Thursday, June 16th 2016

NVIDIA Cuts Prices of GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980, and GTX 970

In the wake of its GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 graphics card launches, NVIDIA decided to cut prices of its previous-generation GeForce GTX 980 Ti, GeForce GTX 980, and GeForce GTX 970 graphics cards, in a bid to clear inventories. The $379 and 150W GTX 1070 is faster than the GTX 980 Ti and the GTX Titan X, rendering them obsolete. The price of the $620 GTX 980 Ti has been cut by $125, and is now down to $495~499. The GTX 980, on the other hand, sees its price cut by $75, bringing its price down from $399 to $324, less than the launch-price of the GTX 970. The smash-hit GTX 970, at the dusk of its market life, sees its price cut by $25, bringing it down from $289 to $265.
Source: VideoCardz
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52 Comments on NVIDIA Cuts Prices of GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980, and GTX 970

newegg super pricing is really only on that card. The regular 980 is still at 400$ on average.
Posted on Reply
Now seeing an Asus TURBO-GTX970-OC-4GD5 GTX 970 card for $219.99 after $30 MIR.
Posted on Reply
Time to buy 980ti since 1070 is garbage.
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petedreadIs the 1070 really faster than the 980ti? Lot o people on the net saying 980ti owners have no real need to upgrade to the 1080 and mite be better waiting for the 1080ti.

I'm finding it hard to believe that the 1070 is faster than the 980ti, especially as it is the same architecture but shrunk and running faster, the 1070 is cut down version of the 1080 so less cuda cores. I'm not arguing, I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just asking, if in real world gaming scenario is it really faster than the 980ti?
most comparisons have been done with a reference speed TI.. so no i dont think the 1070 is faster than average out of the box 980 TI..

Posted on Reply
Why in the world i would pay over the price of a 1070 for a 980ti to upgrade my msi gtx 670oc which goes head to head with my other pc that has a strix 960? Yea sure i would if price would be just under 1070 even by 2%... As for nvidia prices i learned not to believe them...
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Finally the 970 is priced properly.
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Thermaltake fanboy
xorbeFinally the 970 is priced properly.
i hope it getz like $50 off... or moar!!!
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Those cards still are more expensive than a GTX 1070, if they wanna clear inventory, they need to take the 980 ti and lower the price to about $300, with all the other cards cheaper than that. Lowering the GTX 980 ti to just $495 is pointless, when I can get a GTX 1070 for $375 and get better performance.

Maybe the price of the GTX 900 series will drop more once the RX 480 (for $200) will drop making the GTX 900 series even less of a value.
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TheGuruStudTime to buy 980ti since 1070 is garbage.
have you not seen benchmarks of the 1070 trouncing the titan x and 980 ti? It also has 8GB video ram vs the 6GB the 980 ti has. So unless you're on a 1080p 60hz panel, then yeah a 1070 would be a waste on you.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
FRAGaLOTLowering the GTX 980 ti to just $495 is pointless, when I can get a GTX 1070 for $375 and get better performance.
Actually, at least one high-performing edition is at $369.99 after $30 rebate, and several others are hovering down near $400 as well. For the money, that's a better deal than the 1070, and will outperform the 1070.

Keep in mind, 1070 and 1080 don't have a huge amount of overclock room. The 980Ti it beats in W1zzard's tests is the reference model. There's no way for those purposes he could include all the AIB models with excellent cooling and massive clocks. That makes these sales actually worth considering instead of a 1070.
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rtwjunkieActually, at least one high-performing edition is at $369.99 after $30 rebate, and several others are hovering down near $400 as well. For the money, that's a better deal than the 1070, and will outperform the 1070.

Keep in mind, 1070 and 1080 don't have a huge amount of overclock room. The 980Ti it beats in W1zzard's tests is the reference model. There's no way for those purposes he could include all the AIB models with excellent cooling and massive clocks. That makes these sales actually worth considering instead of a 1070.
I am afraid that this is not true.... At leat not entirely...hence the reviews of aib are against reference. Tho new on this forum not new in this game but sometimes older then many members... the price for 980ti to clear stock should be under 1070 even if by a small margin as now is many times well above 1070FE so when parteners cards will get ot cheaper and lack of demand cools down you still going to see 980ti on shelfs if the price stays we really see only from buyers side as i do not believe retailers are cutting their margin down...
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
SpAwNtoHellI am afraid that this is not true.... At leat not entirely...hence the reviews of aib are against reference. Tho new on this forum not new in this game but sometimes older then many members... the price for 980ti to clear stock should be under 1070 even if by a small margin as now is many times well above 1070FE so when parteners cards will get ot cheaper and lack of demand cools down you still going to see 980ti on shelfs if the price stays we really see only from buyers side as i do not believe retailers are cutting their margin down...
You can not believe it all you want. Prices from retailers are down for many models. And, the average age here on TPU is between 30 and 50, so you're likely not older than many members.

As to the other issue, all 1070 reviews, even the AIB, will be against a reference 980Ti, because that's realistically all W1zzard can re-test, since he already tests a boatload of cards again for each and every review. So, my point being, the 980Ti's for example on sale, are selling at less than or equal to 1070, and will outperform it, since they have no artificial limits on them like the reference 980Ti has (and whose comparison is the only one we see in the benchmarks of 1070).
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These price cuts aren't enough IF the GTX 1070-1080 were in easily obtainable stock all around but they are not. Since they are in short supply, these price cuts make more sense as they are offering some alternative to the out of stock cards at a reasonable price. If they are not a good buy, simple solution is to vote with your wallet and just wait a bit for the 1070 and 1080 to be back in stock and buy those accordingly.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
mcraygsxI think the prices jumped up again. Cant find any Ti for that low any longer.
Yep, you are correct. That was a quick overnight price on that Golden Edition. Lowest on the Egg right now are the Zotac Amp! for $429 and the MSI Gaming 6G LE for $439. The Golden Edition is at $449.
Posted on Reply
I doubt anyone will be buying 1070's than outperform non reference 980ti's for under 370$ anytime soon. The cheapest we've seen is the evga acx3 1070 isn't it? At like 420-430?
Posted on Reply
FRAGaLOThave you not seen benchmarks of the 1070 trouncing the titan x and 980 ti? It also has 8GB video ram vs the 6GB the 980 ti has. So unless you're on a 1080p 60hz panel, then yeah a 1070 would be a waste on you.
You might wanna reconsider, Driver optimization for Maxwell will not be a priority any longer just like 780Ti was kind of left behind. Pascal is a new kid on the block. Give it a month or so and I hope prices settle to $379 for 1070.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
mcraygsxDriver optimization for Maxwell will not be a priority any longer just like 780Ti was kind of left behind
I don't know why that would be an issue with anyone. As I stated earlier, software can only extract more or better performance out of hardware for so long. There comes a point at which further optimization is impossible because hardware limitations have been met. It doesn't necessarily mean the hardware will perform any worse.
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mcraygsxI think the prices jumped up again. Cant find any Ti for that low any longer.
It has indeed changed back, i notice they have sold all their stock of the EVGA card they had listed @ $409 too.

The demand is definitely there unsurprisingly.
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Not very future proof. Better off buying the AMD equivalent when the prices drop for their cards at least we know they're future proof for DX12 titles.
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AMD hasn't had a cheaper, more cost effective or better solution in at least 15 years. I'd say go with nvidia.
Yet they have these dihard fans from 20 years ago when they had better processors then Intel and were cheaper. Times have changed though...a lot.
MindweaverYea, waiting on the 480 seems like a no brainer.. If it out performs the GTX970 it's a win in my book, but if it out performs the GTX980 then that's a huge win for AMD and us for $199. We'll see after W1zzard reviews it.
Only thing, even if the performance is true then there won't be enough for demand and you won't be able to buy one for $199 because everyone and newegg included will increase the price until supplies catch up with demand and that's a big lose for AMD. Nvidia will drop the prices on these cards again and everyone will just buy a GTX9XX. Nvidia plays the game and plays it well.
mcraygsxYou might wanna reconsider, Driver optimization for Maxwell will not be a priority any longer just like 780Ti was kind of left behind. Pascal is a new kid on the block. Give it a month or so and I hope prices settle to $379 for 1070.
New features are what makes the card. Speed is of course better but its the features that count . the 1000 series has those features.
Lou007Not very future proof. Better off buying the AMD equivalent when the prices drop for their cards at least we know they're future proof for DX12 titles.
I have to disagree i don't feel AMD has had an equivalent since the 9800 SERIES.

I feel like this article just rolled out the carpet for the AMD fanboys.

I've said it before and ill say it again. AMD hasn't had a better performance or price per performance card since the 9800 years ago.

Look up the benchmarks people! AMD is selling you a pipe dream if you think your going to get a card in th 980 and titan x or even 1070/1080 area for $199 from AMD.

Time and time again for the past at least 15 years they have made this promise and it rarely even comes close to delivering .

Its not all about processors either anymore its the shaders extra features direct X code etc.

Compare a 3ghz CPU today to a first gen i7 3ghz. I could get a first gen i7 dirt cheap but the gen it actually a big difference. That's what your buying In to with AMD smoke ..mirrors and over exaggerated promises.

Feel free to comment I'm not trolling this is merely my personal experience. I've been into PCs since I was 7 and that was 25 years ago. I feel like I'm experienced enough and see enough products from each company to make this statement
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieYou can not believe it all you want. Prices from retailers are down for many models. And, the average age here on TPU is between 30 and 50, so you're likely not older than many members.

As to the other issue, all 1070 reviews, even the AIB, will be against a reference 980Ti, because that's realistically all W1zzard can re-test, since he already tests a boatload of cards again for each and every review. So, my point being, the 980Ti's for example on sale, are selling at less than or equal to 1070, and will outperform it, since they have no artificial limits on them like the reference 980Ti has (and whose comparison is the only one we see in the benchmarks of 1070).
So you sustain that average 980ti you can get equal in price or slightly lower then 1070 reference , 980ti is better, sorry but i probably miss something big time as i looked in this for a while my eyes being on 980ti strix oc , which someone prove me wrong is one of the best oc implementation out there for a 980ti oc and definitive you wont get that under 1070 price but hey, 1070 overclocks as well ... So question is why should i get that 980ti strix oc when i can get that 1070 and overclock or get the strix and is new tech new features lower powee etc. Is the same as you would say get a sandy bridge becouse overclocks better then skylake, yes true but the point is we want the performance not the procentage who overclocks better... I can get now 980ti strix oc after price cuts for 450£ and 1070FE for 399£ both in stock or get a evga 980ti sc for 390£ but both ti have already oc applyed so wont go that far... The debate can go on and on...
Posted on Reply
JeffosoftI feel like this article just rolled out the carpet for the AMD fanboys.

I've said it before and ill say it again. AMD hasn't had a better performance or price per performance card since the 9800 years ago.

Look up the benchmarks people! AMD is selling you a pipe dream if you think your going to get a card in th 980 and titan x or even 1070/1080 area for $199 from AMD.

Time and time again for the past at least 15 years they have made this promise and it rarely even comes close to delivering .

Its not all about processors either anymore its the shaders extra features direct X code etc.

Compare a 3ghz CPU today to a first gen i7 3ghz. I could get a first gen i7 dirt cheap but the gen it actually a big difference. That's what your buying In to with AMD smoke ..mirrors and over exaggerated promises.

Feel free to comment I'm not trolling this is merely my personal experience. I've been into PCs since I was 7 and that was 25 years ago. I feel like I'm experienced enough and see enough products from each company to make this statement
Stop double, triple, and quadruple posting. Edit your last post in the future.
Posted on Reply
Gtx Titan, GTX Titan X, 980 Ti, and even the regular Gtx 980 are all still very good gaming cards on 4K.

Overclock a standard GTX 980 to 1500mhz core and it is a beast for around $285 used.

And a Titan X is still the best option if it can be had for $450-500.

I am running (2) GTX Titan X cards. They are both at 1425 core and it crushes anything. I have plenty of memory and I have under $700 invested in them both. I paid $450 for the first dell OEM Titan X, and the 2ND was a non tested model that was in a water leaking system accident, it worked great I paid $217.

So there you have it! I'm OK on paying $650 for a gtx 1080. A overclocked Titan X can already perform on par with one. Only I have more memory lol.

(2) gtx 1070's is a better value at $760, then a gtx 1080. But, if you can afford it then why not?
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