Thursday, January 3rd 2008

No DirectX 10.1 for GeForce 9600 GT
TechConnect Magazine is reporting that NVIDIA's upcoming 9600 GT, which will be the first card to be launched as part of the new GeForce 9 Series of graphics cards, will not feature DirectX 10.1. DirectX 10.1 provides some extra features over the current DirectX 10 used in Windows Vista and is expected to be adopted as the standard for most cards released over the next year, with AMD's Radeon HD 3400 and 3600 cards already supporting it. However, it looks like NVIDIA has decided not to include DX10.1 support with the first of its new midrange cards, which is unlikely to cause too much of a performance impact but is surprising given that it would have made the card look better on paper, if nothing else.
TechConnect Magazine
35 Comments on No DirectX 10.1 for GeForce 9600 GT
I guess Directx 10.1 will only become essential, once the Nvidia fans declare it so. Which of course will be as soon as Nvidia comes out with a Directx 10.1 card. Then it will be all important to have.
either way, ATI has always been very, very quick to jump on any new technology, almost always hitting the market with it before nVidia. Only time they slipped up was with a DX10 offering, and I think that had more to do with the AMD + ATI merger that was getting underway at the time. nVidia tends to not get onto new tech until they either have to (fans demanding it), or they realise they're losing market share to ATI because of a lack of support on their part.