Tuesday, March 10th 2020

Activision's Call of Duty: Warzone is Launching Today
Activision yesterday announced that its next Call of Duty game, called Warzone, is launching today. At around 8 AM PST, owners of Modern Warfare will be able to experience the Warzone couple of hours before everyone, while the rest of the players will have to wait until noon PST to play. The game itself is a massive, free-to-play, battle royale style game that can fit 150 players in the single match and is cross-play enabled, meaning that folks with PCs can join forces with Xbox and PlayStation players. The download size of the game is going to be around 80-100 GB alone, so players will have to free up some space on their disks for that. Below you can watch the trailer and see how the game looks before it officially drops today.
11 Comments on Activision's Call of Duty: Warzone is Launching Today
Season passes, micro transactions for "cosmetics", sounds like gold mine.
Looking forward to try Warzone, probably gonna be trash too in no time. Can't wait to beat all the underage racists. :laugh: Yes. It is Actvision Blizzard now. Still unreleased on Battle.net.
I'm staying far away from this, even if they GIVE me money. Ikr it just never ceases to amaze
BLOPS4's battle royale was almost there, but they didn't improve it much since launch, so it got stale pretty fast.
Fortnite's 3rd person only viewpoint, simplified gunplay and the building mechanic are not my cup of tea. I like the art style though.
PUBG is still my mainstay, but the proliferation of cheaters (aimbots and wallhacks) is annoying. But it feels nice to be called a cheater once-in-a-while though. :laugh:
I love Ground War in CODMW though, so I'm hoping this builds on that. (8:23 PM EST) - This game runs way better than PUBG and the speed is so refreshing. The gunplay is arcade-y at best (not realistic like PUBG or BFV), but that's fine since I like the twitch-pace of the original Quake series. Constant 144 FPS on both the 2080 Super or 5700 XT on competitive settings (disabled RTX), with slight dips to 126(??) FPS. Unlocked framerate pushes really high, like 230+ FPS on the 2080 Super and 180 on the RX 5700 XT.
This game has been optimized. Looks like they learned from BLOPS4.
I love when you die the first time they basically throw you in a cage match and whoever survives gets one more chance in the warzone