Friday, October 12th 2018

NVIDIA Releases GeForce 416.34 WHQL Game Ready Drivers
NVIDIA today released GeForce 416.34 WHQL "Game Ready" drivers. These drivers provide optimization for "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4" (retail), "Soulcaliber VI," and "GRIP." Among the fixed issues with this release are buggy shadows in "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds," some games launching to a black screen when DSR is enabled, a colorful shimmering line noticed in some games when playing full-screen with G-SYNC enabled, Surround display not being available from NVIDIA Control Panel with Edge browser running, and green screen display corruption on certain games with HDR enabled. Grab the drivers from the link below.DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 416.34 WHQL
The change-log follows.
Game Ready
The change-log follows.
Game Ready
- Provides the optimal gaming experience for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, SOULCALIBUR VI, and GRIP.
- Games launch to a black screen when DSR is enabled. [2411501]
- Some games produce red/green/blue shimmering line when played in full-screen mode and with G-SYNC enabled. [2041443]
- [Windows Defender Application Guard][vGPU][Surround]: Surround cannot be enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel when running Edge Browser with Application Guard over vGPU. [200444614]
- [PUBG]: Issue with shadows may occur in the game. [2414749]
- When HDR is enabled, games show green corruption. [2400448]
12 Comments on NVIDIA Releases GeForce 416.34 WHQL Game Ready Drivers
It is Soulcalibur.
Pretty much nailed Geralt moves.
I wonder how 416.34 compares, they've done a great job dropping the frame rate on a 1060 6gb - I might revert to 399.24 on my 1080 ti.
That was my q.
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DEV_1F07 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070"