use that for extortion or something. :laugh:
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Tip of the hat to you good sir.

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Xtreme Refugee
must say congrats on fooling the entire online tech world :toast: though if you try this crap again get ready from a hate mob thousands deep to come find you :nutkick:
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Senior Monkey Moderator
I see about the same response at XS. About 98% relieved and 2% pissed off.
Made me laugh.
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Well at least you're not leaving!
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Successful april fools though.
how is it an april fools ? , it was posted in march :rolleyes:
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you sonofabitch! oh well, I do suppose it was well deserved, now tot hat flaming assholes, think about it before insulting a man that works so damn hard at what he does not for himself but for all of us and TPU in general. one day it may not be an april fools joke if some dont wise the fuck up! i know swearing is not allowed but I had to say it, infractions if you must.
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Cold Storm
Great stuff W1z. I'm keeping the sig alive for a while!! :rockout:
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lol.... Man if duke nukem was a real person i'd hire him to kick you in the nads!

Good joke!
Posted on Reply
You suxxz0rz big time!

Just kidding, you're kinda awesome
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