Monday, August 27th 2012

AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
A leaked AMD document for retail partners spelled out specifications of the first three FX "Vishera" processors by AMD. The new CPUs incorporate AMD's "Piledriver" architecture, and much like the first-generation "Zambezi" chips, will launch as one each of eight-core, six-core, and four-core chips. The eight-core FX-8350 is confirmed to ship with 4.00 GHz nominal clock speed, with 4.20 GHz TurboCore speed. The six-core FX-6300 ships with 3.50 GHz nominal, and 4.10 GHz TurboCore speed. The quad-core FX-4320, on the other hand, ships with the same clock speeds as the FX-8350. In addition, the document confirmed clock speeds of several socket FM2 A-series APUs, such as the A10-5700 and the A8-5500.
493 Comments on AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
I hope they let him do something extra on steamroller to improve it even more.
Go Jim Keller.
I also think they need to break up the FPUs into 4 blocks of 64-Bit where they can be combined to either 128-Bit x 2 or 256-Bit x 1 or 64-bit x 4 or 128-Bit x 1 and 64-bit x 2 n so on. Maybe this will work good too, but not sure right now.
And, I bet they wouldn't hesitate on doing it if it would give a performance boost that justifies the effort required to do so.
The starting clock has little to do with it's affectiveness of performance. It's to do with marketing and it's perception to consumers.
If intel thought they'd get 1% more sales by starting their lower models at 4GHz they would do it too.
Aaaaaaahhhhhh no. Amd needs the sales more. If this were true, everything amd released would be 4.3 & above. The marketing comes in by mere name recognition and the price follows accordingly. Want a Benz.....gonna have to pay for a Benz
This makes no sense at all.
All AMD is doing is the SAME thing Intel did when the P4 was out. Intel kept jacking up the CPU clock speed and got no were fast. Now I heard this from all the AMD people (Including MYSELF!) But when AMD does the very same thing it is some how marketing? DUDE put the pot pipe down.
If AMD and Intel find a way to supply retail boxes with a better cooling system without compromising profit we would see 4.3GHz stock Marketing is clock speed as well. Because the non-technical gifted i.e. the average joe assumes higher clock equals better performance, thus healthier profit. But how can you say this with certainty without Piledriver reviews?
If Piledriver proves to have the same IPC as Bulldozer at stock speeds then your argument makes sense. But right now we have no clue how Piledriver performances so we cant even make an educated guess why they've increase the stock clocks.
Avonx please figure out the Edit button you have been here in this thread long enough(chatting the same nonesense) to figure it out by now, yet keep throwing the odd Dp inn:shadedshu
I personally love high hertz cpu's, ive ran all mine just below their actual wall all their lives and yes i killed a few of them, but not before three years and that will do for me, so 5Ghz is my next un power efficient target, my webz pages should fly then:p. no Dp see;)
the absolute truth of the matter is that alpha ,beta chips and hard evaluative validation testing decide what speeds intel and AMd sell their chips at, they are binned according to their actual performance into bins that all befit a certain quantity(reqd) and performance and Lifespan criteria so all in they have little choice most of the time and are binned according to market demand often and not performance, thats why were here, after all not all oems are willing to put a 4 Ghz chip in anything unless its still cheap and the difference is good for oems as a price scale, more Ghz = yep more moneys................
you are assuming that the average "Joe" Knows that the faster the CPU the better. In some cases yes this would be true, But for the web/video/youtube surfer there is only one thing can I get my 4g to work with this computer.
I believe that AMD is ringing every little bit out of what they have now just to stay competitive with Intel. Too bad they are resorting to cheap tactics to get there. Hey her is an Idea AMD should be rethinking the CPU design altogether and for go the jacking up of the CPU speeds. Some real thought and real innovation is needed. Just like they did with the K10!
To stay competitive with Intel financially yes. Bulldozer was innovative. Innovation and performance have different dictionary meanings. Maybe you should wait for Piledriver and find out how overclockable it is? - Rather than talking shit before the product hits the shelves.
you dont get extra Trolling points for double posting by the way trickson:p
Don't know why AMD went the deeper pipeline route, but Excavator will change this, with Steamroller bringing the first major changes to the Bulldozer Design.
AMD should be patted on the back for such outside the box innovation, but also get kicked in the nuts for a lousy execution due to upper management. Today's Bulldozer should have been at the very least Steamroller, if not Excavator. AMD no has to backpeddle and repair this, and they will...
If bulldozer was so good they would all remain at their positions and they would not of gotten fired.
We can see that also in the FX-8300 series that they just cranked up the "Ghz" to gain some performance, because most of it came from that and there was not much "innovation" in it.
This is plain and simple, AMD run out of "tallent" and skillful engineers.
"Hence" why now we have "Jim Keller" at AMD because they were left with no other options.
"Jim Keller" was hired to hopefully fix all this junk. But this will take some time.
I wonder where are those who claimed that AMD products are "still" selling well.
So designing the first processor with a module with a dedicated schedulers and integer units for each thread isn't innovative?
That is a huge innovation and achievement. AvonX what have you done with your life that is so fantastic? Difficult times at Intel:
Rory has a game plan and so far it seems to be working.
Also your opinion regarding the FX 8300 will be nothing more than an OC'ed Bulldozer is just that a none Facial statement that holds no water. In October when Piledriver is released, you will eat those words :D
so vishera is gonna be a little bit better than bulldozer but the real improvements are gonna be steamroller
i would say BD = 100% PD = 110-115% and SR = 135-45%