Tuesday, August 25th 2020

EK Teases GeForce RTX 3000 Series Waterblocks At Launch
EK Waterblocks via Facebook teased availability of its custom-designed, custom-fitting watercooling solutions for NVIDIA's RTX 3000 series. Usually, users have to wait for a while before aftermarket cooling solutions become available for the latest and greatest; but apparently, not anymore. In response to a user question on Twitter on whether the company would have 3000 series blocks available on launch day, the official EK handle answered that "we'll have some things ready at or close to launch".
This is surely good news from users who have the economic power to go after NVIDIA's halo products (which, if reports are correct for this graphics card generation's costs, are bound for a significant upwards movement). Especially considering the most recent leaks painting the RTX 3090 as quite the three-slot behemoth.
EK Waterblocks, via Videocardz
This is surely good news from users who have the economic power to go after NVIDIA's halo products (which, if reports are correct for this graphics card generation's costs, are bound for a significant upwards movement). Especially considering the most recent leaks painting the RTX 3090 as quite the three-slot behemoth.
11 Comments on EK Teases GeForce RTX 3000 Series Waterblocks At Launch
Of crouse they will be making ref and AIB fitting blocks....
Some users who already run complex loops will be needing those to upgrade their GPUs and integrate them into the loop, either way
Yep first one that offers a copper one gets my money no nickle plating for me.
I have "economic power", but would never consider obnoxiously overpriced GPUs (and, to render what? Consoles are going 4k this gen)
if it comes down to you picking one this way just understand you're not shopping for a high end card your shopping for a upper mid tier at best. And if performance is where it supposedly is for both amd and Nvidia then amds best will be more in line with the xx70 series card which is in the bottom half of their new cards with just 1 level below and 3 above.
if you're expecting amd to have a gpu good for 4k/120 you're sadly mistaken their best will roughly be on par with Nvidias best from 2 years ago. as an owner of said card I can tell you if was barley a "4k/60" card let alone /120 and without something like DLSS 2.0 there no way this level of hardware gets near your goal.
To be clear neither in the ballpark you're planning to shop will have a true 4k/120 card but the Nvidia one will have the benefit of DLSS 2.0 (whose adoption is just growing and growing) and without it the amd cards will never deliver even close to the performance you're looking for.
At the end of the day if you want thrbbrdt performance there's no other option than Nvidia high end xx90, titan and only those cards will actually be close to 4k/120 (as in true though I fully suspect they'll blow past it with DLSS 2.0).
thr price to power and features ratio will more than likely go to the xx80 class as a $800 card that gets you 90% of a $1400 one all while giving you 20% more than amd's best with features amd just can't match (like DLSS 2.0).
Their best card will likely be around $600 and might have close to 2080 ti performance which would be great if Nvidia didn't have an entire new lineup lainchkngn(even before amd gets the 2080 ti "killer" out the door. Well it just means you're gaming performance isn't a priority for you but to act like an elitist while also speaking like this is basically hypocritical.
Any person with a decent living wage could make this stuff happen if it was their biggest goal but many do not give a crap about anything except pressing buttons and seeing stuff happen on screen. that's fine casuals are very important part of the market,but actual true enthusiast are also important as our need for the cutting edge (and our means to actually obtain it) is what keeps the manufacturers pushing for faster and faster hardware.
the only reason pricing has become as you said "obnoxious" is because of economics and lack of market competition. AMD has failed to compete at the top for almost a decade now amd without them getting their act together Nvidia is left with no option but to continue pushing forward wktht thier only "competition" being the need for people to keep a certain amount of money in their pocket vstthe benefits of the much more powerful hardware.
as performance continues to increase and mew features added Nvidia has no one forcing them to charge less to stay selling and are only fighting with our need for the extra power. Until they price things so high they don't just sell out instantly and consistently they'll have a duty to their shareholders to push things just a bit more until they see a negative impact.
the fact that were getting a xx90 and higher priced categories across the board says they most certainly haven't seen that kind of impact whatsoever.
of you want pricing to be less "obnoxious" maybe give AMD a reminder that being 2nd best isn't good enough.
Something new out that is faster is the reason to upgrade GPUs, regardless of one being in "I'm wasting money for epeen" camp or not.
Some of us are just ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to adopting new tech and I was chasing 4k/60 since 2013 having to use sli of the top two cars each year from 2013 to 2018 (when a true 4k/60 card was finally released and I had reached my goal with the 2080 ti) but now I've had a display that requires at least double that performance so I'm on the hunt again and won't stop til I reach it. I lf there's more power to be had I'm going to seek it out.
The other unseen benefit to your short sightedness is by constantly chasing the top and selling the moment something new is around the corner I've been able to stay at the top gaming pc level since 2013 and have only spent on average about $300 per year.
This year with both a cpu and a gpu upgrade it'll be a little higher (buttthat's what it's an average over all the years) other years like 2019 I spent 0. My 10900k cost me 215 after selling my 7700k for 300 and my 1250 in funds left over from selling my gpu before will cover the majority of the 3090 with me spending maybe 150-250 USD more.
for less than a dollar a day I've kept my gaming pc as good as it really gets and have always known I wasn't losing out anywhere I could prevent. At the same time my smart buying and selling habits kept my system overall cheaper than many others have spent in that same time frame while also ALWAYS being faster than them.
I have 0 regrets especially when I see friends spend more for their cpu in 2017 (500 vs 340) and when we both sell in 2020 I get 300 while he gets 125 USD.
his cost to upgrade his gpu will be signicantly more as his older 1080 isn't going to sell for nearly as much of what he paid as my 2080ti did for me (and the upgrade before that was free and actually put 250 USD back in my pocket stepping down from a dual card to a single)
W series 65" OLED owner here. Happily gaming with PS4, with something like 7870 in it. Oh, and HDR in games too.
As for the point that you have missed: overwhelming part of the market is after $400 and (way cheaper) GPUs.
That part of the market does not upgrade, because someone rolled out some $2000 monstrocity, but because GPUs in the respective part of the market are bumped.
all round a great launch and they even brought 2080ti performance to your "mythical" average gamers. and I'm sorry whether you accept it or not of your w is a 2019 or 2020 it supports 4k/120hz gaming with vrr and your not getting any of those advantages with a ps4 pro. Whether you're cool with that doesn't change the fact that it's technology you paid for and cannot use.