Wednesday, October 22nd 2014

NVIDIA Rolls Out GeForce 344.48 WHQL Game Ready Driver
NVIDIA rolled out the GeForce 344.48 WHQL "Game Ready" drivers, timed to launch with Civilization: Beyond Earth, Elite: Dangerous, and Lords of the Fallen. These drivers enable Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR), which debuted on the "Maxwell" based GeForce GTX 900 series, on all older "Fermi" and "Kepler" based GeForce GTX 500, GTX 600, and GTX 700 series GPUs.DOWNLOAD: GeForce 344.48 WHQL for Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit, Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit, WIndows XP 32-bit, Windows XP 64-bit
45 Comments on NVIDIA Rolls Out GeForce 344.48 WHQL Game Ready Driver
So basically is just a fancy word for SuperSampling right? Like in the Shadows of Mordor game or Witcher 2 (Uber Sampling)?
Only tried them on WOW so far. May have a play around with DSR in a few games tonight.
Last driver was A OK.
Get your act together Nvidia. Idiots!.
Just some more Nvidia bullshit
getting more and more like apple nvidia xD
Question: Exactly what does this DSR do?