Monday, March 4th 2019

APEX Legends Hits 50 Million Players in One Month

Respawn Entertainment and EA are both celebrating the first month of Apex Legend's release with a short video, commemorating the fact that some 50 million unique players have already logged in and played the game in some form. Apex Legends, which launched after an uber secretive development over at Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment, was released just last month, managing to become a sleeper hit for EA as it surpassed 10 million unique players and 1 million concurrent players in just three days after release, more than doubling those numbers in the second week of its release. The game is, for all intents and purposes, a hit among gamers, and is sure to be bringing a steady revenue stream to EA's bottom line.
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24 Comments on APEX Legends Hits 50 Million Players in One Month

This would be news worthy if it was a paid game.
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeThis would be news worthy if it was a paid game.
Well its pretty interesting to see how fast such a large playerbase switched from one shooter to another. You don't see that every day. Its like they're controlled by a hive mind.
Posted on Reply
In my case I didnt switch from any BR shooter because I didnt like any. Simply put this game is amazing, has a lot of inovative stuff and is really fun. More fast paced than a lot of other not even BR shooters
Posted on Reply
Being free, I installed it.
One hour later I uninstalled it.
You need to be below a certain age to enjoy this roaming games (faux sense of freedom or whatever).
Posted on Reply
I played it and so far... I guess I don't really get it yet. Going to give it some more hours.
Posted on Reply
New player get kiled instantly whit potato console. network speed is icredably slow to download hd textures. For waisting time its good.
Posted on Reply
Great game.

Best played with people you actually know and not just random's on the internet.

Me and two of my boys being playing it almost every night after work still loving it.
erixxBeing free, I installed it.
One hour later I uninstalled it.
You need to be below a certain age to enjoy this roaming games (faux sense of freedom or whatever).
i'm 38 and disagree with you on that but not surprised you played it for an hour. Which isn't long enough to determine anything.

Just not your cup of tea.
Posted on Reply
one of the freshest BR games I've played for a while. Only time will tell if this can hold up or it would just be another fad.
Posted on Reply
Best BR after PUBG
Posted on Reply
Barely touched the game (not a big fan of BRs) but it seems to have potential.
Lets see what Respawn will do with it and to what degree EA will be able to fuck it up.
Posted on Reply
I noticed that this was a good outline for EA ever since that Patrick Sod-ur-land resigned as one of the executives in the company... maybe him leaving EA is like a curse has been lifted or something. Also, kudos to Respawn Entertainment for garnering this much players in a month. Sorry Epic Games, sorry Brendan Greene, you guys are out of meta.
Posted on Reply
I like this game. Best BR by far. So smooth and optimized.
Posted on Reply
Its shooter game it needs mind control, 100Hz display or vr. tv and console is horible slow.
Posted on Reply
And then the same 50 mil morons will complain about EA shady practices after they pulled it out of the gutter. All apex players should be perma banned from all other games for hurting gaming industry by supporting EA.
Posted on Reply
Good for EA - I guess.

I still don't support them nor do I care to utilize Origin. I won't be giving them my time or money.
Posted on Reply
DexiefyAnd then the same 50 mil morons will complain about EA shady practices after they pulled it out of the gutter. All apex players should be perma banned from all other games for hurting gaming industry by supporting EA.
The game is free. EA isn't getting a penny from me.

If they want to pay the bills just to have a nice players online count, power to them! Honestly if games of this quality get free releases that are not infested with P2W, isn't that any gamers' wet dream? Especially the less wealthy ones. The alternative isn't really there, it just means you pay for it to play the same thing. "Gamers" have already pushed pay2win into the "big fat no"-book (ironically, the final push was an EA title called Battlefront) alongside any store transaction that introduces even the smallest gameplay advantage. So now we have cosmetics instead, what's not to like. If that is the sacrifice we need to make, I think we should stop complaining.

If anything, this is supporting Respawn because it directly rewards their work, their development. They still get paid if the game is free. And their position within EA (perhaps even towards more independence) improves, and with that comes the freedom to do more of what they do well, which ultimately benefits the gamer and gaming, amirite?

Not seeing a problem, sorry. EA has no problems kicking itself right back into the gutter again. And then there is the off chance that they're going to pull 'a Ubisoft' turning the whole business around into something that actually looks like 'gaming first' for all intents and purposes. A few years back Ubisoft was on the same level as EA in public opinion, today they're seen as one of the better publishers by many - and rightfully so. Maybe, just maybe, miracles do happen...
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeThis would be news worthy if it was a paid game.
It is news worthy because the player count growth was and is simply insane. There are lot of free to play games, none has managed this.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86The game is free. EA isn't getting a penny from me.
If anything, this is supporting Respawn because it directly rewards their work, their development. They still get paid if the game is free. And their position within EA (perhaps even towards more independence) improves, and with that comes the freedom to do more of what they do well, which ultimately benefits the gamer and gaming, amirite?

Not seeing a problem, sorry. EA has no problems kicking itself right back into the gutter again. And then there is the off chance that they're going to pull 'a Ubisoft' turning the whole business around into something that actually looks like 'gaming first' for all intents and purposes. A few years back Ubisoft was on the same level as EA in public opinion, today they're seen as one of the better publishers by many - and rightfully so. Maybe, just maybe, miracles do happen...
So you won't pay them, great, you will just hype up the game by increasing its numbers, supply servers with people etc. F2p games are the most profitable ones on the market even though big chunk of players is not paying a damn dime, does not mean they do not contribute.

Independence? from EA? I am sorry, look at what happened to Blizzard after Activision+Blizzard merge... I mean, seriously. "Oh great, they will have more money to produce games", "Oh its fine, Activision will just take care of marketing" that is what the naive ones were saying back then and You sound just like them right now.
EA/Activision DOES NOT CARE about the product and its quality, they care about the money. They will not leave gaming studio to do what it does best, they will enforce what they can to increase profits. Activision managed to destroy Blizzard, a company that for years was considered the best game development studio in the world. From being a leader in every genre they touched, they degraded to following others and losing their jobs in droves.
But you belive that EA (which is literally the same thing as Activision, just different name) will leave Respawn to do their own thing, keep dreaming...

You are not seeing a problem, exactly. Ea kicked itself in the gutter, they shown what POS company they actually are, they pissed off their investors, they destroyed their public relations, they even went on to fight the government to protect their gambling garbage. Their stock plummeted and just one or more 2 things had to go right and gaming industry would be free of them and then there would just be Activision left to get rid of. But then as i said, 50 mil morons went on to save EA from the gutter... then ofc the same people will complain how EA/Activision is bad and should go away and be outraged when EA/Activision wants to sell them a red dot for 5$.
Normally wouldn't care, people can't be saved from their own stupidity, but it's just sad that such morons are causing great gaming studios to die cause they decided to support a rotten publisher and hence hurt entire gaming community.
Posted on Reply
DexiefySo you won't pay them, great, you will just hype up the game by increasing its numbers, supply servers with people etc. F2p games are the most profitable ones on the market even though big chunk of players is not paying a damn dime, does not mean they do not contribute.

Independence? from EA? I am sorry, look at what happened to Blizzard after Activision+Blizzard merge... I mean, seriously. "Oh great, they will have more money to produce games", "Oh its fine, Activision will just take care of marketing" that is what the naive ones were saying back then and You sound just like them right now.
EA/Activision DOES NOT CARE about the product and its quality, they care about the money. They will not leave gaming studio to do what it does best, they will enforce what they can to increase profits. Activision managed to destroy Blizzard, a company that for years was considered the best game development studio in the world. From being a leader in every genre they touched, they degraded to following others and losing their jobs in droves.
But you belive that EA (which is literally the same thing as Activision, just different name) will leave Respawn to do their own thing, keep dreaming...

You are not seeing a problem, exactly. Ea kicked itself in the gutter, they shown what POS company they actually are, they pissed off their investors, they destroyed their public relations, they even went on to fight the government to protect their gambling garbage. Their stock plummeted and just one or more 2 things had to go right and gaming industry would be free of them and then there would just be Activision left to get rid of. But then as i said, 50 mil morons went on to save EA from the gutter... then ofc the same people will complain how EA/Activision is bad and should go away and be outraged when EA/Activision wants to sell them a red dot for 5$.
Normally wouldn't care, people can't be saved from their own stupidity, but it's just sad that such morons are causing great gaming studios to die cause they decided to support a rotten publisher and hence hurt entire gaming community.
You're going way out of context with what I said. I said: there is a chance. And its not a likely one. I even spoke of miracles.

We don't disagree about EA as a publisher don't get me wrong. But I play games to game, and not to be making public statements about my lifestyle choices all the time. Moreover, my focus in gaming is on quality. There are loads of EA releases that I avoid very consciously: Anthem, Battlefield ever since 4 onwards, etc.

What you don't seem to get is that you can make noise by avoiding everything, but you can also make noise by only investing time and effort in the titles that are of good quality. That only improves the chances of said publisher to make more of the same level of quality. Proof of that is within, for example, the growth of indie gaming. Some early attempts were handsomely rewarded by gamers and seemingly dead game genres got revived, just by sheer power of popularity. This whole Battle Royale thing, is another such example. Our voice matters, so let's keep that dialogue.

Also, more on that indie movement: studio's may be killed by EA, but the talents just pop up elsewhere, free of EA and start doing what they wanted to do anyway. Its not like EA commits mass murder on developers.

Your idea that the gaming industry 'would be free of them soon' is about as realistic as the 'boycot' on a recent Metro game. Completely bonkers and clearly out of touch with reality. We're looking at the number one game publisher on this planet, perhaps only beaten by the likes of Tencent in size, wealth and therefore budget to make games. If you care about gaming, you'd care more about sending EA the right message rather than a complete boycot that will never succeed anyway. Call it pragmatic, if you will.

The REAL movement with EA is that they just find new markets to sell games in, most notably mobile / f2p with in-app purchases seem to do well. At the same time they still own lots of developers with lots of talent, despite the brain drain of all those studios that got closed. Success stories like Apex Legends are likely to turn heads and keep EA focused on more than just a mobile / casual platform. That, in the end, benefits all gaming on the PC/console platforms. There is more competition that way and competition leads to better content, within or outside of EA's releases. The crucial question you need to be asking yourself is: do you prefer all that talent and funding to go to the mobile platform, allowing it to gain traction faster, and moving playerbase away from the platforms you prefer?

Bottom line, my stance is: hate the game, not the publisher. What I want is more funding to games we prefer to see. A boycot on a publisher will never be the right path for that - its called biting the hand that feeds. Not in the case of 4A/Tencent/Metro and not here. Better off boycotting the individual games on personal preference - its also a good way not to waste money.

In the end I'm not losing anything by playing a free game, and I'm also not helping EA"s bottom line. In the end, their yearly reports don't contain player counts but revenue streams and profit numbers. I'm not contributing to those, quite the opposite - my login costs them money. And at the same time, I'm rewarding a quality release. That's a win-win situation, contrary to what you think.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86You're going way out of context with what I said. I said: there is a chance. And its not a likely one. I even spoke of miracles.

We don't disagree about EA as a publisher don't get me wrong. But I play games to game, and not to be making public statements about my lifestyle choices all the time. Moreover, my focus in gaming is on quality. There are loads of EA releases that I avoid very consciously: Anthem, Battlefield ever since 4 onwards, etc.

What you don't seem to get is that you can make noise by avoiding everything, but you can also make noise by only investing time and effort in the titles that are of good quality. That only improves the chances of said publisher to make more of the same level of quality. Proof of that is within, for example, the growth of indie gaming. Some early attempts were handsomely rewarded by gamers and seemingly dead game genres got revived, just by sheer power of popularity. This whole Battle Royale thing, is another such example. Our voice matters, so let's keep that dialogue.

Also, more on that indie movement: studio's may be killed by EA, but the talents just pop up elsewhere, free of EA and start doing what they wanted to do anyway. Its not like EA commits mass murder on developers.

Your idea that the gaming industry 'would be free of them soon' is about as realistic as the 'boycot' on a recent Metro game. Completely bonkers and clearly out of touch with reality. We're looking at the number one game publisher on this planet, perhaps only beaten by the likes of Tencent in size, wealth and therefore budget to make games. If you care about gaming, you'd care more about sending EA the right message rather than a complete boycot that will never succeed anyway. Call it pragmatic, if you will.

The REAL movement with EA is that they just find new markets to sell games in, most notably mobile / f2p with in-app purchases seem to do well. At the same time they still own lots of developers with lots of talent, despite the brain drain of all those studios that got closed. Success stories like Apex Legends are likely to turn heads and keep EA focused on more than just a mobile / casual platform. That, in the end, benefits all gaming on the PC/console platforms. There is more competition that way and competition leads to better content, within or outside of EA's releases. The crucial question you need to be asking yourself is: do you prefer all that talent and funding to go to the mobile platform, allowing it to gain traction faster, and moving playerbase away from the platforms you prefer?

Bottom line, my stance is: hate the game, not the publisher. What I want is more funding to games we prefer to see. A boycot on a publisher will never be the right path for that - its called biting the hand that feeds. Not in the case of 4A/Tencent/Metro and not here. Better off boycotting the individual games on personal preference - its also a good way not to waste money.

In the end I'm not losing anything by playing a free game, and I'm also not helping EA"s bottom line. In the end, their yearly reports don't contain player counts but revenue streams and profit numbers. I'm not contributing to those, quite the opposite - my login costs them money. And at the same time, I'm rewarding a quality release. That's a win-win situation, contrary to what you think.
Yes you are helping EA by logging in. Do you really think that the data EA might be publishing is the only data they collect or look for? Also do you think that saying "we have 100k players" is the same as saying " we have 50 million players"? Do you think non paying players presence is not valuable? It raises awereness, its free advertisment, keeps servers alive, reduces development cost by not having to work on bots to fill servers etc. all that for miniscule (in grand scheme of things) cost of server upkeep.
Also, its the publishers that ruin gaming industry, not developers. Developers in vast majority are people filled with passion who want to bring soemthing great to gaming community. It's the likes of EA and Activision we can thank for when it comes to loot boxes, red dots for purchase, on disc dlc's and so on. As I said before, beliving that EA can change after it's already been overtook by marketing people is being naive, delusional or straight up stupid, nothing else.
Guess some just like being in abusive relationships hoping for a change instead of doing something about it. Only way you are going to "turn EA heads" is by not giving them money at all and ignoring all their products. They are marketing people, not developers. They do not think "guys, lets release high quality product" they think "how with the least ammount of work we can bring more money in and how can we manipulate people into buying things they don't need".

Besides, as I said, just look at Activision+Blizzard and how a PUBLISHER brought down once greatest studio there was to its knees. Belive what you want, reality has already proven Your "hate the game, not the publisher" theory wrong since we just witnessed the fall of Blizzard, courtesy of Activision.
Posted on Reply
DexiefyYes you are helping EA by logging in. Do you really think that the data EA might be publishing is the only data they collect or look for? Also do you think that saying "we have 100k players" is the same as saying " we have 50 million players"? Do you think non paying players presence is not valuable? It raises awereness, its free advertisment, keeps servers alive, reduces development cost by not having to work on bots to fill servers etc. all that for miniscule (in grand scheme of things) cost of server upkeep.
Also, its the publishers that ruin gaming industry, not developers. Developers in vast majority are people filled with passion who want to bring soemthing great to gaming community. It's the likes of EA and Activision we can thank for when it comes to loot boxes, red dots for purchase, on disc dlc's and so on. As I said before, beliving that EA can change after it's already been overtook by marketing people is being naive, delusional or straight up stupid, nothing else.
Guess some just like being in abusive relationships hoping for a change instead of doing something about it. Only way you are going to "turn EA heads" is by not giving them money at all and ignoring all their products. They are marketing people, not developers. They do not think "guys, lets release high quality product" they think "how with the least ammount of work we can bring more money in and how can we manipulate people into buying things they don't need".

Besides, as I said, just look at Activision+Blizzard and how a PUBLISHER brought down once greatest studio there was to its knees. Belive what you want, reality has already proven Your "hate the game, not the publisher" theory wrong since we just witnessed the fall of Blizzard, courtesy of Activision.
Its funny you should mention Blizzard, because the same fans that spit on the company desire that same company to give them a sequel - even today. Do you see the problem, and the irony of it?

The gaming industry is what we make of it, and I've seen enough activism among gamers to make a stand where it really matters. Even the 'marketing people' of EA are sensitive to success. That same spreadsheet logic can be applied to a positive approach. Also - what relationship, and abusive how, because again, you seem to keep avoiding the fact this costs nothing. As for the lootboxes, action is coming and this is the way these things simply work. Company finds a new niche, it explodes, it gets looked at, and probably will get banned or restricted soon. Or: public outrage on (insert item), company adjusts, things get better. Thát is the way it will go and is going.

In other news...

I think I get it now :)

Posted on Reply
Vayra86Its funny you should mention Blizzard, because the same fans that spit on the company desire that same company to give them a sequel - even today. Do you see the problem, and the irony of it?
Right, Blizz doing what they can to make wow servers feel alive through sharding and alike because they are overflowing with players.
They stopped publishing wow subs because it grew so nicely they did not want to embarass other companies.
D3 is doing so well their biggest fan site shut down due to LACK OF INTEREST.
Their HOTS e-sport was killed cause obviously it was such a huge success...
Coincidentally everything started turning to sh*t shortly after merge with Activision. I am sure it was just a coincidence.
And Blizzard is NOT THE PROBLEM. Activision is. Blizzard is just a studio filled with developers who would love to produce high quality stuff, but they can't cause it would bring less money than the Activision way.

People still BELIVE blizz can actually produce something good (which they can't, cause they are under Activision boot) so they want sequels. They are the same people as you who belives that EA can change and are waiting for a miracle.
The gaming industry is what we make of it, and I've seen enough activism among gamers to make a stand where it really matters. Even the 'marketing people' of EA are sensitive to success. That same spreadsheet logic can be applied to a positive approach. Also - what relationship, and abusive how, because again, you seem to keep avoiding the fact this costs nothing.
I did not avoid it, I described it in previous post. You claim game costs nothing and you are not supporting EA... I said that you are supporting EA, you are their cheap advertisment and a way they can SAVE money. You are a bot that required no development time and that is best form of advertisment at the same time. Guess reading is hard.

EA shows no respect to gaming community, EA destroys multiple great studios and turns once great franchises like Dungeon Keeper into some mobile garbage filled with MTX, *add all the other stuff that EA did wrong cba to type everything or this would take 50 pages*... They are going to shit while mistreating gaming community for decade if not more. "Hey they can change"- Sounds almost like a guy beating up his wife and her keeping on beliving that he can change. No clue how hard is that to notice.
As for the lootboxes, action is coming and this is the way these things simply work. Company finds a new niche, it explodes, it gets looked at, and probably will get banned or restricted soon. Or: public outrage on (insert item), company adjusts, things get better. Thát is the way it will go and is going.
Really? is going? nice. I guess i must have dreamt of Activision selling red dots after SWBF fiasco and EA already fighting in Belgian court to protect their in game gambling. It sure scared them. Guess it was all just a bad dream.
I will go on and BELIVE that EA and Activision can change and are not there for the money and money alone. Or wait, I won't since I am not delusional.

And hey, its definately not like game workers are not working on a petition to get Bobby Kotick fired. Ironically alot of them are Activision employees, guess they must love working under money grabbing publishers, but hey, "hate the game, not the publisher"... you should tell them that. I am 100% sure that what they would love to do is to get fired, having to look for a job in smaller studio for less money that then gets bought by EA or Activision. Sounds like a dream come true.

Won't be replying to anything else you might write on this subject since having a discussion with a "beliver" is pointless. Will just leave you with a quote of Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision so maybe you can understand what is in EA heads. Perhaps it will at least nudge you into understanding what EA and Activision actually is. Unless you disagree that EA and Activision are the same crap, but then we might have mental issue on our hands.
"The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games."
Posted on Reply
DexiefyRight, Blizz doing what they can to make wow servers feel alive through sharding and alike because they are overflowing with players.
They stopped publishing wow subs because it grew so nicely they did not want to embarass other companies.
D3 is doing so well their biggest fan site shut down due to LACK OF INTEREST.
Their HOTS e-sport was killed cause obviously it was such a huge success...
Coincidentally everything started turning to sh*t shortly after merge with Activision. I am sure it was just a coincidence.
And Blizzard is NOT THE PROBLEM. Activision is. Blizzard is just a studio filled with developers who would love to produce high quality stuff, but they can't cause it would bring less money than the Activision way.

People still BELIVE blizz can actually produce something good (which they can't, cause they are under Activision boot) so they want sequels. They are the same people as you who belives that EA can change and are waiting for a miracle.

I did not avoid it, I described it in previous post. You claim game costs nothing and you are not supporting EA... I said that you are supporting EA, you are their cheap advertisment and a way they can SAVE money. You are a bot that required no development time and that is best form of advertisment at the same time. Guess reading is hard.

EA shows no respect to gaming community, EA destroys multiple great studios and turns once great franchises like Dungeon Keeper into some mobile garbage filled with MTX, *add all the other stuff that EA did wrong cba to type everything or this would take 50 pages*... They are going to shit while mistreating gaming community for decade if not more. "Hey they can change"- Sounds almost like a guy beating up his wife and her keeping on beliving that he can change. No clue how hard is that to notice.

Really? is going? nice. I guess i must have dreamt of Activision selling red dots after SWBF fiasco and EA already fighting in Belgian court to protect their in game gambling. It sure scared them. Guess it was all just a bad dream.
I will go on and BELIVE that EA and Activision can change and are not there for the money and money alone. Or wait, I won't since I am not delusional.

And hey, its definately not like game workers are not working on a petition to get Bobby Kotick fired. Ironically alot of them are Activision employees, guess they must love working under money grabbing publishers, but hey, "hate the game, not the publisher"... you should tell them that. I am 100% sure that what they would love to do is to get fired, having to look for a job in smaller studio for less money that then gets bought by EA or Activision. Sounds like a dream come true.

Won't be replying to anything else you might write on this subject since having a discussion with a "beliver" is pointless. Will just leave you with a quote of Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision so maybe you can understand what is in EA heads. Perhaps it will at least nudge you into understanding what EA and Activision actually is. Unless you disagree that EA and Activision are the same crap, but then we might have mental issue on our hands.

Still hammering on that 'change' when I emphasized it would be a miracle. Miracles don't happen a whole lot.

Again; we don't disagree a whole lot but you seem so blinded by the EA crusade that you miss the point I'm trying to get across. The void that publishers like EA leave behind, gets filled by other developers. Then, something those developers produce sticks (PUBG), gets really popular and copied into a AAA format by the likes of EA. Apex Legends is an example of this. Fortnite, is another. In the case of Blizzard, we got Overwatch as a result of the MOBA popularity.

The end result of that, is that gamers really don't lose a whole lot: they express a demand, the demand gets supplied. Its simple economy. In the same way, you can see gamers go through a learning curve when it comes to lootboxes and MTX / F2P / P2W etc. Does that mean those things completely die? No, but they do get adjusted, marginalized, and/or people find their way around them. Example: the focus on cosmetics in lootboxes. People are fine with 'rewarding' a developer with some MTX in the form of cosmetics. If that is how games need to get funded, why not? Pay what you want is a pretty comfortable way to go about it.

I've been partial to 'resist everything' for a while, but the world keeps turning no matter how fiercely you boycot everything. Maybe that is a learning curve too. Better to find ways around the problem than to sit there all day being annoyed over everything, and miss out on many things. Changes don't always come around at the pace or time you prefer them to. The world also doesn't always work the way you'd prefer.

EDIT: another great example of this whole mechanic: Diablo 3. Right around the time of its release, Torchlight 2 was also released, made by ex-Diablo 2 Blizzard North devs. In the years after, the ARPG experience of Diablo 2 that fans sought after was also successfully implemented with Path of Exile (still extremely popular and truly F2P with MTX... yep yep) and Grim Dawn (which offers the true offline Diablo 2 single player experience).
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