Tuesday, December 13th 2016

AMD RYZEN Demo Event - Beats $1,100 8-Core i7-6900K, With Lower TDP

At their Austin, Texas "New Horizon" Event, AMD introduced us to live "ZEN" chips working full-tilt, showing us what AMD's passion and ingenuity managed to achieve. The "New Horizon" event was a celebration to what AMD sees as another one of those special, breakthrough moments for a company: after starting work on "ZEN" 4 years ago in 2012 as a complete new design. The focus: building a great machine, whilst increasing IPC by 40% over their previous architecture, at the same power constraints; and to create a smart machine, which could sense and adapt to environment and applications so it improves over time. The company's verdicts: "ZEN" met or exceeded their goals, with the desktop PC market being home to the very first "ZEN" product.

According to AMD's CEO Dr. Lisa Su, AMD's event was named "New Horizon" as a reference to AMD's vision in the computing space: that they're on a journey to bring a new generation of processor technology, and customers towards a new horizon of computing. Their intention? To directly connect with fans who love PC gaming, whilst doing what AMD does best - pushing the envelope on performance, power, frame-rates and technology. AMD also flaunted their renewed faith in gaming, with it being on the company's DNA and passion, whilst revisiting the old memory lane, reminiscing on the Athlon Thunderbird, the world's first chip to break the 1 GHz barrier; the launch of their first 64-bit processor; and breaking the 1 TFLOP barrier in computing power with their HD 4850 and 4870 gaming GPUs.
AMD confirmed that CPUs based on their "ZEN" micro-architecture will carry the brand "Ryzen" - a play on the "ZEN" architecture's focus on balance, high performance and low power, while introducing new features. Ryzen is AMD's take of a processor that is both powerful in purpose, and efficient in design, and it symbolizes the power of "ZEN" reaching the next horizon in computing. They will do so by starting with an 8-core, 16-thread, SMT-enabled, 3.4 GHz+ base clock and 20MB combined cache new high-performance CPU, leveraging all the improvements baked into AMD's new AM4 platform (with 3.4 GHz apparently being the lowest frequency a Ryzen, consumer-level desktop solution will carry).
To prove their words and commitment to Ryzen's performance, AMD showcased the chip's prowess in a Blender test, pitting a Ryzen CPU at 3.4 GHz base clock (without Boost), with the consumer market's only other 8-core, 16-thread CPU in the Intel i7 6900K, at its stock 3.2 GHz base clock, with Boost enabled and no adjustments, "straight out of the box". The verdict: Ryzen matched the 6900K's performance. Dr. Lisa Su was quick to point out the 6900K's pricing at $1100, though she left an intentional silence at the point where she could have made a bombastic pricing announcement for Ryzen - perhaps keeping her cards close to her chest so as to not allow Intel to figure out any pricing changes in their products (if any), should Ryzen prove deserving of such a response. But the bottom line, and the home-run hit by Lisa Su, was the announcement that Ryzen was able to match Intel's performance with 45 W less TDP - 95 W TDP on Ryzen against the 140 W TDP on Intel's 6900K. In another test, this time a Handbrake transcoding demo, Ryzen transcoded a video in 54 seconds, against 59 seconds on Intel's 6900K processor.
Again at 3.4 GHz, Ryzen was shown "beating the game frame-rates of a Core i7 6900K playing Battlefield 1 at 4K resolution, with each CPU paired with an Nvidia Titan X GPU". Not drawing any more attention than needs to be drawn towards the usage of an NVIDIA solution at their own event (which was puzzling, since AMD did show a Ryzen CPU and a VEGA-based graphics cards running Star Wars Battlefront's as-of-yet unreleased Rogue One DLC at over 60fps in 4K), we didn't actually see any reported frame-rated on the Battlefield 1 demo - only that the Ryzen-based system offered considerably less frame-skipping than the Intel solution, with the expected effects that has on the gaming experience.
AMD also announced what constitutes part of Ryzen's beating heart: their SenseMI technology, which includes "Neural Net Prediction" - an artificial intelligence neural network that learns to predict what future pathway an application will take based on past runs; "Smart Prefetch", which drinks from the "Neural Net Prediction", anticipating the data an app needs and having it ready when needed (with these two features alone being responsible for 1/4 of Ryzen's performance uplift, according to Lisa Su). Additionally, AMD announced Ryzen's "Pure Power" and "Precision Boost" features: more than "100 embedded sensors with accuracy to the millivolt, milliwatt, and single degree level of temperature enable optimal voltage, clock frequency, and operating mode with minimal energy consumption", controlling each part of the chip, independently, in milliseconds, leveraging "smart logic that monitors integrated sensors and optimizes clock speeds, in increments as small as 25MHz, at up to a thousand times a second". Finishing the pentad of new features was the "Extended Frequency Range" (XFR), a temperature-based boost function where the processor knows what temperature it's operating at, enabling higher clock speeds as the system gets cooler (and vice-versa, we'd expect, towards the 3.4 GHz base clock).
At the event, AMD showed Ryzen running a VR demo, as well as delivering performance in raytracing, with physically based shaders and materials, HDR, and a grand total of 53 million polygons in a single model. Interestingly, AMD also showed their Ryzen CPU against an Intel 6700K processor overlocked towards an unspecified frequency, comparing the chip's performance in streaming DOTA 2: where the 6700K showed severe frame-skipping on the streaming screen, but Ryzen handled it beautifully.
As a sendoff, AMD's CEO Lisa SU mentioned that Ryzen will be on desktop and notebook solutions (leaving out the server market, which could mean a brand distinction between both solutions", whilst reaffirming that Ryzen's Q1 launch is completely on track, from the only company that has both high-performance CPUs and GPUs. And as an appetizer, the good doctor did say that Ryzen's performance will only improve until their promised launch.
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205 Comments on AMD RYZEN Demo Event - Beats $1,100 8-Core i7-6900K, With Lower TDP

Vayra86Likely, but it will be peanuts to get better yields and better clocking CPUs. It's very normal and is essentially what Intel's been doing ever since they released something on 14nm. Small IPC gains, small clock bumps, nothing extraordinary.
Honestly, that's what intel has been doing ever since they launched their Core architecture. They worked hard on their mobile chips, but on the desktop you could skip 2-3 generations and not miss much at all.
Posted on Reply
The AMD pre-emptive disappointment in this thread is thick. Let's wait and see how it fairs before we start shooting Zen down.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
Caring1So basically it is better at calculations and crunching, but still beaten soundly in other areas.
Honestly if they have Haswell levels IPC I would call it a success. All these comparisions with the 6900k makes me worried for them.
X828The AMD pre-emptive disappointment in this thread is thick. Let's wait and see how it fairs before we start shooting Zen down.
It's managing expectations, which AMD has proven terrible at.
Posted on Reply
I think that leaked review is the verification we where hoping to see. In multithreded scenarios is close to Broadwell, in games it's pretty fine, considering the frequency and the power consumption is also close to Intel's magical 14nm+. Of course Intel added tooth paste in it's Kaby Lake series instead of thermal paste, I guess hoping to do a "Devil's Canyon Part 2" next year, but that's not AMD's problem.

Ryzen looks good. The problem is not so much the end frequency, as much as availability. I don't think anyone feels secure with GlobalFoundries in the pilot's seat
Posted on Reply
Maybe, but no one feels secure with AMD sucking and Intel doing whatever it wants and charging for tech that's only marginally better in many ways than what it had in 2011-2012, that's just sad. However due to the red camp essentially "bulldozing" itself rather than Intel AMD is as much to blame as anyone for what we are currently stuck with for tech and worse yet the high cost for such modest gains. So yes Ryzen even being in the same park as Broadwell is almost a grand slam...let's face it other than being cheap and "good enough" to get you online and do tasks/gaming etc AMD has been irrelevant for several years thanks to how their products literally weren't even in the same country as the Intel ballpark, forget being in the same stadium.
Posted on Reply
Intel will continue to do whatever it wants, at least in the retail market, and people deserve the marginal increment in performance and the high prices.

When the first AOTS benchmark came out, many where laughing at Zen.
Then Blender came out and many where saying that Blender was fixed to make AMD look good. Those "AMD" commands in Blender's source code where perfect.
At 13th we saw one more presentation and still it wasn't enough for many.
Now that things look even more promising, many are demanding for the 8 core / 16 threads model 4.0GHZ and prices that are ridiculous for a 16 threads cpu model. Prices that, if you ask them in a private message to sell you their 6 core / 12 threads second hand Intel processor at those prices, they will just block you so to never bother them again.
Posted on Reply
john_Intel will continue to do whatever it wants, at least in the retail market, and people deserve the marginal increment in performance and the high prices.

When the first AOTS benchmark came out, many where laughing at Zen.
Then Blender came out and many where saying that Blender was fixed to make AMD look good. Those "AMD" commands in Blender's source code where perfect.
At 13th we saw one more presentation and still it wasn't enough for many.
Now that things look even more promising, many are demanding for the 8 core / 16 threads model 4.0GHZ and prices that are ridiculous for a 16 threads cpu model. Prices that, if you ask them in a private message to sell you their 6 core / 12 threads second hand Intel processor at those prices, they will just block you so to never bother them again.
Of course it's like asking someone to ditch their iPhone or Galaxy/Note for a lowly one plus 3.

In the end the consumers get what exactly they deserve & not necessarily what they demand, also their favorite brand (Intel/Apple/Nvidia/Samsung) certainly won't indulge in such charitable endeavors that they expect AMD to come up with.
Posted on Reply
john_Intel will continue to do whatever it wants, at least in the retail market, and people deserve the marginal increment in performance and the high prices.

When the first AOTS benchmark came out, many where laughing at Zen.
Then Blender came out and many where saying that Blender was fixed to make AMD look good. Those "AMD" commands in Blender's source code where perfect.
At 13th we saw one more presentation and still it wasn't enough for many.
Now that things look even more promising, many are demanding for the 8 core / 16 threads model 4.0GHZ and prices that are ridiculous for a 16 threads cpu model. Prices that, if you ask them in a private message to sell you their 6 core / 12 threads second hand Intel processor at those prices, they will just block you so to never bother them again.
Well, to see whether Zen is actually good, all we need is to see single core performance. It it's better than intel in a comparable power envelope, then we'll know Zen is not Bulldozer 2.0. Imho, Zen will actually need to soundly beat intel, otherwise they'll be back to convincing system builders they need to look at their CPUs, just as they did with AthlonXP.

Also, it's quite telling that you think we actually have numbers on our hands. We have stuff coming out of leaks and presentations, which is not the same thing. I've said it before, when AMD flopped, they were careful not to leak anything before the actual launch, so them leaking numbers now is a good sign. But do not take the numbers seen so far without a pinch of salt.
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Yeah when you score an F on a test you usually don't leak that information to your classmates:).
Posted on Reply
bugWell, to see whether Zen is actually good, all we need is to see single core performance. It it's better than intel in a comparable power envelope, then we'll know Zen is not Bulldozer 2.0. Imho, Zen will actually need to soundly beat intel, otherwise they'll be back to convincing system builders they need to look at their CPUs, just as they did with AthlonXP.

Also, it's quite telling that you think we actually have numbers on our hands. We have stuff coming out of leaks and presentations, which is not the same thing. I've said it before, when AMD flopped, they were careful not to leak anything before the actual launch, so them leaking numbers now is a good sign. But do not take the numbers seen so far without a pinch of salt.
E....nope. Not really. I have said that before. Not every system on the planet is based on a 6950X and a new Nvidia Titan X. Why does AMD need to win over Intel single thread performance? Is SuperPi the only important software on the planet? AMD only needs to offer valid alternatives at better value, not better alternatives at better value at the same time. System builders, OEMs and big companies are not stupid and they are not fanboys. If AMD is offering a valid alternative they will buy it, they will have two suppliers of CPUs and they will be able to negotiate better deals not only with AMD but also Intel.

Anyway. Again I am amazed how eager people are to find excuses to discredit AMD's hardware. The next thing I am going to read is that the Wraith cooler is too damn silent and a system running Ryzen doesn't... sound powerful enough(when the Harrier airplane came out, people where not impressed with it because it was landing on aircraft carriers extremely softly compared to the airplanes used before it by the Royal Navy(I don't remember the model)).
Posted on Reply
john_E....nope. Not really. I have said that before. Not every system on the planet is based on a 6950X and a new Nvidia Titan X. Why does AMD need to win over Intel single thread performance? Is SuperPi the only important software on the planet? AMD only needs to offer valid alternatives at better value, not better alternatives at better value at the same time.
AMD can't offer value if it doesn't have single-thread performance. Because most things today run very well on 4 cores or less, the show AMD is putting by comparing to 6900X is little more than smoke and mirrors.
john_System builders, OEMs and big companies are not stupid and they are not fanboys. If AMD is offering a valid alternative they will buy it, they will have two suppliers of CPUs and they will be able to negotiate better deals not only with AMD but also Intel.
As for system builders, again, you need to look at what happened with AthlonXP.
john_Anyway. Again I am amazed how eager people are to find excuses to discredit AMD's hardware. The next thing I am going to read is that the Wraith cooler is too damn silent and a system running Ryzen doesn't... sound powerful enough(when the Harrier airplane came out, people where not impressed with it because it was landing on aircraft carriers extremely softly compared to the airplanes used before it by the Royal Navy(I don't remember the model)).
It's amusing how a call to calling a leak a leak (and not actual set-in-stone, reproducible benchmark) is seen as an attempt to "discredit AMD's hardware" by some. But then again, that is what prompted my previous post as well: people taking preliminary figures as hard, irrefutable fact.
Posted on Reply
What a waste of time. You have already made up your mind anyway and you just ignore parts of my post that are not convenient to you. At least you are not taking preliminary figures as hard, you are just absolutely confident that the whole Rysen presentation was a "little more than smoke and mirrors". Nothing more to post here.
Posted on Reply
john_What a waste of time. You have already made up your mind anyway and you just ignore parts of my post that are not convenient to you. At least you are not taking preliminary figures as hard, you are just absolutely confident that the whole Rysen presentation was a "little more than smoke and mirrors". Nothing more to post here.
Umm, who quoted who first, ignoring that meat of the post and bolding just the part clearly marked with "imho"?
Posted on Reply
bugUmm, who quoted who first, ignoring that meat of the post and bolding just the part clearly marked with "imho"?
Oh come on, stop trolling around. You quoted me first. post #184
Posted on Reply
john_Oh come on, stop trolling around. You quoted me first. post #184
Ah, reading comprehension challenged. That explains it, sorry.
Posted on Reply
Take it with gigantic, ok maybe i exaggerate, big spoon of salt, it's from WCCFTech - after searchin for anything AMD @ CES 2017 related, i stumbled upon this thing:

The above one is X370-based & this one is B350-based:

AMD rep talks to GG from ASUS on Twitch tv right now, best i could find in twitch.tv/amd. That B350 mobo looks like the one of AMD's slides they had @ their "New Horizon" event. :)

The article itself: wccftech.com/msi-am4-x370-motherboard-ryzen-cpu/
Posted on Reply
Nice, admittedly was disappointed though informative and interesting as mobos are doesn't tell us much about what the end product will produce a pentium 4 mobo could look nice if you dressed it up right:). I'm surprised Ces seems so quiet I thought they leak stuff and even pre-release things before it starts to tease their products etc?
Posted on Reply
Here are 3 more that talk about this X370 mobo:

PCGamesHardware.de: www.pcgameshardware.de/Mainboard-Hardware-154107/News/Ryzen-AM4-High-End-MSI-1217429/

LinusTechTips.com (their forums): linustechtips.com/main/topic/717419-msis-am4-platform-shown-x370-xpower-gaming-titanium/

OCAHolic: www.ocaholic.co.uk/modules/news/article.php?storyid=15959


Atleast now you & i, & pretty much anyone else here (plus these 4 aforementioned sites) knows how's this AM4/X370 stuff looks like. Something to start with, y'know?! :)
Posted on Reply
True it is SOMETHING, just not at all what I am waiting for lol. Call me impatient as I've said prior this is so overdue to the tech world of CPU's that remaining days/weeks are agony as I hope Intel's monopoly turns to dust in the wind.
Posted on Reply
Few more hours - twitch.tv/amd is my source on all this stuff, i hope they'll stream their event @ CES on this channel tomorrow. BTW: found out MSI's booth not that far away from AMD's booth in this venue actually. Make twitch.tv/amd your friend. :)
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RyZen + Vega 4k Ultra @ CES 2017

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Promising especially at 4k I don't know how demanding that game is but it's new I know so to run as such with Zen and the even more mysterious Vega is pretty interesting...even the Vega if good enough could shake up things a bit because although not as bad as cpu non-war at the moment even with Gpu's Nvidia is coasting a bit since AMD has nothing to even compete with their top offerings atm.
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DarkswordI'll believe it when I see it from independent testing. AMD is the king of "hype leading to disappointment".
Congrats on making it into a Linus Tech Tips video! :toast:

*about 50s in*

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If indeed the rizen can match the i7-6900k, then Intel will down its price to about $800, so that the rizen price should be about $700 when it releases.
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pikunsiaIf indeed the rizen can match the i7-6900k, then Intel will down its price to about $800, so that the rizen price should be about $700 when it releases.
Is that a statement or assumption?
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