Monday, March 18th 2019

Borderlands 3 Possibly Exclusive to Epic Games Store on PC, Fans Worry Based on Old Tweet
Randy Pitchford is an interesting character even as game company CEOs go, with a.. checkered history in the last few months that go from funny all the way to controversial at minimum. As the head of Gearbox, he holds a lot of power when it comes to the Borderlands franchise, which itself teased a third numbered entry to be revealed at PAX East later this month. His social media activity has been a prime example of what not to do as a CEO owing to some personal and professional issues alike, which meant that this latest tease not only got people looking at more about the Borderlands franchise, but also his twitter account.
Users dug up an old tweet from December 2018 wherein he claimed he was "excited to support the Epic Games Store", and this was enough to initiate concerns that Borderlands 3 might be an exclusive to the Epic Games Store on the PC platform. Subsequent replies did nothing to quell these concerns, although there was nothing to confirm anything either. This may all be making a mountain out of an imaginary molehill, but it makes sense for Epic Games to go after Borderlands 3 to get more customers on their side- especially knowing that such exclusivity deals could be in the millions of US dollars. We will know more when the game is officially announced, so keep an eye out for that.
Randy Pitchford on Twitter
Users dug up an old tweet from December 2018 wherein he claimed he was "excited to support the Epic Games Store", and this was enough to initiate concerns that Borderlands 3 might be an exclusive to the Epic Games Store on the PC platform. Subsequent replies did nothing to quell these concerns, although there was nothing to confirm anything either. This may all be making a mountain out of an imaginary molehill, but it makes sense for Epic Games to go after Borderlands 3 to get more customers on their side- especially knowing that such exclusivity deals could be in the millions of US dollars. We will know more when the game is officially announced, so keep an eye out for that.
109 Comments on Borderlands 3 Possibly Exclusive to Epic Games Store on PC, Fans Worry Based on Old Tweet
The only reason to use EGS is the free game you get every 2 weeks .
I enjoyed the first two Boarderland games (I didn't like the prequel much - the combat was decent enough, but the story was bland. I don't even know what happened in the story, to be honest. I could have gone without playing the prequel and I would have been content.
My wallet certainly appreciates this exclusivity. If I can't access the games on my preferred platforms, I won't buy them.
Steam stealing money is just plain ridiculous! No one is forced to use Steam, there were a lot other platforms in the last few years, many of them perished with little if any trace left about it's existence. Most of them because developers didn't used them. The fact is, that even today, still Steam is the strongest and best platform you can choose. The most secure with the best available support of all the contestants. You got it all wrong. And by putting a nicely exaggerated insult on the end of your argument, you just priced your whole opinion. Not to mention to your persona.
I personally like competition.... steam wasn't what it used to be before...
- Create Epic Games Account
- Download Epic Games Client
- Buy Borderlands 3
- Install Borderlands 3
- Launch Borderlands 3
- Play Borderlands 3
- Stop moaning about Epic Games Client
I was of the "hurr durr EGS bad" mentality until i downloaded the launcher and played Metro Exodus.Please keep your arms and legs inside until the bandwagon has come to a complete stop, then you may exit.;)
Don't forget that unless you are an asset flip developer, Steam will provide unlimited generated steam keys for free to sell in whichever other store they choose, Amazon, GMG, G2A, Humble Bundle, Gamersgate.. etc. They make 0$ on those keys that they provide.
Either way, no Steam, no buy. Simple as that.
I wouldn't even get the EGS if i Borderlands 3 was free on it.
Its gonna be a cheap year for me, no BL3, no Rage 2, no Doom Eternal... Games i have sunk hundreds of hours in their prequels.
People really need to stop throwing their toys outta the pram because it ain't on steam. Big deal.
This is borderline Fanboyism.
Until we know what the sales were for Exodus on the Epic Store it's hard to know.
This is what a marketplace looks like people, get used to it. Whatever floats your boat! This is also the marketplace. Numbers will decide what's gonna happen. I think its interesting to see.
On a more personal note. I didn't buy Metro yet because the price of a key is still too high. Go figure. Steam keys are faster at dropping in price. That is my main motivator. If EGS cannot offer product cheaper, I have no reason to support them (and I'm not in a rush to play).
Wtf is wrong with people?
Buy game.
Enjoy game.
Stop whining.
Edit: Did we mention it's a game? A game. It's not life saving. It's..... A...... Game. A toy. We're adults right.
I suggest taking a look at YeongYea's latest YouTube video about the type of scum that Epic really is.