Thursday, October 15th 2015

NVIDIA Prepares a Controversial Change to its Driver Update Distribution

NVIDIA is preparing a major change to the way it distributes driver updates. You now get new versions of NVIDIA GeForce drivers by either downloading them from the company's websites ( and, or use GeForce Experience to download and install (update) them for you. NVIDIA plans to change this such, that the latest driver updates will be only available through GeForce Experience, while standalone installers that are downloadable from the website will slow down to a quarterly update cadence.

NVIDIA is currently rolling out new drivers on a monthly basis, sometimes even twice a month, predating major AAA game releases, under its "Game Ready Driver" moniker. If you want the latest drivers to keep up with new game releases, then NVIDIA expects you to use GeForce Experience to update your drivers. Those without Internet connections or building offline (eg: system integrators, first-time installations), will have to use stale drivers from the website (which will be on a slower update cycle), and then update them to the latest using GeForce Experience. NVIDIA's justification for this move is that it finds that 90% of the driver updates are going through GeForce Experience. The part that's controversial about this is that it makes GeForce Experience an app gamers can't do without (and will probably stay loyal to the NVIDIA brand). This change will take effect this December.
Source: AnandTech
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173 Comments on NVIDIA Prepares a Controversial Change to its Driver Update Distribution

TPU addict
lZKoceSo much punching....on nVidia....this fan shall avenge. Channel the light of nVidia! Phase crystals charged! Speak quickly, executor!

Engage the slanted bastards! ;)

I don't get why people are getting so swept up about this. It's just a project in beta-phase. Nothing is final. The email subscription is optional as is with thousands other services. Not a word on their professional series on this. Quadro and tesla are not generally used for gaming. I seriously doubt this will affect them in some way.
I be even more pissed if AMD did it.
rtwjunkieThank you for laying it out in such a matter-of-fact way to show that it's not bloatware.
How so ?, it's bloatware if you have to install it just to get your drivers.
FluffmeisterStop talking sense and get your pitchfork out!
I think nVidia are supplying pitchforks.

But of course they can do no wrong how ever restricted their shit gets.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
@AsRock because as he showed, a few MB of RAM usage is not bloatware. It's nothing, and doesn't affect anything.

Besides, the driver install process has always been smoother from within GeForce Experience, at least for me, than trying to do the install without it.
Posted on Reply
AsRockI think nVidia are supplying pitchforks.

But of course they can do no wrong how ever restricted their shit gets.
No offence, but you sound like a bit of a drama queen.

I've already stated I use GE specifically for ShadowPlay, frankly if something like GE is capable of bringing a system down to it's knees I would suggest you need to address certain issues with that system.

Beyond that, we get it... you hate Nvidia, move along.
Posted on Reply
ZeDestructorErr.. wat? GFE is just a neat little program that downloads recommended game settings (based on your GPU config) and lets you apply them, and a neat little GPU-powered game recorder and streaming utility. No ads whatsoever, unless you consider it's support for twitch/youtube streaming to be an ad for twitch/youtube....
Wow, so now I have a program to automatically put settings to what it thinks is best... It doesn't even make changes on the actually big out-of-menu options that many games have. Not to mention the game recorder and streaming utility are pretty pathetic compared to something like OBS, which can also use NVenc (thanks nvidia for that one :) )

Not saying that I'd use any AMD equivalent either...

These programs are just pathetic excuses for them not to fix the horribly out of date driver config menu.

Not to mention how much I loathe auto updates...

In the middle of a tournament match? AUTO UPDATE

In the middle of an interesting video or stream? AUTO UPDATE

In the middle of some important work? YOUR UPDATE HAS BEEN INSTALLED: RESTART NOW

There are many programs guilty for this, and GFE is one of them. What about if I just don't want to update every WHQL cycle?
RejZoRI have 32GB RAM, I don't care how much stuff it runs there, but to be honest, NVIDIA Experience thingie is not the fastest thing on Earth. It takes forever to open and I have tons of RAM and hybrid SSD system and yet it still takes long to load.

I also don't see the app useful. I don't want it fiddling with my graphic settings of games. I run all of them at max possible settings, I don't want it "optimizing" stuff and making it worse. So, there is no real value from it for me.
Exactly, if I need to optimize stuff for any reason I can do it far better myself than any program can. Same goes for these auto OC things, especially with intel pushing past 4GHz stock on many of their CPUs...
I'd love to see incrimental driver updating like antiviruses are doing for decades (small updates of only file sthat actually changed) with simple control panel to rollback to old driver or even option to rollback to any other previous version. That would be so cool.

This way they could save tons of bandwidth, deliver updates to users in matter of minutes and give them instant option to rollback to old version if something doesn't work ok. It's how driver updating and game profiles should be done in freaking 2015.
+1 for that, should be implemented in a lot of things, for example google play applications for android.
lilunxm12I don't think it's neat. The reason I uninstalled it was
1) I didn't really need its features
2) I found 3.3GB drive cache in its folder and there's no option in GFE to clear cache
This "cache" is for all geforce drivers, when you open the installer it opens an un-zip (or whatever compression they use) thing which puts everything in a "cache" but doesn't get rid of it after installation.
FordGT90ConceptI work on computers that have NVIDIA cards. This is going to needlessly complicate installing drivers.

Additionally, what about corporate? Tesla? Quadro? IT is going to be pissed.

AMD CCC notifies of new drivers available but does little more than that--as it should be. What is NVIDIA's motive for doing this? It literally takes a few minutes to build a driver package. They aren't saving much/anything by forcing everyone to use GeForce Experience.
Don't see why corporate would want this, other than for applying updates over a large array of workstations. But I doubt GFE uses any kind of caching system for P2P so it reduces network load...

There are probably programs to remote install this kind of thing across multiple machines anyway.

What pisses me off is that they are FORCING GFE. I've tried using GFE, but it is a really clunky program to be fair and I have no use for it... So I download and install manually on my own update schedule.
FluffmeisterI've already stated I use GE specifically for ShadowPlay, frankly if something like GE is capable of bringing a system down to it's knees I would suggest you need to address certain issues with that system.
I've never been one to bandwagon on these hate trains. I've never had my own AMD card to be fair, but I think NV really needs to back off with the BS, especially after the Samsung fiasco...
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
GorbazTheDragonWow, so now I have a program to automatically put settings to what it thinks is best... It doesn't even make changes on the actually big out-of-menu options that many games have. Not to mention the game recorder and streaming utility are pretty pathetic compared to something like OBS, which can also use NVenc (thanks nvidia for that one :) )

Not saying that I'd use any AMD equivalent either...

These programs are just pathetic excuses for them not to fix the horribly out of date driver config menu.

Not to mention how much I loathe auto updates...

In the middle of a tournament match? AUTO UPDATE

In the middle of an interesting video or stream? AUTO UPDATE

In the middle of some important work? YOUR UPDATE HAS BEEN INSTALLED: RESTART NOW
:wtf: It has never applied automatic changes to any of my game settings. There's a check box if you want it to do that.

No once has it auto-updated on me. Again, a checkbox to have it do that, but mine is simply checked to notify me of either available driver updates or GFE updates. So, none of those dire consequences you speak of is a reality, unless someone wants GFE to do that.

I repeat my earlier comment...such mass hysteria and anger going on, over basically nothing.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
FluffmeisterNo offence, but you sound like a bit of a drama queen.

I've already stated I use GE specifically for ShadowPlay, frankly if something like GE is capable of bringing a system down to it's knees I would suggest you need to address certain issues with that system.

Beyond that, we get it... you hate Nvidia, move along.
Don't hate the hardware in fact my next card could be a nVidia card due tot he fact that nVidia is better for Arma 3, i just don't like having to install stuff i don't want is all.

If you use it thats cool but a lot just want the drivers, i would not want to install.... i don't want to install stuff that i don't want on my system.

Nothing at all to do with hate.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkie:wtf: It has never applied automatic changes to any of my game settings. There's a check box if you want it to do that.

No once has it auto-updated on me. Again, a checkbox to have it do that, but mine is simply checked to notify me of either available driver updates or GFE updates. So, none of those dire consequences you speak of is a reality, unless someone wants GFE to do that.

I repeat my earlier comment...such mass hysteria and anger going on, over basically nothing.
It's like forcing me to have a light in a room which I've already lit... It's there, I can turn it on, it doesn't take up much space, but I MUST have it...

Posted on Reply
Fuck Nvidia. This is like windows 10 shit show of you'll get what we tell you to get.
Posted on Reply
TheGuruStudFuck Nvidia. This is like windows 10 shit show of you'll get what we tell you to get.
It's AMD or Nvidia, choose your poison. For now, go AMD.... they need the money more.
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptI work on computers that have NVIDIA cards. This is going to needlessly complicate installing drivers.
Additionally, what about corporate? Tesla? Quadro? IT is going to be pissed.
The article specifically states:
btarunrNVIDIA is preparing a major change to the way it distributes driver updates. You now get new versions of NVIDIA GeForce drivers... why would anyone try to install a GeForce driver for a Tesla or Quadro card? If IT can't tell the difference between a GeForce card and Tesla/Quadro and ignores the fact that the driver won't install, I'm guessing that IT arrives at work on the short bus.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
GeForce Experience downloads Quadro drivers too. The only difference is other features in GeForce Experience are disabled when a GeForce card isn't detected.

NVIDIA, thusly, could adapt the same policy with Quadro and Tesla they have with GeForce (version on website is not current; GeForce Experience has to be used to get the latest version).
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Imagine losing your mind over something so minuscule.
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptGeForce Experience downloads Quadro drivers too. The only difference is other features in GeForce Experience are disabled when a GeForce card isn't detected.
Why would Nvidia require GFE with Quadro and Tesla when the boards don't support GFE?

Last time I saw someone try to install GFE on a workstation ( to play around with ShadowPlay) last year, all it did was act as download manager. The driver was all that was installed. If Nvidia state that the GFE bundling is for GeForce drivers, you either take it as such, or just make a whole load of assumptions based on no actual information. Personally, I'd rather spend time on facts rather than trying to induce a panic attack. Why the hell GFE would be mandatory for a Tesla math co-processor escapes me.
natr0nImagine losing your mind over something so minuscule.
It's the end of days!

Posted on Reply
TheGuruStudFuck Nvidia. This is like windows 10 shit show of you'll get what we tell you to get.
The are dividing their user base.

1) If you don't want GFE you only get 4 updates a year. Unclear if you have to submit your information for the downloads.

2) if you don't want GFE but you want updated drivers or beta you have to install and submit your information each time then delete or uninstall what you don't want. Unclear if the uninstall will be tied to driver. That would be something nefarious if it happens. Gets annoying pretty quick if there is a bug and you have to revert back.

3) If you want GFE doesn't affect you, your already using it. Login with your email I suppose for the updates.
Future "Game Ready" drivers will no longer be made available through and instead will ONLY be delivered through GeForce Experience. You'll also be required to have a validated email address to get the downloads for beta drivers
They seem to want to force you to use GeForce Experience and get some info or get treated as a second class customer.
Posted on Reply
AsRockI be even more pissed if AMD did it.
Given AMD's follow the leader mentality regarding software, I'm guessing ~ 6 months from now you'll get another chance to vent, although if the GFE -> ->-> Raptr scenario repeats itself, AMD might not be the only one involved.

Practical example of making assumptions as outlined in #64
Posted on Reply
XzibitThe are dividing their user base.

1) If you don't want GFE you only get 4 updates a year. Unclear if you have to submit your information for the downloads.

2) if you don't want GFE but you want updated drivers or beta you have to install and submit your information each time then delete or uninstall what you don't want. Unclear if the uninstall will be tied to driver. That would be something nefarious if it happens. Gets annoying pretty quick if there is a bug and you have to revert back.

3) If you want GFE doesn't affect you, your already using it. Login with your email I suppose for the updates.

They seem to want to force you to use GeForce Experience and get some info or get treated as a second class customer.
Perhaps some brave soul will endure GFE, then upload the files for the dissenters.

This will happen. Hardcore gamers are going to be pissed when word gets around.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
HumanSmokeLast time I saw someone try to install GFE on a workstation ( to play around with ShadowPlay) last year, all it did was act as download manager. The driver was all that was installed.
That's what I said, didn't I? I don't care about GFE; it's the fact they only want to provide the most recent drivers through GFE that's causing the controversy and, as noted, GFE is already capable of taking that role over on Quadro too.

For the record, I always uncheck Gaming Evolved too. Where I come from, software like these are considered bloatware. Since when did bloatware become acceptable?
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptFor the record, I always uncheck Gaming Evolved too. Where I come from, software like these are considered bloatware. Since when did bloatware become acceptable?
Thing is, no one gives a shit where you come from, and there is nothing bloated about GE in the grand scheme of things. But it's a popular term here so I get where your coming from, so you go girl... fight the power!
Posted on Reply
GorbazTheDragonThis "cache" is for all geforce drivers, when you open the installer it opens an un-zip (or whatever compression they use) thing which puts everything in a "cache" but doesn't get rid of it after installation.
I'm not talking the NVIDIA folder at root of C disk. I'm referring to a folder within GFE folder.
I know what it is and I just don't want it to be there without my permission. I never asked GFE to download drivers but the 'cache' is there!
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
FluffmeisterThing is, no one gives a shit where you come from, and there is nothing bloated about GE in the grand scheme of things. But it's a popular term here so I get where your coming from, so you go girl... fight the power!
Anything that's not required to make the device function is bloatware. GeForce Experience and Gaming Evolved both check that box. Arguable, CCC and the NVIDIA Control Panel also do but you'd have to go back over a decade to find drivers that didn't use them (they embedded advanced display options under Display Properties -> Advanced, coincidentally, where they belong). Graphics drivers, by themselves, are no more than 50 MiB. Both AMD and NVIDIA driver packages now have north of 200 MiB worth of bloat and they seem quick to add even more. Are these things users even requested in the first place?
Posted on Reply
Oh well, I'm sure there will be some tech sites that will offer the drivers for download anyways.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
If that's the price for getting Shadowplay, then it's worth it to me.

And really, all told GFE is using under 100MB of memory and hardly any CPU cycles. If I had the system I had in say, 2005, with 4GB of RAM, then I might be upset. But it's not.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieIf that's the price for getting Shadowplay, then it's worth it to me.

And really, all told GFE is using under 100MB of memory and hardly any CPU cycles. If I had the system I had in say, 2005, with 4GB of RAM, then I might be upset. But it's not.
That's about 50% of people on the Steam Survey that have 4GB or less.
Posted on Reply
I never install GeForce Experience (I would never blindly use their quality setting recommendations so why bother). I always install my Nvidia drivers from their website. So, no, not particularly happy about this.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieIf that's the price for getting Shadowplay, then it's worth it to me.

And really, all told GFE is using under 100MB of memory and hardly any CPU cycles. If I had the system I had in say, 2005, with 4GB of RAM, then I might be upset. But it's not.
Well I for one have no use for Shadowplay or anything else this POS software offers. So why is it forced on me? My thinking is: regardless of how much RAM it uses a program that runs in the background and doesn't do anything I really need can give me only one thing: a blue screen.
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