Monday, July 3rd 2023

Xbox Series & One Console Sales Figures Revealed During ID@Xbox Brazil Presentation
Microsoft has normally kept its Xbox console sales figures out of public view—many industry experts reckon that this is due to the One and Series generations consistently lagging behind Sony's equivalent PlayStation offerings—but attendees of the BIG Festival in Brazil last week were surprised by "player count" data appearing during an official presentation. An interesting slide was put on display as part of an ID@Xbox Developer Accelerator Program segment—it revealed that the Series X|S consoles have an accumulated userbase of around 21 million, since launching back in November of 2020. Microsoft also emphasized that 48% of its Series S customers are new to the ecosystem.
The older generation also got a mention—with some subtraction (from their grand total of One + Series) the technology giant has divulged that its entire Xbox One lineup (consisting of the original model and S plus X variants) has sold roughly 58 million units since the late 2013. Microsoft has been fairly transparent about its Xbox One generation losing out to Sony's PlayStation 4—the latter has done business in the region of 117.2 million units, and the latest data (again) reaffirms that the PS4 outsold Xbox One by a 2:1 margin. Sales figures for Series X|S seem to be quite healthy—so far—when compared to the predecessor, but PlayStation 5 is still ahead (38.4 million units sold as of March 2023) and Sony is confident that it will sell close to 20 million consoles this fiscal year. Shortages are said to be a thing of the past—production and distribution issues have been resolved and the PS5 can be pumped out at an admirable rate.
Paul Tassi / Forbes, Welfare_JBP Tweet
The older generation also got a mention—with some subtraction (from their grand total of One + Series) the technology giant has divulged that its entire Xbox One lineup (consisting of the original model and S plus X variants) has sold roughly 58 million units since the late 2013. Microsoft has been fairly transparent about its Xbox One generation losing out to Sony's PlayStation 4—the latter has done business in the region of 117.2 million units, and the latest data (again) reaffirms that the PS4 outsold Xbox One by a 2:1 margin. Sales figures for Series X|S seem to be quite healthy—so far—when compared to the predecessor, but PlayStation 5 is still ahead (38.4 million units sold as of March 2023) and Sony is confident that it will sell close to 20 million consoles this fiscal year. Shortages are said to be a thing of the past—production and distribution issues have been resolved and the PS5 can be pumped out at an admirable rate.
19 Comments on Xbox Series & One Console Sales Figures Revealed During ID@Xbox Brazil Presentation
I guess this is what happens when your biggest first party games are a Bethesda bug fest and unfinished half-a-halo.
In Brazil, Xbox sales are particularly strong due to the high prices practiced by Sony in our country and how affordable Game Pass is - people can't afford to build a software library, and Game Pass ensures that the console is always useful and fun to use, the primary barrier of entry to any platform, especially walled gardens such as consoles.
Though warranty (duration) & reliability also plays a huge role.
Some people are convinced Xbox is failing because it doesn't have first party titles and it's because its target audience is so damn vanilla anything remotely alternative is automatically ruled out by the publisher.
If anything, today's "prudes" are sony themselves, what with their censoring of asian games to fit California protestant standards. Specs dont matter on console, the games do.
The onyl time a more powerful console had a genuinely better game library was the PS4, otherwise every gen has been dominated by middling hardware (the wii/360, the ps2, the ps1, SNES, NES, atari 2600, ece). Agree they did really exploit it (and the catfishing via fake memory spec leaks by sony was hilarious), but be honest, gamers are major consoomers who will abide awful behaviour if it means they can throw their wallet at publishers for the plundering.
What, exactly, sold the xbox one? Halo? 343 shat the bed multiple times on that front. Forza? Shadow of its former self. Everything else was released on, and played far better on PC. Everything else being small games because MS didnt really have anything.
Gamers would have forgiven MS if the games were there. But they were not. Sony had god of war, infamous, horizon ZD, spiderman, street fighter 5, uncharted, ece. While I dont think these lived up to their predecessors, they all attracted buyers to the platform. Phil Spencer has put his foot in his mouth multiple times, hes the one that announced tha tDRM in the first place, he is the one that talked about cross platform gamer bans, supressing speech, ece ece. He's long been a weight around MS.
Got a good PC already? Get a PS5 and Nintendo for exclusives
Dont got a PC worth playing games on? Then get a Xbox and a PS5.
Now, lets be real here girls. PS5 sucks a slight bit less than Xbox only because games selection is so piss poor its unbelievable. Anyway, yeah.
Nintendo is on a game of it's one.
and disclaimer i haven't had a console since the 360/ps3 generation so i really don't care about it either way
With that said, I guess if one couldn't give a rats behind and just wants to play games and doesn't care about ownership or not worried about titles being removed in future, then xbox S is a good buy.
In a world were all games are shit and there is no demos, i think it's not that bad.
Just to make sure you understand: Genshin Impact is a massive success worldwide. Do you know which is the only platform missing it? Xbox. Why? Because its user base is not interested in collecting digital waifus and do cute shit with them.
I repeat. A publisher with a massive worldwide hit on its hands isn't interested in making a port for the Xbox. Chill dude, I don't think you'd want to be associated with other individuals saying this stuff.