Tuesday, June 19th 2007

Nintendo Dominates the console market
Nintendo has continued its recent console success throughout May, with the DS taking top spot and the Wii in a comfortable second in terms of sales. The Nintendo DS sold an impressive 423,000 units and the Wii 338,000 units, with the PSP next in line with 221,000 units, ahead of the PlayStation 2's 188,000 units. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are continuing to lag behind, with Sony's latest console on just 82,000 and the Xbox 360 on 155,000 units - the PS3 only beat Game Boy Advance figures by a mere one thousand units. Sales in May totalled $815.5 million, up 49% compared to figures from last year - a strong month for the games industry.
15 Comments on Nintendo Dominates the console market
This reminds me of old times when it was mainly NES and Sega. NES dominating that age.
The DS and the Wii are not even good enough to compete with the PSP and the PS3.
the fact that they sell more is great i thought the makers of mario would go bust years ago but there loyal fans in japan kept them alive and now look at them!
But the PSP has MUCH more than just better graphics. It's the ultimate hadnheld device. Comparing it to the DS is a joke.