Monday, November 12th 2012

No DirectX 11.1 for Windows 7?
It looks like Microsoft is using the old DirectX limitation trick to push PC enthusiasts to buy its latest operating system. According to a Hardware Info report that cites a post on Microsoft Answers Forum by Microsoft employee Daniel Moth, the company may restrict DirectX 11.1, of which the newest generation of GPUs from AMD and NVIDIA are compatible with, to Windows 8. Windows 7 users will have to make do with DirectX 11. The move could be a little harsh, as each new version of Windows has access to at least two new DirectX versions. Windows XP saw DirectX 8 and 9.x, Windows Vista DirectX 10 and 11. Microsoft DirectX 11.1 adds a few new features to its Direct3D component. In addition to a vendor-neutral stereo 3D platform, it adds a host of 3D API features.
94 Comments on No DirectX 11.1 for Windows 7?
Also, not many games are on DX 11 as it is. 11.1 update will be miniscule.
The only reason to "tie" DX editions down to Windows versions is monopolistic control.
In other news, EU fines MS to help bail out Greece.
OpenGL 4.2 all the way.
@Filiprino - I agree with you and think this will go the way of the DX 10.1.. and believe OpenGL 4.2 for the win! :toast:
As a consumer you still have a choice. If you don't want to move to Win8, don't buy titles that only support DX11.1? It's not like you signed a contract with Microsoft that forces them to provide legacy support... ;) It's all economics...
F*ck you. Have a nice day :)