Wednesday, June 22nd 2016

Sapphire Reference Radeon RX 480 Taken Apart, Pictured Some More

A Sapphire branded AMD reference design Radeon RX 480 graphics card was taken apart, giving us an early close look at the card and its key components. The pictures reveal pretty much the same details as the first close-up shot of the reference RX 480 / RX 470 common PCB, and the cooling solution was taken apart further, revealing more details than the first time we saw what's underneath.

To begin with, the reference RX 480 PCB features a 6-phase VRM that draws power from a single 6-pin PCIe power connector. Display outputs include one HDMI 2.0 and three DisplayPort 1.4 connectors. One of the pictures features a close-up of the 14 nm "Ellesmere" silicon. The cooling solution is confirmed to feature a chunky monolithic aluminium heatsink with a copper core, cooling the GPU, with a metal base-plate conveying heat from the VRM and memory to it; ventilated by a lateral blower. The Radeon RX 480 is expected to launch on the 29th of June, 2016, priced at $199 for the 4 GB variant, and $229 for the 8 GB variant.
More pictures follow.

Here you see the PCB up close, beginning with the 14 nm "Ellesmere" silicon. This chip appears to have a smaller die than, say, "Tonga," a similar package size, yet a higher transistor count owing to its smaller fab process. Next up is the 6-phase VRM with LFPAK MOSFETs. Lastly, it's revealed that the 8 Gbps GDDR5 memory chips on the card are supplied by Samsung.
Lastly, taking the cooling solution apart reveals a very simplistic design. AMD is taking advantage of the 150W TDP of the "Ellesmere" silicon, and employing a simple monolithic aluminium heatsink, with a copper core. There's no complex fin-stack, no heat-pipes. The metal base-plate transports heat from the VRM and memory chips onto the main heatsink, while itself dissipating some of the heat under the lateral-blower's airflow.
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80 Comments on Sapphire Reference Radeon RX 480 Taken Apart, Pictured Some More

Chaitanyaloves up to hype
The hype is not good lov'n... just stick to the information AMD has provided to this point, the rest is more FUD.
Steevoa passive cooler with heatpipes on this thing like they used to do. Silent 1080P gaming
Considering PowerColor had the SCS3 R9 270 (150W TDP) it probably a snap with a tweak of their existing cooler.
dalekdukesboyChristmas Future ghost 490 but so far seems that ghost hasn't even found Scrooge's house yet...
Ah, it is smart marketing. I since seem to be evolving on the whole 3 chip Polaris thinking. The hope that there was still a full Polaris (40CU) is still there though not seeing the strong yields and they need to amass more good candidates; Or it's a Vega LE with just 4Gb of HBM and then a 8Gb, and then later a factory Fury that's pegged to via the GP102. RTG is probably considering having it in the market end of Oct more or less as a book end to Zen. They've got a whole 4 months to keep the marketing buzz building after Polaris, and still be there for Christmas. Heck most Christmas purchases at such a level aren't presents, but made with money received as presents.
Posted on Reply
neko77025I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ...
This card is not for you, move along. You want something to replace your 980Ti SLI? Buy 1080 SLI. Leave the $200 card for people who won't/can't afford $1500 for gpus
Posted on Reply
neko77025I dont care about them, ... I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ... But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...

We need power .. more power.

I want something that will replace my 2x 980ti's and then I will be Happy !
If you could care less, crack on with caring less then.
That way I don't have to see you spouting crap in an amd based thread.
Just get two Amd pro duos or fijiX ,two Gtx 1070s or 80s and crack on wasting them on 3x1080p.
Posted on Reply
AMD has announced 4 chips only, Polaris 10, 11 and Vega 10, 11.

Polaris 11 = 16CU
Polaris 10 = 36CU (this was mistakenly reported to be 40CU at first based on the similar R9 390 performance)
Vega 10 = 64CU
Vega 11 = ???
Posted on Reply
happitaThere isn't even info about the 1080ti or even the next Titan and Nvidia launched their 1080 almost a month ago. AMD's best bet is to wait for news to surface about Nvidia's next move, then if they feel ballsy enough, they'll counter with some info about their Vega.

Yes perhaps that's so, and sorta makes sense but since when has "facts" and hard evidence of an opponent's card stopped a company from dropping ever so slight spoiler alerts of their awesome cards yet to come?

Can't have AMD just pissing in the wind.
As if they haven't been in a strong headwind since ATHLON days? Let's face it, they're in the game, but Intel/Nvidia have owned them for quite a while more often than not.
Posted on Reply
neko77025But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...
I wonder if you even hear how obnoxiously snobby you sound.

Posted on Reply
dalekdukesboyAs if they haven't been in a strong headwind since ATHLON days?
It's been more of a strong tailwind being blown, as in what was emanating from the rear of disappointed users.
Posted on Reply
neko77025I dont care about them, ... I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ... But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...

We need power .. more power.

I want something that will replace my 2x 980ti's and then I will be Happy !
You simple or just plain stupid?
Posted on Reply
neko77025I dont care about them, ... I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ... But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...

We need power .. more power.

I want something that will replace my 2x 980ti's and then I will be Happy !
WAKEY,WAKEY... this happened in last 15 years.

This is maybe point less for you, but like i told you most of the market isn't you.
Posted on Reply
Rx 480 cooler because it looks better than the cooler Gtx 1070

- Air intake on both sides
- Embedded Copper
- One-piece Heatsink
- No painting heatsink
- Four-wire fan for more precision

link Gtx1070 review take apart :

Posted on Reply
nem..Rx 480 cooler because it looks better than the cooler Gtx 1070

- Air intake on both sides
- Embedded Copper
- One-piece Heatsink
- No painting heatsink
- Four-wire fan for more precision
GTX 1070 is using a vapor chamber, RX 480 is not.

I unfortunately can't say that i expect any noteworthy performance from this cooler. It will be quite loud.

This will perform worse then AMD's current coolers.
Posted on Reply
.....I do delieve this will be a great card, but only in xfire will we see near 1070 performance.
Posted on Reply
Eroticus8GB Polaris is 249$ - AIB - +20~40$ + VAT = 300~350$/
Ordering online in the US:
Posted on Reply
This type of card design reminds me of nvidia's cards

Short pcb, with overhanging shroud + blower fan. 660, etc.
Posted on Reply
nem..Rx 480 cooler because it looks better than the cooler Gtx 1070

- Air intake on both sides
- Embedded Copper
- One-piece Heatsink
- No painting heatsink
- Four-wire fan for more precision

link Gtx1070 review take apart :

It's called coating, the same thing Xigmatek did on my Dark Knight Nighthawk heatsink.
1070 also uses 4 pin PWM fans, just like RX 480, the difference is 1070 uses separate cable for voltage (black-red cables) and RPM sense (tachometer)+PWM control (all black). the black+red cable is for GEFORCE LED on the top of the card, the 4 pin PWM fan is the all black cables :

And one piece heatsink? Nope, both are similar kind of Al+Cu slab plus metal plate/bar to cool VRM & VRAM chips and mount the fan :

Posted on Reply
neko77025I dont care about them, ... I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ... But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...

We need power .. more power.

I want something that will replace my 2x 980ti's and then I will be Happy !
Why not just buy 2X GTX 1080 and be "happy"? Could also wait around 2/4 months for Vega or 4/6 months for TI going on rumours.

Personally I will be taking the 470 or 480 on a run in the HTPC system :)
Posted on Reply
The elder smurf
neko77025I dont care about them, ... I also use 1080p ... well 3x of them in 5760x1080p ... But I could care less about some card that is just A cheaper versions of of last gens cards. this new 480 is going to be as powerful as A 780ti / 970 ... pointless ... just buy one of them ...

We need power .. more power.

I want something that will replace my 2x 980ti's and then I will be Happy !
The rx 480 has been rumored to overclock very nicely, and at its higher overclocks nips a 1070 in the butt. Also if you ever wanna do tripple gpu's youre gonna need amd as gimpvidia has disabled that
Posted on Reply
The elder smurfThe rx 480 has been rumored to overclock very nicely, and at its higher overclocks nips a 1070 in the butt. Also if you ever wanna do tripple gpu's youre gonna need amd as gimpvidia has disabled that
Don't be over hyped.

220$ mid-end card won't beat high end for 400~450$, even with water cooling.
Posted on Reply
One aspect nobody has mentioned yet - these cards are great news for the kind of person who values "stylin' and profilin'' above all else - they can still do 4 cards in Crossfire, and for around $1000 all told (those poor nVidia "losers" will have to settle for 2 x SLI going forward). And, as a bonus, the 4 cards will run games almost as fast as two GTX 970s! (when they're not throttling due to heat issues). Put more RGB LEDs all over these cards and they'll sell millions of them. Because we are now suddenly thrust into an era when bling is king, and motherboards are RMAed because the LEDs stopped working! (Apologies to those with legitimate or professional reasons to run 4 cards). I'll be skipping this round of upgrades (my single overclocked 780 Ti still serves me well @2k). Waiting for a single card that can easily run all games @4k, (perhaps the 1080 Ti?) - then the monitor upgrade to 4k will be doable for those of us who would rather avoid the problems/expense of running multiple cards..
Posted on Reply
EroticusDon't be over hyped.

220$ mid-end card won't beat high end for 400~450$, even with water cooling.
With the Founder's Edition pricing causing inflation, and custom cards going higher, all the RX 480 8GB has to do is beat GTX 980 performance to outsell 1080'S AND 1070's at the current price structure.
Posted on Reply
HoodAnd, as a bonus, the 4 cards will run games almost as fast as two GTX 970s! (when they're not throttling due to heat issues).
Ahh the fanboi is strong in this one...
Posted on Reply
ShurikNAhh the fanboi is strong in this one...
A fanboy of who or what? Owning a decent single card so I don't have to deal with heat/thottling issues? My point was, any card will have issues when stacked together 4 deep, and many people do it just for bragging rights. Not my fault that nVidia's cards have had the best single-GPU performance for several generations. I don't want or need to use multiple cards, so naturally I prefer the strongest single card solution.
Posted on Reply
HoodOne aspect nobody has mentioned yet - these cards are great news for the kind of person who values "stylin' and profilin'' above all else - they can still do 4 cards in Crossfire, and for around $1000 all told (those poor nVidia "losers" will have to settle for 2 x SLI going forward). And, as a bonus, the 4 cards will run games almost as fast as two GTX 970s! (when they're not throttling due to heat issues). Put more RGB LEDs all over these cards and they'll sell millions of them. Because we are now suddenly thrust into an era when bling is king, and motherboards are RMAed because the LEDs stopped working! (Apologies to those with legitimate or professional reasons to run 4 cards). I'll be skipping this round of upgrades (my single overclocked 780 Ti still serves me well @2k). Waiting for a single card that can easily run all games @4k, (perhaps the 1080 Ti?) - then the monitor upgrade to 4k will be doable for those of us who would rather avoid the problems/expense of running multiple cards..
Utter drivel and hate there bud, one of these toasting your 780ti seams to have you rattled, it beats my 390 too but I'm not bitching and I bought mine 6 months ago ish ,grow up.
As for bling the ref 480X looks bland you nutter ,plain black shroud, now a 1080 has ally bling, get that.
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