Wednesday, December 14th 2016

NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 376.33 WHQL Drivers

NVIDIA today released the GeForce 376.33 WHQL drivers. These drivers come with a number of bug-fixes covering the previous GeForce 376.19 drivers, particularly with its Oculus Touch VR game title-specific optimizations. According to the release notes, these drivers seem to disable SLI support for "Titanfall 2," probably because it's too unstable at the moment. Grab the drivers from the links below.
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 376.33 WHQL for Windows 10 64-bit | Windows 10 32-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit
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31 Comments on NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 376.33 WHQL Drivers

The Quim Reaper
disable SLI support for "Titanfall 2,
Well that's bloody annoying, I was seriously thinking of buying the game in the EA Origin sales during Christmas.

Posted on Reply
Hmmm, no new 376.33 driver for me yet so it seems...

Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
The Quim ReaperWell that's bloody annoying, I was seriously thinking of buying the game in the EA Origin sales during Christmas.

The game is excellent and still worth it even without SLI. It's reasons like this that I've given up on SLI - too many niggles.
Posted on Reply
Even in the updated GFE I don't see this new driver.... Did they stop making new drivers for Windows 8.1 already:confused:

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Overclocked quantum bit
@P4-630 It's not there for W10 or W7 either, so it looks more like a little glitch - perhaps NVIDIA have pulled the driver real quick due to some problem?
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~Technological Technocrat~
qubitThe game is excellent and still worth it even without SLI. It's reasons like this that I've given up on SLI - too many niggles.
You have to admit its a rather poor show by Respawn Entertainment whose code is probably so trashy Sli works absolutely like crap.

If it was CoD then that would be excusable as CoD is made primarily for the console before being ported to PC.
I wonder if this is one of the many acts they used to 'spite' the PC platform just like they wouldnt allow PC players to join the open beta before the game was released because they were scared that people would be data mining the game files... Well at least they didnt say it was because of piracy.....
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
I agree that it really should work, especially since the original Titan game has been around for a year or so. Why it doesn't I have no idea. I suspect that SLI is dying due to those niggles, so support is becoming patchy now.

What does it mean to data mine the game files? I mean, I know what data mining is, but not what you mean in this context. :confused:
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~Technological Technocrat~
qubitI agree that it really should work, especially since the original Titan game has been around for a year or so. Why it doesn't I have no idea. I suspect that SLI is dying due to those niggles, so support is becoming patchy now.

What does it mean to data mine the game files? I mean, I know what data mining is, but not what you mean in this context. :confused:
mining the data files for information about the game -- spoiling the game for everyone else in other words because Respawn might want to do some 'big reveal' but if some fat bloke in a basement has already found about what Respawn wanted to reveal and spread it all over the internet then theres no point.

Its a silly reason at best. Anyone who was serious about data mining the game could easily download the beta for PS or xbone, opened it up and taken the hard drive out and plugged it into their own PC with use of some cables or a drive dock
Posted on Reply
qubit@P4-630 It's not there for W10 or W7 either, so it looks more like a little glitch - perhaps NVIDIA have pulled the driver real quick due to some problem?
Lol it's always found first on their driver dowload site. GFE and com are on the late train.
Posted on Reply
P4-630Did they stop making new drivers for Windows 8.1 already:confused:
W7/8/8.1/ are in one package. W10 is a separate package
Posted on Reply
The Quim ReaperWell that's bloody annoying, I was seriously thinking of buying the game in the EA Origin sales during Christmas.

I still wonder why people bother with SLI with all these half assed Console Ports.
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~Technological Technocrat~
TheDeeGeeI still wonder why people bother with SLI with all these half assed Console Ports.
Because sites like TPU wouldnt exist if people didnt and everybody would be running pre-made HPs, Packard Bells, Dells, IBMs, Lenovo's & CompaQs
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseBecause sites like TPU wouldnt exist if people didnt and everybody would be running pre-made HPs, Packard Bells, Dells, IBMs, Lenovo's & CompaQs
You made me spill my drink, that's the funniest comment of the year.
Posted on Reply
P4-630Even in the updated GFE I don't see this new driver.... Did they stop making new drivers for Windows 8.1 already:confused:
Popped up straight away for me, but maybe I'm late to the party.
Posted on Reply
FluffmeisterPopped up straight away for me, but maybe I'm late to the party.
Yeah I already got it installed. :D
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeYou made me spill my drink, that's the funniest comment of the year.
I just imagine a forum of users, who are all arguing over which premade system is the best, and how amazing the new titan X is because it uses the full 75 watt TDP to push 1280 cores on 16nm. Meanwhile, the screen guys are going at it over 1600x900 VS 1680x1050 screens.
Posted on Reply
i played through Titantfall 2 with my sli setup okay.. was sli working.. i havnt a clue.. the game played sweet enough..

the secret with sli is to not depend upon it.. quite clearly my system dosnt.. i have been informed (become aware) after playing several games that the game has no sli support.. i never noticed whilst playing the games.. Titanfall 2 being the latest such game.. :)

Posted on Reply
Wonder if this one won't have problems this time. Drivers from Nvidia lately have been ass.

Well, testing from WHQL should help at least :).
Posted on Reply
The Quim ReaperWell that's bloody annoying, I was seriously thinking of buying the game in the EA Origin sales during Christmas.
did you try it on the free weekend? how well did it run compared to sli off?
FreedomEclipseYou have to admit its a rather poor show by Respawn Entertainment whose code is probably so trashy Sli works absolutely like crap.

If it was CoD then that would be excusable as CoD is made primarily for the console before being ported to PC.
I wonder if this is one of the many acts they used to 'spite' the PC platform just like they wouldnt allow PC players to join the open beta before the game was released because they were scared that people would be data mining the game files... Well at least they didnt say it was because of piracy.....
how about some facts like benchmarks or stutter reports rather than being some punk ass tough guy using words like 'probably'? both amd & nv have decided to remove multi gpu at times out of their own decision rather than the game dev, we need to confirm what the situation is

the map list did get datamined before release anyway, but at least there was a free weekend recently on all platforms, i find that much more fun than a limited content unfinished beta with stats resetting, i even played on a 570m laptop thanks to its dynamic resolution framerate target setting that all pc games should have
qubitI agree that it really should work, especially since the original Titan game has been around for a year or so. Why it doesn't I have no idea.
titanfall 1 has been out for several years, not sure why you would expect the new one to have the exact same old rendering engine (same goes for people that think its heavily modified source engine is still supposed to act like halflife 2)
FreedomEclipseBecause sites like TPU wouldnt exist if people didnt and everybody would be running pre-made HPs, Packard Bells, Dells, IBMs, Lenovo's & CompaQs
sure, let's completely ignore how important it is to have the most powerful best engineered single gpu & single cpu, not to mention overclocking... like wtf, i had a 4870x2 for years since launch, but i'm not pretending that adding an extra gpu is the only way to be an enthusiast (then there's the fact that duplicating all vram is a complete waste of everything)
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Overclocked quantum bit
kn00tcntitanfall 1 has been out for several years, not sure why you would expect the new one to have the exact same old rendering engine (same goes for people that think its heavily modified source engine is still supposed to act like halflife 2)
I didn't say it's got the exact same rendering engine. It's a development of the original one, so all the SLI/CF issues should have been ironed out. Also, multicard setups have been around for the last 15 years, so it's hardly something new and on top of that, the game's usual price is very expensive. Given all this, you'd expect SLI to work properly. There's no excuse for this poor show in my book.
Posted on Reply
Is Folding@home working properly with this release? If not, not going to bother updating..

EDIT: Nevermind.. Just got confirmation that Folding@home WU issues were not fixed with this release. It seems there is a 'hotfix workaround' coming soon to address this issue. We'll see..
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