Monday, August 4th 2008

MSI Launches New GX620/GX720 Gaming Notebooks
MSI Computer, a leading manufacturer of computer hardware products and solutions, is pleased to announce the release of the new GX620/GX720 Gaming Notebook. Winner of a Best Choice Award at COMPUTEX 2008, the GX620 's Blu-Ray player, MSI's VIVID Image Enhancement Technology, the NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 3D graphics card and Dolby 7.1 digital surround sound capabilities guarantee the ultimate gaming or movie watching experience. This powerful notebook is housed in a sleek yet tough alloy case with strong red accents, and features user friendly quick launch touch sensors.These sensors, located just above the keyboard, are used to activate both MSI's exclusive Turbo Drive Engine Technology and the new ECO Engine Management function. The Turbo Drive Engine allows user's to overclock the GX620/GX720, increasing the speed of the Intel Core 2 Duo processor by as much as 15%. This allows the notebook to run smoother and enhances the gaming experience. MSI's new ECO Engine, allows users to alternate between 5 different operating modes to conserve battery life. By simply pressing the quick launch sensor, users can choose Gaming, Movie, Presentation, Office, or Turbo Battery mode to fit their power consumption needs.

About MSI
Founded in 1986, MSI strives to design and manufacture superior technology and innovative products, while offering outstanding customer service. The company's expansive range of product lines includes mainboards, graphic cards, servers/workstations, laptops, barebones, IPCs, multimedia products, CE devices and networking devices. MSI is ranked among the world's top 3 motherboard manufacturers and is one of the top 5 server manufacturers. MSI has developed several new technologies, including ACV (Amazing Crystal Vision), and ACS (Advanced Cooling System). MSI's notebooks are known for their aesthetically pleasing designs and powerful components. To keep abreast of the global market MSI provides multi-language customer service and associated web sites. MSI has offices in Taiwan, Mainland China, USA, Germany, France, Holland, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Korea, Poland, Russia, Canada, and India. To learn more about MSI's complete line personal computers and components please visit

About MSI
Founded in 1986, MSI strives to design and manufacture superior technology and innovative products, while offering outstanding customer service. The company's expansive range of product lines includes mainboards, graphic cards, servers/workstations, laptops, barebones, IPCs, multimedia products, CE devices and networking devices. MSI is ranked among the world's top 3 motherboard manufacturers and is one of the top 5 server manufacturers. MSI has developed several new technologies, including ACV (Amazing Crystal Vision), and ACS (Advanced Cooling System). MSI's notebooks are known for their aesthetically pleasing designs and powerful components. To keep abreast of the global market MSI provides multi-language customer service and associated web sites. MSI has offices in Taiwan, Mainland China, USA, Germany, France, Holland, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Korea, Poland, Russia, Canada, and India. To learn more about MSI's complete line personal computers and components please visit
15 Comments on MSI Launches New GX620/GX720 Gaming Notebooks
& also he was probbably refering to a 8800GT 'equalent' of a moblity graphics card.
just pointing out
lower clocks are to control the 'heat' primarily & the power the card chews up & spits out - also originally laptops werent for gaming. however there are a few laptops avilable tha use a full fledged ATi/Nvidia graphics cards but they can be pricey.
if all desktop replacement laptops were to ship with full flavored desktop GPU's. the laptops themelves would need to be a lot bigger to cope with the excess heat. also - that would make latops alot more expensive as extra materials are needed to make it. which would mean lesser sales over all.
if u have a powerful desktop at home - why would u want a uber powerful laptop??? personally im happy with the performance with an 8600M GT. so long as it can run guild wars then we are good for a few hours
I remember laptops that were desktop parts in a tiny shell lol. Those were bad ass. I'll take 30 mins of battery for a full desktop in a 20" laptop form factor.
if a laptop mainly consisted of desktop parts - i doubt anyone would be able to afford it - even though desktop CPUs & GPUs are cheaper - your paying for a privaledge of a laptop that can out game a desktop
also dont forget laptops are ment to be some what portable - even 'desktop replacements' whats the point of lugging over 4Kg of laptop around if your only gonna get 30mins use out of it??? its a no brainer
Mobility GPUs are improving all the time.
youve got to undertand that not everything can always be 'full steam ahead' neither does it have to. - its the way things are. its how the grand cookie crumbles...
& if gaming at full rez on a laptop is all your complaining about but sorry that points redundant.
its like trying to get a Geforce Mx2 to play crysis - so what? its a graphics card aint it???
And given the 8800M GTX is based on G92 it's just the same 65nm as the 9600M GT.
BTW. 3DMark06 scores for 9600M GT are around 5.5k-ish and 8800M GTX are around 10k-ish :)
The 9600M GT gets and average of 4727 in 3Dmarks'06, which is not that great