Tuesday, December 11th 2018

Fallout 76 Patch Adds FOV & DOF Sliders, Improves Camp Placements and Construction

After what seemed to be a series of never ending bad news concerning Bethesda's latest game, Fallout 76 received a major patch today that aims to improve the gaming experience in more ways than one. For PC users, a welcome addition comes in the form of the much-needed FOV (field of view) slider that has already helped tackle some complaints as seen online after launch. This comes along with a depth of field slider to allow further customization of the in-game view, which should also have a graphics performance effect depending on your hardware and DOF setting.

More importantly, Bethesda Game Studios has finally conceded that their current C.A.M.P system was far too broken. In particular, users were noticing their camp was lost entirely in between online sessions if someone else occupied the same space/location. This meant that a lot of resources were suddenly lost, and brought the online, multiplayer-only aspect of the game to be more similar to, say, State of Decay wherein players had to treat individual game sessions as possibly not having a point of resumption anymore. It added unnecessary frustration on top of what is frankly a bad video game by all records, and this is before we even get to the various bugs and monetary mishaps the game has seen since. Today's patch is a positive step, however, and hopefully this is one of many, many more that are needed before the game gets any real traction on the PC or console platforms alike. A full list of changes can be seen in the source linked in the full post.
Source: Bethesda
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26 Comments on Fallout 76 Patch Adds FOV & DOF Sliders, Improves Camp Placements and Construction

It really gets on my tits that the "Source" link isn't visible on the main page, and I have to click through to the actual story to see it. @W1zzard please fix :(
Posted on Reply
This dead game don't deserve any news any more.
Posted on Reply
mak1skavThis dead game don't deserve any news any more.
It definitely has it's problems, but it sounds like enough people still play it (not that dropping the price is a good sign).
Posted on Reply
Dead horse in the deep mud mosquito infested swamp.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATIt definitely has it's problems, but it sounds like enough people still play it (not that dropping the price is a good sign).
After watching/reading some reviews and opinions, it feels like only Bethesda apologists and people who were born with pink glasses are still playing it. I can't imagine anyone with half brains still wasting time with this #$%^@#@.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATIt definitely has it's problems, but it sounds like enough people still play it (not that dropping the price is a good sign).
People play Solitaire too, I don't recall seeing news on that. This game feels about as ancient, too.

Also, FOV and DoF? Camp placements and construction? So now this game is on par (except not) with FO4? What an achievement :D Maybe they'll patch FO3's 4GB limit in again at some point! Can't wait.
Posted on Reply
What I don't get is the criteria, which games get news posts, and which games don't deserve them ...
Posted on Reply
Vayra86People play Solitaire too, I don't recall seeing news on that. This game feels about as ancient, too.

Also, FOV and DoF? Camp placements and construction? So now this game is on par (except not) with FO4? What an achievement :D Maybe they'll patch FO3's 4GB limit in again at some point! Can't wait.
That stuff was always in this engine (or FOV adjustment was.. DOF got more modernized with Skyrim SE/FO4). It's just that people are noobs and can't adjust an ini file :p

Luckily, the 4GB limit was a 32 bit problem. I think?
Posted on Reply
StrayKATThat stuff was always in this engine (or FOV adjustment was.. DOF got more modernized with Skyrim SE/FO4). It's just that people are noobs and can't adjust an ini file :p

Luckily, the 4GB limit was a 32 bit problem. I think?
People should not have to edit .ini files in the first place. But seeing as the game (multiplayer game!) didn't even have push to talk on launch...
Posted on Reply
EasoPeople should not have to edit .ini files in the first place. But seeing as the game (multiplayer game!) didn't even have push to talk on launch...
That may be true.. but at the same time, I can't really bring myself to care about their problems. Tweaking files sort of goes with the territory of PC gaming. Maybe these people didn't get the memo.. and why they aren't on consoles is beyond me.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATTweaking files sort of goes with the territory of PC gaming.
No way.
Vast majority of players/regular users (IMO) don't even know what file extension is, and even less how to make Windows display them. Just yesterday I was helping someone put together a new PC, and he had no idea what motherboard was (that's hardware, but equally basic term).
So NO, no matter the platform, you should not have to resort to editing shit in files to change settings.
Posted on Reply
OctopussNo way.
Vast majority of players/regular users (IMO) don't even know what file extension is, and even less how to make Windows display them. Just yesterday I was helping someone put together a new PC, and he had no idea what motherboard was (that's hardware, but equally basic term).
So NO, no matter the platform, you should not have to resort to editing shit in files to change settings.
Like I said, they should go back to consoles. It's really perfect for them (not an insult). What we do now on Windows isn't anything. With a typical Bethesda config, it even literally has FOV entries to make it clear. You could make one Google search and find information like this too. Like a damn copy and paste.. no thinking involved on a person's part.

I don't know.. I started gaming with DOS..which was much worse. I don't expect everyone to do that.. but the above is nothing like it.
Posted on Reply
Show me anyone under 35 who knows what DOS or command line is these days :D

Just because YOU know how to do it doesn't mean everyone else does or should.
Going back to consoles implies people start on consoles. That makes no sense either.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATThat stuff was always in this engine (or FOV adjustment was.. DOF got more modernized with Skyrim SE/FO4). It's just that people are noobs and can't adjust an ini file :p

Luckily, the 4GB limit was a 32 bit problem. I think?
Luckily it was, but this is Bethesda we're talking about, surely there are some bits of code here and there that could create a space-time anomaly and reintroduce the issue.

Also, saying 'can't adjust an ini file'... how about 'don't want to, because I damn well paid for a finished product'? Its just extremely poor and lazy to have features in the engine and having to resort to tweaks to make them appear. To then say those people are lazy and should go to console... well. Best flamebait of 2018? You nailed it. Modding is nice when its an option. It becomes annoying work when its a necessity to enjoy the product. I think you need to let that one sink in for abit, and then a bit longer still.

Gaming still is entertainment, and apparently to you, entertainment consists of having to tweak ini files and reorder your mods to make them work. I can tell you right now that is a generational thing, and it has undoubtedly everything to do with starting your gaming career on text-based interfaces. Fast forward to someone who doesn't have that background ;) That's the future and I hate to burst your bubble but the future is now.

- signed a 32 year old gamer with full knowledge of DOS and the like...
WyverexWhat I don't get is the criteria, which games get news posts, and which games don't deserve them ...
Clicks. Let's not fool each other.
Posted on Reply
I still play this game with my friend and actually we are enjoying it. Don't bash the game until you've actually played it. I honestly think it's pretty good (unpopular opinion xD).

At this point we are treating it as co-op Fallout 4 and we roam around together. Haven't really encountered any other people in a long time.

Although this patch has introduced some serious crashing issues for me and the game pretty much 95% of the time hangs on exit for me so I have to switch desktops then close it with Task Manager.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionI still play this game with my friend and actually we are enjoying it. Don't bash the game until you've actually played it. I honestly think it's pretty good (unpopular opinion xD).

At this point we are treating it as co-op Fallout 4 and we roam around together. Haven't really encountered any other people in a long time.

Although this patch has introduced some serious crashing issues for me and the game pretty much 95% of the time hangs on exit for me so I have to switch desktops then close it with Task Manager.
Awesome, enjoy, nothing stopping you, right? 'Its fun with friends'... like so many things ;) The worst games are especially fun with friends. The buggier the mess, the more fun you can have.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Awesome, enjoy, nothing stopping you, right? 'Its fun with friends'... like so many things ;) The worst games are especially fun with friends. The buggier the mess, the more fun you can have.
There is this really hilarious bug that they haven't fixed yet, where you enter a building and you suddenly appear naked to the other person. On my screen I am still wearing clothes but to my friend I am walking around with underwear xD it also happened to him haha.

But seriously I think my friend plays it solo too and he's still enjoying it. though he got the best edition for like £32 of a key selling website. My copy was £19.99. For that price I honestly think it was worth it. I probably wont play it without him (I have Fallout 4 for my offline 3D fallout experience, which I still play and enjoy), but it's really not as terrible as people are complaining IMHO.
Posted on Reply
Cool for 7 people that still play it i guess.
Posted on Reply
OctopussShow me anyone under 35 who knows what DOS or command line is these days :D

Just because YOU know how to do it doesn't mean everyone else does or should.
Going back to consoles implies people start on consoles. That makes no sense either.
My last job, while it certainly wasn't DOS related nor required the use of the command prompt, but myself and few other senior techs taught the younger kids commands in command prompt window. Knowing the commands to use made the job a lot eaiser over trying to slowly point and click on files, and drag things around when you're using remote desktop or some other remote software. So, there are a few guys out there in their mid to late twenties that know how to work their way around via command lines.
Posted on Reply
I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from. I love the game. I find it funny all the haters that have never even touched the game going on and on about this. This was a post to let people know of a patch and all people do is spew nonsense about some game review they read. Nothing but sheeple doing sheeple things...
Posted on Reply
Vayra86People play Solitaire too, I don't recall seeing news on that. This game feels about as ancient, too.

Also, FOV and DoF? Camp placements and construction? So now this game is on par (except not) with FO4? What an achievement :D Maybe they'll patch FO3's 4GB limit in again at some point! Can't wait.
FoV and DoF were not adjustable within menus in Fallout 4.

Like it or not, FO76 has advanced the Creation Engine further than the Maryland office at Bethesda ever attempted. I still play the game, and still enjoy it; however I knew what I was getting into (anyone remember New Vegas? It was in far worse shape at launch than FO76 was).
Posted on Reply
SlizzoFoV and DoF were not adjustable within menus in Fallout 4.

Like it or not, FO76 has advanced the Creation Engine further than the Maryland office at Bethesda ever attempted. I still play the game, and still enjoy it; however I knew what I was getting into (anyone remember New Vegas? It was in far worse shape at launch than FO76 was).
Right. For further comments just read my sig. jboyd said it nicely, and I have nothing to add.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Luckily it was, but this is Bethesda we're talking about, surely there are some bits of code here and there that could create a space-time anomaly and reintroduce the issue.

Also, saying 'can't adjust an ini file'... how about 'don't want to, because I damn well paid for a finished product'? Its just extremely poor and lazy to have features in the engine and having to resort to tweaks to make them appear. To then say those people are lazy and should go to console... well. Best flamebait of 2018? You nailed it.
Yeah.... I'm gonna stick with this tbh :D

I'm not a stubborn person and can change opinions from time to time.. but I've seen too many Bethesda fans from all walks of life who adjusted to this.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionI still play this game with my friend and actually we are enjoying it. Don't bash the game until you've actually played it. I honestly think it's pretty good (unpopular opinion xD).

At this point we are treating it as co-op Fallout 4 and we roam around together. Haven't really encountered any other people in a long time.

Although this patch has introduced some serious crashing issues for me and the game pretty much 95% of the time hangs on exit for me so I have to switch desktops then close it with Task Manager.
Stop changing your bloody avatar every week FFS. :p
SlizzoFoV and DoF were not adjustable within menus in Fallout 4.

Like it or not, FO76 has advanced the Creation Engine further than the Maryland office at Bethesda ever attempted. I still play the game, and still enjoy it; however I knew what I was getting into (anyone remember New Vegas? It was in far worse shape at launch than FO76 was).
Yes - further into the toilet, closer to the poo.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATLike I said, they should go back to consoles. It's really perfect for them (not an insult). What we do now on Windows isn't anything. With a typical Bethesda config, it even literally has FOV entries to make it clear. You could make one Google search and find information like this too. Like a damn copy and paste.. no thinking involved on a person's part.

I don't know.. I started gaming with DOS..which was much worse. I don't expect everyone to do that.. but the above is nothing like it.
I dare you to work in any kind of computer customer service, whether in shop or in HellDesk (aptly named) in some company. Knowing how to tweak some config files puts you above 90% of users. I am not overestimating it.
Posted on Reply
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