Thursday, August 30th 2007

Ubuntu Announces Plans and Release Date for 'Hardy Heron'

While Gutsy Gibbon remains in Alpha testing, the ambitious developers of the Ubuntu distribution of Linux have already laid out plans for the next version. Dubbed 'Hardy Heron', developers hope to have the entire distribution released by April 2008. Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, is asking fans of one of the easiest Linux distributions around to help the developers by sending in ideas of what they want to see in Hardy Heron.

If anyone has any ideas for Hardy Heron, please send them to the Ubuntu development team.
Source: The Inquirer
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6 Comments on Ubuntu Announces Plans and Release Date for 'Hardy Heron'

That's great news. I like Ubuntu, it's one of the easiest Linux flavours around to learn and use.
Posted on Reply
Just a little request -- can we, please, please, please start calling Ubuntu's releases by their professional-sounding names (7.04, 7.10), and not the silly internal code names? :p
Posted on Reply
For those that have not tried Ubuntu, I suggest going to their website and downloading it. Once you burn the downloaded image to CD, you can boot your computer from the CD and try out Ubuntu without actually installing it on your hard drive. It really is a NICE looking OS. They make it easy to search for specific utilities and programs, that Ubuntu then downloads and auto-installs. I know almost nothing about Linux, but I was still able to do most anything I wanted within Ubuntu.

Linux has come a long way in the last few years, and OS's like Ubuntu are now able to give Windows serious competition. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
I run Ubuntu on my ps3. It's an excellent distro, but I still prefer Fedora, personally.
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
Ubuntu is good stuff ::drool::
Posted on Reply
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