Tuesday, October 6th 2015

AMD Partners With Oculus and Dell to Power Oculus-Ready PCs

AMD today announced a collaboration with Oculus and Dell to equip Oculus Ready PCs with AMD Radeon GPUs, starting at $999 USD. The powerful PCs are designed to deliver stunning gaming performance and enable spectacular VR experiences for consumers around the world by leveraging AMD VR leadership with LiquidVR and Graphics Core Next architecture.

"It's an exciting time to be at the heart of all things Virtual Reality," said Roy Taylor, corporate vice president, Alliances and Content, AMD. "I'm confident that with Dell and Alienware, we can enable a wide audience of PC users with extraordinary VR capabilities powered by AMD Radeon GPUs."
In March, AMD announced an initiative to deliver the ultimate VR experience for developers and users enabled through AMD LiquidVR technology. AMD LiquidVR enables low-latency VR performance that maintains reliable comfort during your VR experience, and plug-and-play compatibility with VR headsets. AMD GPU software and hardware subsystems are a major component in making AMD LiquidVR a reality and in turn allowing for developers and content creators to enable a life-like presence in VR environments.

"For nearly 20 years Alienware has been a leader in performance and innovation for PC gaming; virtual reality is the next frontier and we plan to innovate and lead in the same way, with the same passion," said Frank Azor, Co-founder and General Manager, Alienware. "Partnering with the performance of AMD graphics and the innovation of Oculus provides an incredible opportunity for Alienware to deliver something awesome for our users."

For more information, visit the product page.
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44 Comments on AMD Partners With Oculus and Dell to Power Oculus-Ready PCs

where the hell are my stars
truth tellerat least take you pills before posting all that mambo-jumbo
Wait you are going to call someone out for posting mumbo-jumbo (no idea what mambo is) after a posting that looks as if you have no grasp on the english language or were so high the keyboard was fighting you? Sit quietly and listen. Neither manufacturer has released anything new after the 7950/7970 generation of cards. It has been rehashes with smaller manufacturing processes and higher clock speeds. The current AMD cards still run hot as fuck and the current nvidia cards still perform better. If you want to talk shit about drivers, find me one that allows my 3 year old crossfire setup to scale properly in current games, when you finish that you can talk shit about nvidia ones.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallWait you are going to call someone out for posting mumbo-jumbo (no idea what mambo is) after a posting that looks as if you have no grasp on the english language or were so high the keyboard was fighting you? Sit quietly and listen. Neither manufacturer has released anything new after the 7950/7970 generation of cards. It has been rehashes with smaller manufacturing processes and higher clock speeds. The current AMD cards still run hot as fuck and the current nvidia cards still perform better. If you want to talk shit about drivers, find me one that allows my 3 year old crossfire setup to scale properly in current games, when you finish that you can talk shit about nvidia ones.
1. read the thread comments
2. read the topic title
3. ???
4. less salt, more profit
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
truth teller1. read the thread comments
2. read the topic title
3. ???
4. less salt, more profit
Ah so your response when you are wrong is to change subjects and attempt to call out the poster. Fair enough live in lala land where you can derail a thread and get upset when called on it.

Let me put it this way, you'll last long here with that attitude. [/sarcasm]
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallAh so your response when you are wrong is to change subjects and attempt to call out the poster. Fair enough live in lala land where you can derail a thread and get upset when called on it.

Let me put it this way, you'll last long here with that attitude. [/sarcasm]
1. topics tags: alienware amd dell gpu oculus radeon vr
2. thread derailed on comment #6 by you know who
3. i call him out on it, i am wrong
4. you call me on writing "bad english", you are right

yup, somehow all this checks out and your saltiness towards me is more than fair
is there anything else you want to add to my "lala land" (whatever that is)?
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
truth teller1. topics tags: alienware amd dell gpu oculus radeon vr
2. thread derailed on comment #6 by you know who
3. i call him out on it, i am wrong
4. you call me on writing "bad english", you are right

yup, somehow all this checks out and your saltiness towards me is more than fair
is there anything else you want to add to my "lala land" (whatever that is)?
Most people would consider the mention of VR in a thread about VR on topic. That was post #6. You didn't call anyone out you made a nonsensical post ranting about nvidia. You as a person have annoyed me. I am pointing that out. None of your posts have been on topic, nor have they had correct content in them. Basically you are a bad troll.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallnonsensical post ranting about nvidia
you speak like i was the first one to mention nvidia (and its "marvelous technologies" and "market share") in here.
also not my fault you cant or dont want to understand that posts content, but everything mentioned in it has happened, the "funny" names are just internet slang, educate yourself on the topics laid there before calling troll to people that dont share your opinion. facts are facts, you can either present a valid retort or you can just post some gibberish, guess which route both of you toke?
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
truth telleryou speak like i was the first one to mention nvidia (and its "marvelous technologies" and "market share") in here.
also not my fault you cant or dont want to understand that posts content, but everything mentioned in it has happened, the "funny" names are just internet slang, educate yourself on the topics laid there before calling troll to people that dont share your opinion. facts are facts, you can either present a valid retort or you can just post some gibberish, guess which route both of you toke?
None of what I have posted is gibberish.
truth tellerand yet nbadia drivers are better than the competition? sure thing buddy, here are some more things that are a software problem:
>3.5gb (gigabyte l2-cache/advertisement fiasco)
>wooden screws (we have a working one in the back)
>housefires (mobile housefires sold separately)
>tessellation overlord (my water taste funny)
>overcockblocked (never worked in the first place)
>notfHAIRworks (more=better)
>batman gameworks but notworkingrightnow (pause for cliff hanger)
>hybridphyxs (my way or the highway)
>nouveau/bumblebee/optimus support (linus_torvalds_middle_finger.jpg)
>... etc
>should i keep going?

isnt it amazing how they/you are still getting payed for this? todays marketing strategies, with their "online agents" sure are weird.

this post as been formatted in the way you can understand it best
This is gibberish. Most of which you complain about is issues that plague AMD graphics cards and drivers as well. So I ask what is the point of your insulting nvidia in the middle of this post? There were points brought about latency issues, then you go off topic, complaining about nvidia.

Let me guess you are around 15 and posting this from school? This is kind of my job. I deal with this on a day to day basis. Nvidia cards sell more for a reason, OEM's also prefer them for a reason. I say again when AMD can provide a stable, working graphics driver, with proper scaling come get me.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallNone of what I have posted is gibberish.
cdawallLet me guess you are around 15 and posting this from school?
hmm hmm, yeah, yeah, i get ya, allow me to retort:

wooden screws
housefire (mobile version)
tessellation overlord
nouveau support

yup, all gibberish, i really wish i could take back all the fallacies on my post and... errr, wait a second...

are you really gonna stay mad over my mention of some events about a company that dabbles in VR? totally ontopic like the other guy
*and post*
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Most of what you posted really doesn't matter...and still doesn't have anything to do with the thread. Would you prefer if I linked all of the AMD issues?
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallMost of what you posted really doesn't matter...and still doesn't have anything to do with the thread. Would you prefer if I linked all of the AMD issues?
first its nonsensical, now it doesnt matter, ok then
and of course i would, please do!
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
crossfire scaling
HD2900 overheating problems
3870X2/4870X2's habit of toasting GPU's
Witcher 3 "issues" <-I can list dozens of games with issues like this.
you mean these notes ? Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ 15.5 Beta Windows Driver Crossfire Profile Update for: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Performance Improvements for the following : The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Up to 10% performance increase on single GPU Radeon R9 and R7 Series graphics products Project Cars - Up to 17% performance increase on single GPU Radeon R9 and R7 Series graphics products Recommendations: For further information on how to optimize your drivers for The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt and AMD CrossFire™ please read the following article. Know Issues: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - To enable the best performance and experience in Crossfire, users must disable Anti-Aliasing from the games video-post processing options. Some random flickering may occur when using Crossfire. If the issue is affecting the game experience, as a work around we suggest disabling Crossfire while we continue to work with CD Projekt Red to resolve this issue The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - We are aware that some users may be experiencing random crashes during gameplay on AMD Radeon™ R9 285 series products and are working with CD Projekt Red to investigate the issue and determine a fix. [419945] Project CARS: Corruption may be observed if Anti-Aliasing is set to DS2M when run in Crossfire mode. As a workaround we suggest using a different Anti-Aliasing method.
AMD isn't perfect, in fact they are far from it. Their drivers are buggy and often 3-4 months pass before new release games have a properly functioning driver. They haven't released a new GPU in years and cling to the 7950/70 design. This leaves nvidia to fuck off and do the same. Get your head out of the sand and look around. I have dealt with crossfire since for a while. SLi is absurdly better as far as driver support and functionality goes. I had less issues with scaling across 4 GPU's (2xGTX295's, hell my 2x7950GX2's) than my two 7950's, way less than the 3/4/5 series GPU's.
Posted on Reply
cdawallcrossfire scaling
HD2900 overheating problems
3870X2/4870X2's habit of toasting GPU's
Witcher 3 "issues" <-I can list dozens of games with issues like this.

AMD isn't perfect, in fact they are far from it. Their drivers are buggy and often 3-4 months pass before new release games have a properly functioning driver. They haven't released a new GPU in years and cling to the 7950/70 design. This leaves nvidia to fuck off and do the same. Get your head out of the sand and look around. I have dealt with crossfire since for a while. SLi is absurdly better as far as driver support and functionality goes. I had less issues with scaling across 4 GPU's (2xGTX295's, hell my 2x7950GX2's) than my two 7950's, way less than the 3/4/5 series GPU's.
The Fijis are a new GPU architecture. There was only so much that AMD and Nvidia could do being stuck on the 28nm process for so many years. That wasn't AMD's or Nvidia's fault.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
64KThe Fijis are a new GPU architecture. There was only so much that AMD and Nvidia could do being stuck on the 28nm process for so many years. That wasn't AMD's or Nvidia's fault.
Like the Hawaii GPU before it, from a release standpoint Fiji is not really the pathfinder chip for its architecture, but rather it’s the largest version of it. Fiji itself is based on what we unofficially call Graphics Core Next 1.2 (aka GEN3), and ignoring HBM for the moment, Fiji incorporates a few smaller changes but otherwise remaining nearly identical to the previous GCN 1.2 chips. The pathfinder for GCN 1.2 in turn was Tonga, which was released back in September of 2014 as the Radeon R9 285.
Fiji is just revamped. Same GPU. I don't care that they were "stuck" on 28nm, improvements could have been made more than rebranding overclocked cards.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallcrossfire scaling
HD2900 overheating problems
3870X2/4870X2's habit of toasting GPU's
Witcher 3 "issues"
is that all?
cdawallI can list dozens of games with issues like this.
and yet you didnt...
also all those lmgtfy links are funny as hell, best rebuttal ever, and the best content available or as you said before
cdawallThis is gibberish.
guess you dont want to walk the walk, even after all that talk:
cdawallyou made a nonsensical post
cdawallNone of your posts have been on topic, nor have they had correct content in them.
cdawallyou are a bad troll.
cdawalllive in lala land where you can derail a thread and get upset when called on it.
cdawallyou have no grasp on the english language
which was great btw
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Do you want the actual links? There are tons of AMD/ATi driver issues...if you are to ignorant to see that, please take a look at my system specs, or google cdawall for that matter and let me know if I have missed any generations of AMD parts and overclocking/dealing with beta parts...I will give you this you have amused me, but now I think I will go cry into my bin of AMD ES parts so I can sleep.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
cdawallDo you want the actual links?
yes please, the more the better, the worse the issues the better. i think i made it clear before but apparently not, besides it would at the very least be on-topic *giggles*
cdawallgoogle cdawall
cdawalloverclocking/dealing with beta parts
cdawallmy bin of AMD ES parts
relax big guy, its not like ive called you a troll, or worse, a liar
Posted on Reply
Extreme low end VR gaming......... Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!
Posted on Reply
Wow, I wish I could like take all the thanks I've yet to issue in this thread, and give it as a giant thanks black hole to @truth teller. I'm sorry man, I don't say this often, but that kinda made my brain hurt reading that complete pile of utter offtopic drivel. What's worse is your accusations of people being a corperate shill. Do you seriously believe this is bitcoinforums where people are bribed to endorse a group on a daily basis? It isn't.
Posted on Reply
truth teller
R-T-BDo you seriously believe this is bitcoinforums where people are bribed to endorse a group on a daily basis? It isn't.
just because you like this place doesnt make it clean of shills, you cant have peace without some minor battles (think of mariage :) ).
besides its not really a bribe, people do this willingly after having a "pep talk" about "compensation for promoting products" with some subcontracted marketing team that recruits them online
R-T-BWhat's worse is your accusations of people being a corperate shill.
being naive is only cute on children, on adult folks it easily turns into an handicap

i could recognize that "points to cover" and "dont forget this whenever applicable" speech anywhere, now if recognizing this is a good thing im not sure (think of it what you want)
R-T-BI'm sorry man
dont be, after all you are just stating your opinion
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