Monday, May 12th 2008

Microsoft Appeals Against the Record 899 Mln Euro EU Fine
Microsoft spokesman Jesse Verstraete announced it was appealing against the record 899 million euro ($1.39 billion) fine imposed by the European Commission for not providing key code to rival software makers and prolonged misbehaviour allegations. "Microsoft today filed to the (EU) Court of First Instance an application to annul the European Commission decision of February 27," the U.S. software giant said in a late Friday mail. "We are filing this appeal in a constructive effort to seek clarity from the court," it said. Microsoft has been fined a total of 1.68 billion euros by the EU for abusing its 95 percent dominance of PC operating systems through its Windows operating system. The Commission had initially fined Microsoft 497 million Euro in March 2004 for deliberately damaging rivals by offering its Windows Media Player with Windows. The second fine of 899 million Euro followed in February 2008, that's also the biggest ever fine imposed on a company by the EU committee.
81 Comments on Microsoft Appeals Against the Record 899 Mln Euro EU Fine
I have to pay fines when i break the law or even pay my taxes a bit late and so does everyone else. If i broke a law in the US/NZ/AUS or anywhere i would be subject to that country's laws just because its MS doesn't mean they are above it, if they can find a way around it then more power to them if not well just continue to pay fines or in an extreme and unlikely case pull out from the EU and i doubt that would make any difference to the end user, we would either pay to import it or get it or another product by another means.
Might give it a go on a fresh install actually... tis pretty sweet
I'm sure they'll be pulling out of the EU market tomorrow. :rolleyes: