Intel is planning on serving a heaping pile of pain to AMD's revenue/stock figures again in a few months, by developing a six-core juggernaut. While AMD is still tweaking on a way to merely get four cores to work in tandem, Intel is hard at work shoving two more cores on one die. This six-core monstrosity will be succeeded by the even beefier Nehalem micro-architecture, which could have up to eight cores on one die. Most of the Dunnington project is still top-secret, but some say that Intel already has most of the hard work done.
Intel has already put together a die, the size of a postage stamp, with three dual-core 45nm Penryn chips on it sharing a 16MB L3 cache. Allegedly, we'll see the Dunnington in either Q2 or Q3, this year
110 Comments on Intel Planning Six-Core Processor, Will Call it 'Dunnington'
8800GTS G92
8800GT G92
8800 Ultra G80
8800GTX G80
Then youu go mid/lowmid and you get......
where in most things most of the time the HD3850 gets beat by the other two..............
And whats left?................................. Couple that lot with the fact that NVidia is outselling ATi 4 cards to every ATi card! Now please dont get me wrong.......the HD3870x2 is swwweeetttttt and I shall be getting one so genuinly my comments above are not fanboi......just dont quite see the logic in your statement is all :confused:
and so on.
none of you think about the future.
i am in no way partial to either company. i just feel that ATI will surpass or at least be on a leval playing field as nvidia this year.
It's just because of this that I hate speculation, I happen to think that the top end of the HD4000 series looks very tasty but just like the link above, whether it pans like that is another matter. Ohhh and the 9800GTX is codenamed G100????
nVidia tend to be very vocal about any kick-ass product that is about to roll out the doors, they only tend to be more reserved when they're not entirelly sure how their new hardware will pony-up, but, on the other hand, when they know their up and coming products will keep their crown - they usually don't have a problem fielding the internet with their own benchies . . .
On the other hand, ATI tend to be very tight lipped about their kick-ass products, all the way up to release. Although the HD4000 series has been leaked, ATI still haven't officially said anything - and keeping in mind that the R700 GPU is supposed to be right around the bend (I think rumors are calling for late this year - would probably be the GPU used on the HD5000 series).
The way it's looking right now, IMO, ATI is quickly catching up to nVidia's performance level - and nVidia having been complacent up to this point haven't really gone to a lot of effort to design "new" hardware to keep their distance; which, IMO, is why it appears they're releasing a "panic" product in response to ATI's most recent offerings. They felt that they had to move forward with a new series to appear "new and up to date" but they're not really offering much over what their 8 series did. If ATI were still far behind, I'd bet that nVidia would continue the 8 series with newer models instead of going into the 9 series.
that's like washing a Ferrari with dish soap. that's just wrong. :shadedshu
95watt of heat for me is like nothing..
see i hope to, burning traces on 775 boards, funny that will be, data epic it will be.
Intel only developed the Core 2 arch cause AMD totally pwned them in the A-XP/P4 fight. So Intel is forced to develop Core 2. Since then they've just been doing die shrinks (which isn't really developing anything) and taping dies togeather on one wafer (again, no real development). What I said was for this particular case.