Tuesday, January 8th 2019

Intel 9th Gen Core "F" iGPU-Devoid Processor Family Launched, Confirmed to Lack iGPU

Intel finally disclosed specifications of its entire 9th generation Core "F" extension desktop processor SKUs. The ARK pages confirm the lack of integrated graphics solutions, although they won't mention if the iGPU is merely disabled or physically absent. Among these SKUs are the Core i9-9900KF, Core i7-9700KF, and Core i5-9600KF, which have the same exact CPU clock speeds as the the i9-9900K, i7-9700K, and i5-9600K, respectively.

The Core i3-9350K is a new kid on the block. This 4-core/4-thread chip ticks at 4.00 GHz, with 4.60 GHz Turbo Boost, and features 8 MB of shared L3 cache. The Core i5-9400F, again, is practically the same CPU as the i5-9400, with the exception of iGPU. Another interesting specification to note with these SKUs is their maximum memory amount, which has been reduced to 64 GB from 128 GB on the original "K" SKUs. As Intel announced in its Monday evening presentation, These six new SKUs will be rolled out over Q1-2019, beginning with the i5-9400 later this month. The "KF" and "F" SKUs will only come out after January, but before April.
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29 Comments on Intel 9th Gen Core "F" iGPU-Devoid Processor Family Launched, Confirmed to Lack iGPU

Darmok N Jalad
The i3 looks interesting, other than the really high TDP for just a quad core part. Is that the first i3 to have a turbo clock?
Posted on Reply
9350K is DOA unless sub-£100. Which it wont be~ btw with 2600 at £150 here and 8350K is already more expensive than it. Please don't tell me "it's better in gamez" , because it's not. I gamed on 8350K at 4.9 GHz and it was a stuttery mess in intensive games (even Fallout 4). the 9350K should have Hyperthreading to be interesting as 4/4 is basically dead for new games. of course intel can charge what they like for it and people will still buy it, sigh~
Posted on Reply
I miss late 90' when we could count models of cpu only using our 2 hands.
Posted on Reply
honestly who cares about overpriced intel 14nm crap, when we have AMD 7nm around the corner...
Posted on Reply
HimymCZehonestly who cares about overpriced intel 14nm crap, when we have AMD 7nm around the corner...
Still the best solution for gamers.
Posted on Reply
champsilvaStill the best solution for gamers.
Only for rich or much-spending gamers (since GPU is the main factor determining the gaming performance of a PC) and possibly until 7nm AMD CPUs turn the corner.
Posted on Reply
champsilvaStill the best solution for gamers.
No it's not. The best solution for anyone without a professional need for the absolute highest single-core IPC is to buy AMD. You'll never miss the few FPS it costs and you'll be rewarding and supporting the company that miraculously came back from the dead and reignited competition in CPUs. Buy Intel and you're rewarding technical sloth and criminal anti-competitive behavior, and voting for a future of stagnation. You'll still be a gamer tomorrow, right?

Not hard to choose, even before we see AMD's 7nm line.
Posted on Reply
Darmok N JaladThe i3 looks interesting, other than the really high TDP for just a quad core part. Is that the first i3 to have a turbo clock?
There are a couple mobile i3 with turbo, but it seems to the first in the desktop lineup.
Posted on Reply
Darmok N JaladThe i3 looks interesting, other than the really high TDP for just a quad core part. Is that the first i3 to have a turbo clock?
I am running the 8350K and I have it set at 5Ghz... that count? LOL for the $140 I spent on release it has been worth every cent and plays every game. this rig is for gaming and this CPU does that very well.
Posted on Reply
Here we go, AMD fanatics flooded an Intel thread again. How unusual.

I wouldn't get an AMD even if it was free. You can rate my post now
Posted on Reply
NxodusHere we go, AMD fanatics flooded an Intel thread again. How unusual.

I wouldn't get an AMD even if it was free. You can rate my post now
I might create a few accounts just to give this post extra likes!

I have used AMD in years past, when I didn't know any better :P . I have family that works for Intel, I am in the NorthWest and Intel seems like "buying local". I put my few bucks on whomever I want, and Intel just happens to be the one I want for those reasons... and the fact that the CPU was $140 and does an amazing job!
Posted on Reply
ZotzNo it's not. The best solution for anyone without a professional need for the absolute highest single-core IPC is to buy AMD. You'll never miss the few FPS it costs and you'll be rewarding and supporting the company that miraculously came back from the dead and reignited competition in CPUs. Buy Intel and you're rewarding technical sloth and criminal anti-competitive behavior, and voting for a future of stagnation. You'll still be a gamer tomorrow, right?

Not hard to choose, even before we see AMD's 7nm line.
Ok, if you believe so. =)

I don't even know why 240hz monitors exists, AMD users says you can't spot the difference.
Posted on Reply
if leaks are right about amd 7nm's, all these intel cpu's are dead on arrival.
NxodusHere we go, AMD fanatics flooded an Intel thread again. How unusual.

I wouldn't get an AMD even if it was free. You can rate my post now
and there you say "amd fanatics", your sentence shows you are the fanatic, getting a faster cpu for free and dont wanting it that is fanatism.
Posted on Reply
NxodusHere we go, AMD fanatics flooded an Intel thread again. How unusual.

I wouldn't get an AMD even if it was free. You can rate my post now
Not fanatics - unlike your silly statement, I gave good reasons for my opinion. Beyond those are so many value arguments eg. core count per $ that the comparisons are becoming ridiculous. My comments are relevant because anyone considering an Intel chip ought to be aware of the alternatives *and* think about the big picture.

I'd be as willing to argue for Intel if the roles were reversed. I hope Intel does come back, but only after AMD has made enough money and gained enough market share to remain as a stable and serious competitor. We know now what to expect if they fail.
Posted on Reply
nickbaldwin86I am running the 8350K and I have it set at 5Ghz... that count? LOL for the $140 I spent on release it has been worth every cent and plays every game. this rig is for gaming and this CPU does that very well.
what are you playing? When I used it, it was a mess. I think even Ryzen gets higher FPS than that in games now.

ALso did i mention that Intel is a scumbag company and I simply refuse to give them any money. And I dont even sacrifice any performance either :D (In fact I gain some) £150 for a 4 core 4 thread in 2019? Anyone? No Thanks I will take my 4 GHz 6 core 12 thread with 2x the multi-thread performance and similar gaming performance.) :D !
Posted on Reply
I can understand the unlocked i3, it makes for a fun CPU to overclock without the extra heart of the IGP.
What I don't understand is the locked ones.
It looks like a way to eliminate stock before Zen2 arrives.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionwhat are you playing? When I used it, it was a mess. I think even Ryzen gets higher FPS than that in games now.
ALso did i mention that Intel is a scumbag company and I simply refuse to give them any money. And I dont even sacrifice any performance either :D (In fact I gain some) £150 for a 4 core 4 thread in 2019? Anyone? No Thanks I will take my 4 GHz 6 core 12 thread with 2x the multi-thread performance and similar gaming performance.) :D !
Don't play that "oh my CPU gets 1 FPS more than your CPU game"

Check this! and remember my CPU is at 5Ghz... the one here is at stock speeds and is within 1 maybe 2 frames to the top.. and is even the top in a test @ 4K. does it get more demanding? I play all those games and any game in my 100+ game list on steam, my CPU is by far not the bottleneck in my computer.


I only game on my PC, I know it doesn't kill the marks for compute power for other things I never do so don't care, gaming is the goal for this machine and this CPU is more than enough. spending a dollar more for a CPU would have been a waste of money

The rest is just your opinion... they are both huge corporate companies and no neither are perfect, if you think so then you are more of a fanboi then I think you are already.
GoldenXI can understand the unlocked i3, it makes for a fun CPU to overclock without the extra heart of the IGP.
What I don't understand is the locked ones.
It looks like a way to eliminate stock before Zen2 arrives.
oh it was a blast. I paid so little for it I had no problem going full send, took the lid off, liquid metal and maxed out the volts to push it up to 5.2Ghz for testing, runs smooth daily at 5Ghz and been running like that for over a year now.
Posted on Reply
nickbaldwin86Don't play that "oh my CPU gets 1 FPS more than your CPU game"

Check this! and remember my CPU is at 5Ghz... the one here is at stock speeds and is within 1 maybe 2 frames to the top.. and is even the top in a test @ 4K. does it get more demanding? I play all those games and any game in my 100+ game list on steam, my CPU is by far not the bottleneck in my computer.


I only game on my PC, I know it doesn't kill the marks for compute power for other things I never do so don't care, gaming is the goal for this machine and this CPU is more than enough. spending a dollar more for a CPU would have been a waste of money

The rest is just your opinion... they are both huge corporate companies and no neither are perfect, if you think so then you are more of a fanboi then I think you are already.

oh it was a blast. I paid so little for it I had no problem going full send, took the lid off, liquid metal and maxed out the volts to push it up to 5.2Ghz for testing, runs smooth daily at 5Ghz and been running like that for over a year now.
I didnt say my CPU has 1 more FPS than yours. I said it probably the same in games but I had nearly two times the multi-threaded power, and didn't need to delid. Since I sold my PC and made a bargain one I don't have my 2600X any more but I think my 1400 still has the same or more multi-threaded performance and it was £92. 8350K is faster than 1400 in games though. Not denying that. But with Ryzen 5 six core available i just dont see the point in these 4/4 cpu's unless they are super cheap (Ryzen 3 price) which they wont be.

Yes both are huge companies but Intel is objectively more scummy than AMD. Just look at their history of anti-competitive practises, and recently the plain lying about 2700X vs 9900K.

Honestly Intel fans are the ones playing the "my cpu gets one more FPS than yours". Yes i am an AMD fan but i am not unreasonable. :)
Posted on Reply
nickbaldwin86I have family that works for Intel, I am in the NorthWest and Intel seems like "buying local".
OK, your niche status is confirmed.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionI didnt say my CPU has 1 more FPS than yours. I said it probably the same in games but I had nearly two times the multi-threaded power, and didn't need to delid. Since I sold my PC and made a bargain one I don't have my 2600X any more but I think my 1400 still has the same or more multi-threaded performance and it was £92. 8350K is faster than 1400 in games though. Not denying that. But with Ryzen 5 six core available i just dont see the point in these 4/4 cpu's unless they are super cheap (Ryzen 3 price) which they wont be.

Yes both are huge companies but Intel is objectively more scummy than AMD. Just look at their history of anti-competitive practises, and recently the plain lying about 2700X vs 9900K.

Honestly Intel fans are the ones playing the "my cpu gets one more FPS than yours". Yes i am an AMD fan but i am not unreasonable. :)
All good man. I am very happy with my system, sounds like you are as well. all I am saying is 1 frame doesn't matter to me, reason I didn't buy a 8700K and now not upgrading to a 9900K. I could, don't see any reason. I do fully understand that some people do more than just game on their PC.

I wanted to delid. I didn't have to. at the time of building my machines AMD CPUs didn't overclock for the life of them, I get a lot of enjoyment out of building and playing with my system, so delidding it and doing all the things to max it out was a fun hobby. the benchmarks show that I could have just slapped it in and clocked it to 4.X and been more than fine. but again just something fun to do and I spent double the amount of money on my water cooling (we could go on and on about wasting money on PC parts that don't add a FPS LOL ).
Posted on Reply
nickbaldwin86The rest is just your opinion... they are both huge corporate companies and no neither are perfect.
A little perspective please. AMD is a tiny fraction of Intel's size and resources, and even so Intel did everything both legal and illegal to kill them off.

It's not as if AMD is asking for charity. They're (amazingly) offering many-core chips that best Intel's products in almost every way. Their investors took the risk of funding one last chance at a CPU comeback, and their engineers stepped up to do it. Soon, with 7nm, they may sweep the field.

Just stop and think where we'd be without AMD's guts and commitment. Think how Intel held us back. I'm setting up a 2010 netbook to give away, and its single-core Atom processor is *painfully* slow. I have to wonder what my $500 would have bought then if there had been competition. No Intel for me, for a loooong time.
Posted on Reply
"F" iGPU

OK, now is it only me that reads this as "F*ck iGPU"?
Posted on Reply
Just skip 2019 completely and wait for 2020 from Nvidia and Intel. Sunny Cove looks more interesting than Zen 2 or Coffee Lake for gamers.
Posted on Reply
ZotzA little perspective please. AMD is a tiny fraction of Intel's size and resources, and even so Intel did everything both legal and illegal to kill them off.

It's not as if AMD is asking for charity. They're (amazingly) offering many-core chips that best Intel's products in almost every way. Their investors took the risk of funding one last chance at a CPU comeback, and their engineers stepped up to do it. Soon, with 7nm, they may sweep the field.

Just stop and think where we'd be without AMD's guts and commitment. Think how Intel held us back. I'm setting up a 2010 netbook to give away, and its single-core Atom processor is *painfully* slow. I have to wonder what my $500 would have bought then if there had been competition. No Intel for me, for a loooong time.
That is great, but I am, unlike you, not telling you what to buy or giving you an opinion at all. I am just showing you what i run and why I run it.

I don't need a history lesson, I was running AMD back when a 2200+ was being compared to a Intel P4 3.0Ghz Prescott and even before then, it was the only time I jumped to AMD because for that time AMD had great priced CPUs for what little money I had in high school.

I am grateful for AMD and hope them the best. That doesn't mean I am going to buy them but I am glad people like you do, just wish you didn't have to spread so much hate. AMD is great because they make competition for Intel and they keep the prices stable if anything.

Intel is running a business, the spread more money on lawyers than AMD? surely. Legal is for the courts to decide and obviously for you to draw a conclusion/opinion over. I am sure you don't even know the half of it, nor do I, I still buy the products they sell though, oh well shame on me.

I just have no hate for either company, sorry just have no reason... no reason to burn flags just to make fire.
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