Wednesday, December 13th 2017

Microsoft Discounts Mixed Reality HMDs by up to $200 Today Only

As part of Microsoft's "12 Days of Deals" push towards achieving more and better sales of Microsoft-branded products, the company has pushed a pretty hefty discount for its MR HMDs mere months after their release. The discounts see the Acer Windows Mixed Reality, Dell Visor, HP, and Lenovo Explorer take price-cuts of $200 over the base price, while Samsung's Odyssey HMD sees a much more level $50 price-cut.

With a move so close to holiday season and in the wake of steep discounts from Virtual Reality headset makers Oculus and HTC, Microsoft is pushing as hard as it can towards shipping enough units to build a new VR ecosystem. Consumers are the ones that stand to gain the most here, however. Though if you want to get your hand son one of these, be fast: the Acer and Dell options are already sold out, and the others' supply might also be inferior to the demand. So go there, and grab them while they're hot.
Source: Microsoft Store
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10 Comments on Microsoft Discounts Mixed Reality HMDs by up to $200 Today Only

Not bad for the price, consider you CAN use it for a few SteamVR titles, like Space Pirate Trainer.
Posted on Reply
xkm1948Not bad for the price, consider you CAN use it for a few SteamVR titles, like Space Pirate Trainer.
Yea, this is a really good deal. I'm noticing more, and more games supporting these headsets on SteamVR games. The only really down side would be the smaller FOV, but the higher resolution should make up for it. Also, controls lose tracking behind your head, but most are reporting it works pretty well of snapping back in the correct placement of your hands when they come into view. The big benefit would be the portability of these HMD's. If I had the extra cash to spend I would pick up the Lenovo HMD.
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Still too expensive for me when i count in import fees and taxes here in EU. :(
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Samsung Odyssey, ASUS makes the HC102.
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News Editor
TotallySamsung Odyssey, ASUS makes the HC102.
You're totally right, thanks for the correction =)
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RaevenlordYou're totally right, thanks for the correction =)
No biggie, it's not like a certain New York Times article in today's paper with a obvious and glaring mistake in the middle of the article.
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Thanks to this I hoped on the vr train. Grabbed the Lenovo Explorer.
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kenkickrThanks to this I hoped on the vr train. Grabbed the Lenovo Explorer.
Tell us your impressions once you try it out. :)
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DuxCroTell us your impressions once you try it out. :)
Definitely will do. It will have to wait for after Xmas since I think my oldest boy will like it too so going to wrap it up.
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I grabbed the Lenovo Explorer on this sell and I'm very impressed by the headset. I've never used the Rift or Vive so not sure what their weight is like but the Lenovo is pretty light considering a did a 2hr session last night and no neck issues today ;) I've only seen the controllers get off track a few times but that is when I'm messing around in the Steam VR room or the Cliffhouse. Not once during Arizona Sunshine, Pinch Hit Baseball, The Lab or Space Pirates training. The accuracy is AMAZING!! I will say I can definitely notice the screen door effect but primarily when I'm in a close to white/bright gray area....the cliffhouse or when Steam VR room is loading. I haven't had time to play with supersampling but messing with the graphics settings within the Windows Mixed Reality settings and really don't notice a difference.

One other note I do wear glasses and can play pretty much without issues until I start sweating and have to adjust my glasses.

Game application wise Windows Mixed Reality uses the Store we all love to hate in Windows 10 and the only game I picked up from there is Space Pirates Training. Very smooth purchase and when it was finished downloading you get the prompt in the cliffhouse like if you were looking at your monitor and very easy to get into. Steam VR can be easy but sometimes I've had to go through task manager to end Steam services to get the app to even see my headset which is plugged in all the time or at the worst restart the PC. Once I get Steam VR to launch correctly Arizona Sunshine, The Lab, and Pinch-Hit Baseball have played flawlessly. I do have Revive on the system to try Oculous games but haven't had time thanks to Arizona Sunshine and Space Pirates :)

Overall I'm extremely satisfied....especially for the price payed.
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