Friday, May 28th 2010

NVIDIA Removes Restriction on ATI GPUs with NVIDIA GPUs Processing PhysX
NVIDIA has reportedly removed the driver-level code which restricts users from having an NVIDIA GeForce GPU process PhysX with an ATI Radeon GPU in the lead, processing graphics. Version 257.15 Beta of the GeForce drivers brought about this change. Possible commercial interests may have played NVIDIA's previous decision to prevent the use of GeForce GPUs to process PhysX with ATI Radeon GPUs, where users could buy an inexpensive GeForce GPU to go with a high-end DirectX 11 compliant Radeon GPU, thereby reducing NVIDIA's margins, though officially NVIDIA maintained that the restriction was in place to ensure Quality Assurance. The present move also seems to have commercial interests in mind, as NVIDIA could clear inventories of GeForce GPUs at least to users of ATI Radeon GPUs. NVIDIA replenished its high-end offering recently with the DirectX 11 compliant GeForce 400 series GPUs.
Update (28/05): A fresh report by Anandtech says that the ability to use GeForce for PhysX in systems with graphics led by Radeon GPUs with the 257.15 beta driver is just a bug and not a feature. It means that this ability is one-off for this particular version of the driver, and future drivers may not feature it.
Update (28/05): A fresh report by Anandtech says that the ability to use GeForce for PhysX in systems with graphics led by Radeon GPUs with the 257.15 beta driver is just a bug and not a feature. It means that this ability is one-off for this particular version of the driver, and future drivers may not feature it.
276 Comments on NVIDIA Removes Restriction on ATI GPUs with NVIDIA GPUs Processing PhysX
Instead of checking up those false positive reports, both sites rush to censor the word NGOHQ from their sites and warn users not to download anything from our site.
Those sites seem to think they should report any news that hits any site without investigation, hasn't reported the latest PhysX development - like all the other sites, and yet they report some random false positive virus responses to known wrappers.
Just recently Gabriel Torres from Hardware Secrets got blacklisted by Nvidia, because he refused to be their puppet.
So yes, I believe someone has intentionally tricked Symantec. Who? I don't know. But if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, good chances that... it is a duck.
still, with so many shit AV's on the market, it is best to pack things in a way they wont whine about.
I agree, most of them aren't very good AVs, but that many hits is going to cause controversy.
and btw is this patch effect my save game?
The accusal without any proofs is what i really refuse to understand. Moreover, the original author of those claims refused to even try to get any proofs after i contacted him. So i'll just stick with a fact that all those tech-sites relations are serious business and i don't really need/want to understand their policies. I suggest everyone who wants to understand my point about this, to spend some time and read a topic at Rage3D:
My standpoint is fully explained in my posts there. How it works, is explained just under the screenshots there at the original topic:
No, it shouldn't affect your savegames. I would like to see it too. I can't do it by myself, sorry.
And Gabriel Torres deserved to be blacklisted. His reviews are complete shit, he wants nVidia to keep giving him free samples, but won't even put CUDA and PhysX in a feature list when asked. I wouldn't give him free shit either.
It is pretty simple to take a binary, bundle it with a trojan and submit it to AV vendors. Anyone can do it.
Somebody donate him a better packer if need be, and the controversy disappears altogether. Shit, I'd donate to get him a better packer that doesn't throw a million false positives.
Also assuming both cards check out and run perfectly there is a chance one will go up for sale if anyone is interested they can PM me.
And isn't the 7zip packer free?
Using a 9600GT LP, which is already underclocked from stock 9600GT specs, with only 64 shaders, there was actually no performance benefit of having it in my main rig as a dedicated with a GTX470, tested with Batman:AA.
Underclocking the 9600GT as low as the sliders would let me go in MSI Afterburner dropped the FPS about 3-5FPS.
So even an 8800GT is probably overkill, even if everything is underclocked as low as possible. I'd try using the latest version of MSI Afterburner(1.6.0 Beta 6), it works with any nVidia cards like Precisions, but seems to work better with the latest drivers. I had some problems getting the latest version of Precision to read the clock speeds properly and actually overclock my GTX470 when I moved the sliders.
The older precision should recognize the 8800GT regardless of drivers no? Unless in the case of your 470 precision worked until you changed drivers then that's another issue.
Afterburner has a place in the settings to switch GPUs, though I don't know if it will apply the different profiles/clocks to both cards at the same time, or if it will only work on one card at a time.
meh , i might try again later