Monday, September 4th 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty Features Detailed

CD Projekt Red outlined some of its ambitions for Cyberpunk 2077's upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion at Gamescom Opening Night Live, but there was a bit of confusion within the audience regarding how new feature sets will pan out alongside the release of Update 2.0 (for the base game). The free batch of improvements and content is scheduled to arrive just before the launch of Phantom Liberty on September 26, across PC and modern consoles. The Polish video game developer has sought to clarify these details with the publication of new information. They recommend that you: "check out this handy infographic (see below) about the main features coming to Cyberpunk 2077 together with the Phantom Liberty expansion—and the ones that will be added to the game in the free Update 2.0!"

The Gamescom Phantom Liberty presentation included a preview of a revised police behavior system, but this appears to count as an improvement bundled with Update 2.0: "Take a look at one of the new features coming to Cyberpunk 2077 in the free Update 2.0 for the base game, which will be available on current-gen consoles and PCs: a revamped Police system! We rebuilt the system on clear, simple rules: criminal activity is punished, runners are chased and cyberpsychos are flatlined, no questions asked. All features in the system are designed to support clarity and the simple but expanded prevention loop." CDPR's infographic lists a new location as well as additional storylines, characters/enemies, quests, weapons and enemies being reserved for their ($29.99 RRP) DLC campaign.
Included in Cyberpunk 2077's free Update 2.0:
  • Redesigned skill trees and perks
  • Revamped cyberware and new capacity system
  • Vehicle combat and car chases
  • Combat AI improvements
  • New police system
  • UI and UX improvements
  • Loot, items and crafting changes
  • New radio stations (including Community Radio Station Growl FM)

Phantom Liberty exclusives:
  • Dogtown - a dangerous new district
  • Brand-new storyline and characters
  • New quests, gigs, boss fights, and more
  • Vehicle missions and air drops - endless dynamic events
  • All new Relic skill tree and abilities
  • 100+ new items - weapons, cyberware, cars, and fashion
  • Vehicle missile launchers
  • Level cap increased to 60
Sources: Eurogamer, CyberPunk, CyberpunkGame Tweet
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21 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty Features Detailed

So this is going to be Cyberpunk TWIMTBP?

I mean, reworked everything that even remotely pertains to, well pretty much the whole progression and combat system. I guess they got the memo by now, what they had initially was absolute horseshit and patching barely improved it since.

My first playthrough (1.0~1.2) was broken from the moment I started using a Katana, terrible balance. Shopping was exploitable so no game economy to speak of either. Progression was a joke with the better half of all skills utterly pointless and some subset brutally OP. City activities were utterly nonsensical...

I can get into this one more time. Better be a proper game now instead of a rush job of random stats and enemies.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
Vayra86So this is going to be Cyberpunk TWIMTBP?
Pretty much yes but I'm still skeptical considering how tryhard gamedevs are with releasing as shitty products as possible nowadays.

System requirements are also gonna increase (even CDPR stated it) so I'm expecting my 6700 XT to stop being killer at 1080p.

Your machine, though, is better balanced, yet I got some concerns about your CPU. Not much but still.
Posted on Reply
Beginner Micro DevicePretty much yes but I'm still skeptical considering how tryhard gamedevs are with releasing as shitty products as possible nowadays.

System requirements are also gonna increase (even CDPR stated it) so I'm expecting my 6700 XT to stop being killer at 1080p.

Your machine, though, is better balanced, yet I got some concerns about your CPU. Not much but still.
My CPU... heheh... yeah. It fared well in the vanilla game and so far hasn't dropped me below 60 fps anywhere. I think I'll get another year out of it at least. Hopefully that 7800X3D drops like a stone soon (in price). I could still delid this and OC it proper and get 300-500mhz out of it. It does do 5 Ghz, temps just weren't funny and I need 160W at least.
Posted on Reply
Did a couple of playthroughs when it came out(one for each "path", if it makes any difference) - felt more like skyrim rather than witcher. Bugs and glitches aside - the game was empty and boring. If anything CDPR owes that DLC to everyone who bought-in on pre-orders, believing that this is the company that won't lie to their fanbase.
And once again - there's so much hype around Phantom liberty, that they may be setting themselves up for yet another flop.
Posted on Reply
I think 2.0 is when I finally sit down and play CP2077.
I bought it 2.5 years ago in its first Steam sale and I have 5.2 hours played. Not because I don't want to play it, but because I didn't want to spoil the potential enjoyment by playing it in an unfinished state.
The only question is whether I buy the expansion and play through the whole thing with the expansion, or just play the original game, as it should have been at launch in 2020.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_I think 2.0 is when I finally sit down and play CP2077.
I bought it 2.5 years ago in its first Steam sale and I have 5.2 hours played. Not because I don't want to play it, but because I didn't want to spoil the potential enjoyment by playing it in an unfinished state.
The only question is whether I buy the expansion and play through the whole thing with the expansion, or just play the original game, as it should have been at launch in 2020.
therefore I just started playing, 20H in and I m loving the experience :) .
Posted on Reply
Have they mentioned anything about FSR 3?
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
i486Have they mentioned anything about FSR 3?
Nope. FSR3, like its opa, is coming a good half year later than a major CP2077 event. Most likely at least.
Posted on Reply
Lucas_therefore I just started playing, 20H in and I m loving the experience :) .
I find it odd that you'd wait 33 months to play the game and then run out of patience 3 weeks before the long-awaited overhaul of all the broken systems that people have literally been complaining about for almost three years. For an immersive sim, the AI was disappointing but the dealbreaker for me was the police, who were (at least last year) nonsensical omnipresent omniscient phantoms who can spawn behind you in a sealed elevator or whilst you're alone, having intentionally driven out into the middle of the desert wasteland with no other people or vehicles in sight.

I'm pretty sure the current game is enjoyable enough, but most of the 2.0 changes coming at the end of this month are eagerly anticipated by even the most die-hard CP2077 fans.
Posted on Reply
Played and finished the game earlier this year sometime in february 'took me like 2 months at my pace..', not sure what version it was but I did not ran into any game breaking bugs at the time and in overall it was a solid experience for me. 'even tho my ending was terrible but I guess thats partially on me.. :oops: '

I've never jumped on the hype train for the game so my expectations weren't that high to begin with so no complaints from me about that.
I guess I will pick up Phantom Liberty as soon as I can tho I don't plan a full new playthrough just the expansion itself.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
Sithaereven tho my ending was terrible
That's the whole point of the game genre. All endings are utterly sad. Apples are apples. Dystopias are dystopias.
Posted on Reply
Beginner Micro DeviceThat's the whole point of the game genre. All endings are utterly sad. Apples are apples. Dystopias are dystopias.
Not really, well I guess depends on your view on terrible.
Since I don't plan a full playthrough anytime soon I've looked up all of the possible endings and there are at least 2 that I would be okay/content with to be honest.

Don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't say more.:)
Posted on Reply
Nothing wrong with playing the game now. I bought the game early summer thinking I'd have finished it by now but life got in the way so it looks like the patch will drop in the middle of my playthrough.

I don't trust CDPR at all though, so I plan on waiting a few days before installing the patch to make sure there's no game-breaking bugs. There's also a good chance it will wreck performance on my rig but only time will tell.
Posted on Reply
i486I don't trust CDPR at all though so I plan on waiting a few days before installing the patch to make sure there's no game-breaking bugs.
That's wise.

Look at the Witcher 3's next-gen update where they managed to utterly tank performance for seemingly small visual gains whilst adding in a non-trivial number of new, game-breaking bugs that took several more patches and hotfixes over the course of the next 3-4 weeks. It's now in a good place, but if you wanted to replay Witcher3 on the first weekend of the next-gen update you were in for a frustrating time that could certainly try the patience of even the most loyal CDPR fanboy.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_That's wise.

Look at the Witcher 3's next-gen update where they managed to utterly tank performance for seemingly small visual gains whilst adding in a non-trivial number of new, game-breaking bugs that took several more patches and hotfixes over the course of the next 3-4 weeks. It's now in a good place, but if you wanted to replay Witcher3 on the first weekend of the next-gen update you were in for a frustrating time that could certainly try the patience of even the most loyal CDPR fanboy.
cp will ruin everything even with a minor update,from mods to performance.Can't imagin how much they will mess up this time.
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Xex360Seems they didn't update PS1 geometry.
I don't understand the point of overblowing something...
Posted on Reply
The storyline was pretty bland and your relationship with Johnny Silverhand goes from hyper-antagonistic to buddy-buddy for no sensible reason in the game's story progression (it doesn't make sense even if you do all the Johnny side-quests). It like someone just flips a switch and suddenly you're Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The endings weren't anything special, but what is to be expected from a game that makes it seem like you have days to live, but then goes on for a few months. Nothing they do is going to address the writing without rebuilding the game.

From a technical aspect, I had less bugs in 1.0 than I did in my 1.6 replay. They at least fixed the cops teleporting behind you in closed hallways/rooms, but they still just teleport into the area instead of showing up in vehicles or something that makes sense. The cops are also relatively over-powered as units in comparison to other NPCs you'll get into fights with. They do a lot more damage. The car physics are still broken with cars handling oddly and the perceived sense of motion not lining up with the displayed speed. The entire city still seems lifeless, though they've reigned in the NPCs sameness/deja vu spawns and reduced the amount of NPCs disappearing as soon as they turn a corner.

The game is never going to be what they promised. There's fundamental flaws in its bones that are never going to be addressed by any amount of patching.
Posted on Reply
Good can't wait to try this out, I liked the original game a lot, played it from day 1 (a few small bugs here and there nothing big, one time my car was catapulted into the sky but it came down slowly without me being killed or the car damaged, it was too funny). I'll probably buy and play this from day 1 as well...
Posted on Reply
RandomWanThe storyline was pretty bland and your relationship with Johnny Silverhand goes from hyper-antagonistic to buddy-buddy for no sensible reason in the game's story progression (it doesn't make sense even if you do all the Johnny side-quests). It like someone just flips a switch and suddenly you're Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The endings weren't anything special, but what is to be expected from a game that makes it seem like you have days to live, but then goes on for a few months. Nothing they do is going to address the writing without rebuilding the game.

From a technical aspect, I had less bugs in 1.0 than I did in my 1.6 replay. They at least fixed the cops teleporting behind you in closed hallways/rooms, but they still just teleport into the area instead of showing up in vehicles or something that makes sense. The cops are also relatively over-powered as units in comparison to other NPCs you'll get into fights with. They do a lot more damage. The car physics are still broken with cars handling oddly and the perceived sense of motion not lining up with the displayed speed. The entire city still seems lifeless, though they've reigned in the NPCs sameness/deja vu spawns and reduced the amount of NPCs disappearing as soon as they turn a corner.

The game is never going to be what they promised. There's fundamental flaws in its bones that are never going to be addressed by any amount of patching.
Naah its not just flipping a switch... Its love/hate with Johnny but you have that apartment scene where you get to realize your goals are aligned because you're stuck with him.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Naah its not just flipping a switch... Its love/hate with Johnny but you have that apartment scene where you get to realize your goals are aligned because you're stuck with him.
Yes it is. There's no natural progression; it's an abrupt change of the dynamic between the characters.
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