Thursday, March 27th 2008

NVIDIA Responsible for the Most Vista Crashes
Data released by Microsoft has revealed that NVIDIA was responsible for 28.8% Windows Vista crashes during an unspecified period in 2007 - more than any other company. Microsoft itself was the next-worst offender, accounting for 17.9% of crashes, whilst AMD and Intel were much lower on 9.3% and 8.8% respectively. The cause of 17% of crashes is listed as being unknown, whilst other companies accounted for a total 18.5% of the crashes. The data was collected by Microsoft, and was ordered to be made public by a Judge regarding the ongoing "Vista Capable" lawsuit.
Ars Technica
89 Comments on NVIDIA Responsible for the Most Vista Crashes
but nvidia...:shadedshu
A more accurate measure would be the number of crashes per user. These numbers don't tell use that nVidia's drivers are bad in any way, or even that ATi's drivers are better than nVidia and Intel's. Though I'm sure it will be used by the fanboys to try and make it seem that way.
Let me just set up an example for you all:
Say we have 100,000 Vista users that participated in the survey.
Lets say 60,000 use nVidia cards, 20,000 use ATi cards, and 20,000 use Intel cards.
Using their percentages.
17,900 people experienced crashes because of nVidia. That means 35.8% of nVidia users had crashes caused by nVidia.
9,300 people experienced crashes because of AMD(ATi). That means 46.5% of ATi users had crashes caused by AMD.
8,800 people experienced crashes because of Intel. That means 44% of Intel users had crashes caused by Intel.
That paints a very different picture doesn't it? Now we don't actually know the numbers of actual users of each card that were included in the survery, I just made those numbers up to show that the real picture depends on those numbers. And because they are not presented to us, we can't accurately say that nVidia's drivers are any worse than the others, even if the article tries to claim that. Without that needed information that conclusion can't be made or justified.
Sorry, talking the truth about your beloved ATi doesn't make me a fanboy, even if it is negative truths.
And nVidia isn't beloved to me, I have owned more ATi cards in my lifetime than nVidia cards. There is litterally no good reason to buy an ATi card currently, and that is all I have said, and it is the truth. You can not show me one ATi video card worth buying. Go on, try. I challenge you. Show me an ATi card that is worth buying.
and there are reasions, you just wont accept them because they arent strong points for nvidia, i wont bother listing them again, but most of us know what they are.
A build in sound card, big deal, I have one of those on my motherboard that is better already thanks though. That is essentially your only valid point though.
And again, speaking the truth does not make me a fanboy. Funny how you have been unable to challenge my truth. I have not bashed ATi, I have not stooped to saying crap like their "drivers are shitty" like you have about nVidia. I have provided several pieces of evidence showing that nVidia cards consistantly outperform the current ATi offerings at the same prices, or perform the same at lower prices. Saying crap like "well nVidia used to use lower IQ to get better performance so they suck" is a fanboy argument, one that you have tried to make already. It doesn't fly here.
Again, you are more than welcome to show me where I have "bashed ATi". Just remember speaking the truth isn't bashing.
though I think it's total bs that microshaft is blaming other manufacturers for crashes that occur in their software.
My ignore list just grows and grows and TPU becomes a quieter and more civil place with each new addition.