ECS showed off a trio of socket LGA-1155 Black Series motherboards based on the Intel P67 chipset, designed for next-generation Sandy Bridge processors. It consisted of the high-end P67H2-A, upper-mid range P67H2-A2, and mid-range micro-ATX P67H2-M. The P67H2-A packs most high-end features, making use of an nForce 200 bridge chip, to give out three PCI-Express x16 slots (x16, x16, NC or x16, x8, x8), supporting 3-way SLI and CrossFireX, USB 3.0, SATA 6 Gb/s, and certain overclocker-friendly features. Expansion slots include 3x PCI-E x16, 2x PCI-E x1, and 2x PCI. Connectivity includes dual Gigabit Ethernet.
The P67H2-A2, while lighter on features, is equally overclocker-friendly, in fact more. A rotary-knob on the board has 9 digits, each digit stepping the BClk by 5%, giving the knob the ability to overclock the processor by 45% on the fly. Expansion slots include 2x PCI-E x16 (x16, NC or x8, x8), PCI-E x1, and 2x PCI. There are two SATA 6 Gb/s controllers for 4 internal ports, 4 SATA 3 Gb/s, dual gigabit Ethernet, 8-channel audio, and USB 3.0. The P67H2-M is the simplest of them all. The micro-ATX motherboard features PCI-E x16, 2x PCI-E x1, and PCI; 2x SATA 6 Gb/s, 3x SATA 3 Gb/s, 2x eSATA 3 Gb/s; 8-channel audio, dual Gigabit Ethernet, and USB 3.0. As with every other LGA-1155 motherboard, these can be expected only in 2011.