Thursday, June 16th 2016

NVIDIA Cuts Prices of GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980, and GTX 970
In the wake of its GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 graphics card launches, NVIDIA decided to cut prices of its previous-generation GeForce GTX 980 Ti, GeForce GTX 980, and GeForce GTX 970 graphics cards, in a bid to clear inventories. The $379 and 150W GTX 1070 is faster than the GTX 980 Ti and the GTX Titan X, rendering them obsolete. The price of the $620 GTX 980 Ti has been cut by $125, and is now down to $495~499. The GTX 980, on the other hand, sees its price cut by $75, bringing its price down from $399 to $324, less than the launch-price of the GTX 970. The smash-hit GTX 970, at the dusk of its market life, sees its price cut by $25, bringing it down from $289 to $265.
52 Comments on NVIDIA Cuts Prices of GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980, and GTX 970
i hope it getz like $50 off... or moar!!!
Maybe the price of the GTX 900 series will drop more once the RX 480 (for $200) will drop making the GTX 900 series even less of a value.
Keep in mind, 1070 and 1080 don't have a huge amount of overclock room. The 980Ti it beats in W1zzard's tests is the reference model. There's no way for those purposes he could include all the AIB models with excellent cooling and massive clocks. That makes these sales actually worth considering instead of a 1070.
As to the other issue, all 1070 reviews, even the AIB, will be against a reference 980Ti, because that's realistically all W1zzard can re-test, since he already tests a boatload of cards again for each and every review. So, my point being, the 980Ti's for example on sale, are selling at less than or equal to 1070, and will outperform it, since they have no artificial limits on them like the reference 980Ti has (and whose comparison is the only one we see in the benchmarks of 1070).
The demand is definitely there unsurprisingly.
Yet they have these dihard fans from 20 years ago when they had better processors then Intel and were cheaper. Times have changed though...a lot. New features are what makes the card. Speed is of course better but its the features that count . the 1000 series has those features. I have to disagree i don't feel AMD has had an equivalent since the 9800 SERIES.
I feel like this article just rolled out the carpet for the AMD fanboys.
I've said it before and ill say it again. AMD hasn't had a better performance or price per performance card since the 9800 years ago.
Look up the benchmarks people! AMD is selling you a pipe dream if you think your going to get a card in th 980 and titan x or even 1070/1080 area for $199 from AMD.
Time and time again for the past at least 15 years they have made this promise and it rarely even comes close to delivering .
Its not all about processors either anymore its the shaders extra features direct X code etc.
Compare a 3ghz CPU today to a first gen i7 3ghz. I could get a first gen i7 dirt cheap but the gen it actually a big difference. That's what your buying In to with AMD smoke ..mirrors and over exaggerated promises.
Feel free to comment I'm not trolling this is merely my personal experience. I've been into PCs since I was 7 and that was 25 years ago. I feel like I'm experienced enough and see enough products from each company to make this statement
Overclock a standard GTX 980 to 1500mhz core and it is a beast for around $285 used.
And a Titan X is still the best option if it can be had for $450-500.
I am running (2) GTX Titan X cards. They are both at 1425 core and it crushes anything. I have plenty of memory and I have under $700 invested in them both. I paid $450 for the first dell OEM Titan X, and the 2ND was a non tested model that was in a water leaking system accident, it worked great I paid $217.
So there you have it! I'm OK on paying $650 for a gtx 1080. A overclocked Titan X can already perform on par with one. Only I have more memory lol.
(2) gtx 1070's is a better value at $760, then a gtx 1080. But, if you can afford it then why not?